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002 unknown name

002 unknown name

photo taken in Australia.

Comments on this photo


It looks exotic Karen, whats is it, Its gorgeous..

16 Jul, 2011


Good pic :o)

16 Jul, 2011


I need its name too!

16 Jul, 2011


Lovely: its a Ginger Lily by the looks of it: probobly a species or hybrid of Hedychium. I grow gingers lilies in the garden here in Hull. Some are suprisingly hardy.

18 Jul, 2011


Thanks Geraniumdad.

18 Jul, 2011


Now what made me think, as soon as I saw this, that it would be your "thing" Meanie lol!
There were certainly some stunning plants in Aus but I still prefer the more delicate woodland plants we get here. I think I must be one of those...zenophobics it? Whatever! I just think the grass is greener in the UK lol!
Great picture tho Karenjane.

23 Jul, 2011


Tet - a xenophobe is someone who fears (or hates) foreigners or strangers.......

The grass does tend to be greener here though - mostly because theirs is so parched! Great flowering plants though....

23 Jul, 2011


ah...well...better call me an islander then...dont hate foreigners..just love good ole Blighty!

24 Jul, 2011


For all the whining that we hear, it's a good place to live Tet!

24 Jul, 2011


Yup! Tear my roots up and I'd die!

24 Jul, 2011

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