Nandina Domestica
By Crissue

1 Jul, 2011
These are the tiny flowers of the (Heavenly Bamboo)
Heavenly bamboo is the Far East equivalent of holly: its red-berried branches are used for temple decorations and in many houses.
Heavenly it may be, but a bamboo it is not. Nandina's closest relation is the berberis, but it does have the slimmest of canes, a bit like a bamboo, and airy cut foliage. The canes are used for toothpicks, and I doubt any true bamboo is delicate enough for that.
But this barberry type is a year-round beauty: in spring, the new leaves emerge pinky-red; in summer, there are panicles of creamy-white flowers, followed by green berries. Its high point, however, when the leaves flush crimson and the berries turn sealing-wax red.
If you google this shrub, you will see lovely photographic images displaying its beauty.
Photo of Nandina on Page 4 of pics...
Comments on this photo
Hi Crissue, I have this plant in my garden , but mine is obviously in the wrong place as it looks no where near as good as yours. Whats your secret?
1 Jul, 2011
Crissue, it's gorgeous...I googled not only too look but to see where to purchase. Not hardy enough for my garden.... am gutted!!!!
1 Jul, 2011
I love these
1 Jul, 2011
A very lovely plant there Crissue - you are so lucky being able to grow it.
1 Jul, 2011
Many thanks everyone...I found this quite by you do. It was new to me...I can't really say whether it would have been happy in its original spot in the garden, as when we rearranged the Centre bed, this was one of the plants that was moved to the side of house border, it does benefit from some shade in the day..and it has done very well...This is the first complete season that I have had it...and the first time it has should be able to grow this in Surrey, no problems...its gone through our Winter, with snow and about growing it in a planter, and bringing it under shelter before the weather turns...I know you can experience some harsh weather in your neck of the woods...Hi Jennyh....nice to meet you, it's good to hear another GOYer has it, can you post a pic of it!!...what seems to be the problem...?...It's trial and error with planting, if mine are not doing well in one place, I move them...Hi Bernieh...nice to meet you..I have been wandering through your pics...
2 Jul, 2011
Lovely plant, not seen one before, really like it.
2 Jul, 2011
I am so pleased you put this picture on, I moved ours about a month ago it had suffered over the winter and it looked awful, it looks even worse now, not sure if I have killed it, I am going to get OH to dig it up and hospitalize it!! yours is a picture.
2 Jul, 2011
Mmm, not sure I could take the disappointment if I tried it and lost it. Done that too many times before!
3 Jul, 2011
Hi Olive, always nice to see you, so to speak...are you ok...
Sorry you had problems with yours DD...I will be extra vigilant with this one when the whether turns...fingers x'd yours survives...
Frybo :(
Hi you this could find a good spot in your
4 Jul, 2011
OH has repotted it and it is now in the hospital lol
6 Jul, 2011
Oh that's good, DD fingers x'd now...and a little talking to....TLC time.
7 Jul, 2011
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Ah, found your photo! They are just gorgeous!
1 Jul, 2011