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Knautia 'Melton Pastels'

Knautia 'Melton Pastels' (Knautia)

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Oh good now I know what ours will look like, very pretty.

11 May, 2011


Great value plants, mine have seeded everywhere, mostly the red 'Macedonia' ones though!

12 May, 2011


Lulu I cannot see any of this shade at all ours all seem to be red?

16 May, 2011


i have th e wild field scabious, it is a fabulous doer too.

17 May, 2011


Dd - I put two plants in, and the other one is dark red like Knautia macedonica.

Sbg - I have several different 'native' plants in the garden - and why not? They're all good doers and look great. :-)

17 May, 2011


doesnt native sound much nice than wild flowers or heaven forbid 'weeds' [said in hushed tones]

hopefully going to get saponaria and alstros in the post this weekend :)

18 May, 2011


They self seed like crazy but all red! I am on watch for a plantling near my pastel plant and hope it's pale pink! Maybe they revert, like Foxglove?

18 May, 2011


Mine are taller than that, I think...sorry, Homebird! ;-/

18 May, 2011


We're all learning, all the time, Homebird. :-))

18 May, 2011


Found a pink one today, and it is over 2ft already.....

18 May, 2011


Do you grow K. macedonica, Dd?

20 May, 2011


Dd, I planted one a few years ago and it grew about 5'!! I had to move it! Some grow taller than others, or maybe just younger plants. I have about 20 in places I don't really want them!

21 May, 2011


I bought two, and stupidly planted them separately. They looked really daft, shooting up as they did, so I moved one and they look better next to each other. Three would have made a good clump - I normally plant in odd numbers...wish I had this time!

21 May, 2011


They will probably self seed next to each other, then you will have a huge clump!

21 May, 2011


Possibly, but my planting is always close - so they may not have room.

22 May, 2011


some I bought today - nice to see them how they'll look :))))

3 Feb, 2012


Good choice! :-)

3 Feb, 2012


indeed :)))))))))

3 Feb, 2012

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This photo is of "Knautia 'Melton Pastels'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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