By Yorkshire

18 Jul, 2011
Hey Stick, Sheila, Ressi, what do you think of this then, criticism welcome, always go back to the drawing board.
DON'T panick everyone, the 4 of us are just collecting recipes,
Comments on this photo
18 Jul, 2011
That's just brilliant . . . well done!! (mushroom omelette tonight - guess you don't need the recipe for that, lol).
Btw, what's the pud (or should I say dessert?!) :)
18 Jul, 2011
Looks very professional to me, and just ready to tuck into! Which is exactly what you want, well done you!
Only just wondered if we should have something on it that was grown in the garden??
18 Jul, 2011
leave it to me, see what I can come up with,
18 Jul, 2011
You're very good - artistic director!
18 Jul, 2011
why thank you Mam
18 Jul, 2011
great stuff, how fab. Just love a good recipe!! well done you peeps. x
18 Jul, 2011
Can you add some lulu - isn't it cheesy garlic bread you do?
18 Jul, 2011
could we have a recipes section? or an allied recipe site, as it's not really GoY? I get so frustrated trying to find, ordinary, simple recipes online - took me two days to find a recipe for clear mushroom soup that didn't include "cream"!
lol and then there's the conversion from US measurements! (no doubt they have the same prob with Imperial) - one reason I'm trying metric, at least that's the same the world over
18 Jul, 2011
We have talked about a separate site Franl, Ajay and Peter have plans for it but it will take a while.
18 Jul, 2011
lol Stickitofee, it's not like you don't all have your hands full enough at the moment! that didn't occur to me until it was too late to edit my post.
As my mum was wont to say - "What do you want, jam on it?!"
19 Jul, 2011
Our new GOYer Rusty a great cook too, I'm sure she'll contribute...I've got my Apple and Walnut cake, pics on my photos...and ther'es H home made bread...How do we find the Recipe page!!
Well done guys anyways.... :))
19 Jul, 2011
Ooh great, thanks crissue, apple and walnut cake sounds lovely. I'm off to find rusty trowel - good name!
19 Jul, 2011
She's a great gal...I've been corresponding with her, and talk on the phone for about a year now...She sent me a selection last Christmas of her 'Cookies'....yummy...all the way from the US....
The Apple and Walnut cake is quite versatile too, just in case there are nut allergy members/family etc...have you thought about a couple of Vegetarian Recipes, for the non meat eaters...
19 Jul, 2011
Maybe best if a vegetarian contributes those altho I do have some.
I can't find rusty trowel.
19 Jul, 2011
Yes, I would love to contribute. My garlic, coriander and chillie bread and I have a yummy chicken dish, although I am moving away from eating meat myself. I mainly eat salad and pulses at the moment!
What a great idea! x
19 Jul, 2011
Will it be called GrowsonYou LoL!! as in gettin' fat ter!!
19 Jul, 2011
Fab lulu - to all the suggestions! Very clever title!
19 Jul, 2011
Will get onto some foodie ideas.
19 Jul, 2011
I've got her in my favs, but i've looked for her too, and can't find her, she's been a member a couple of days now...Sticki... how was she that mentioned the she must have seen something...
19 Jul, 2011
We did have a blog about it a while ago but it was months ago.
19 Jul, 2011
you back then, just sent you a PM lady, and it was not recipes we enquired about I thought it was a crafts page for the winter, ??????????
19 Jul, 2011
Sticki ...Rusty has posted on my Basket pics, so you can find her that way...
19 Jul, 2011
Aha so it was but it did include the craft of cooking!! I replied to the pm.
Thanks crissue
19 Jul, 2011
:))) you're welcome...
19 Jul, 2011
Sorry, couldn't find that either - can you post the link to it please?
19 Jul, 2011
by the way, the photos on here, on our book was OH dinner served to him when we were in Germany.
19 Jul, 2011
Her comment is on Page 1 of my pics...just click on my name...and photos...
Nice meal that looks... good presentation, did he enjoy it...
19 Jul, 2011
he did Crissue, there were 5 different types of meat, all three plates were his, you should have seen his face when they brought it,
19 Jul, 2011
It ought to be Yorkshire pudding - as in Yorkshire and sticky toffee Pudding??
19 Jul, 2011
19 Jul, 2011
It's rusty shovel - not trowel!!! But I found her thanks!! Mde me smile and she has a great photo on - have a look!
19 Jul, 2011
yorkshire and stickitoffee pudding, hey that sounds a good idea for another recipe,
19 Jul, 2011
Well it would be a challenge - shall think about that one!
And what's for tea tonight?
Pudding is going to be raspberry and blackcurrant mousse (which I didn't make), plum coulis and shortbread biscuits.
19 Jul, 2011
oh dear lol...another Senior moment....sooorrry... :((((
19 Jul, 2011
being as I have been so busy today its going to have to be a salad, sorry, pudding will be Ice Cream a friend bought down for OH birthday, I will try and do better tomorrow, Saturday, sirlion steaks for 4 with a mushroom white wine and cream sauce, with all the timmings
19 Jul, 2011
I think I have been rather occupied today too!! Too cold for salad here, I'm having a chicken curry, it's in a pack so you just have to fry and stir but it's sooooo delicious.
Don't worry crissue - glad I'm not the only one who does that.
19 Jul, 2011
I never thought, OH got two jars of Vindalloo curry sauce yesterday, quite nice here, might even be able to take a glass of wine in the garden tonight, got a recipe for Yorkshire stickitoffee pudding but will have to make some alterations to it,
19 Jul, 2011
You never have!
Wish you could out smells and tastes on here.
19 Jul, 2011
But Yorks, it's not OH's birthday till thurs! You will have to go buy him more icecream!!!
19 Jul, 2011
19 Jul, 2011
be nice if we could smell these different foods on here Stick, how is your curry going down, Lou, whats his is mine, Lol
19 Jul, 2011
It was excellent and so was the pud even tho I say so myself!
19 Jul, 2011
just getting ours ready now, glad you enjoyed it,
19 Jul, 2011
We had home made chippies!!! (with Helmans!)
19 Jul, 2011
Ooooh that sounds very more-ish to me!
19 Jul, 2011
They were exceedlingly good!!
20 Jul, 2011
going to ask my daughter for her curry recipe, made from scrach and it was delicious, will put it on over the weekend,
20 Jul, 2011
Ooooh yes please.
I'm doing baked potatoes with a goats cheese and leek tart, think I will put it with courgette and fennel ? Haven't decided on pudding yet but it might be puree of mangoes mixed with Greek yoghurt and topped with pecan nuts! On the other hand I couldn't resist one of the new ice creams made by one of the top English chefs - it has salted caramel popcorn in - it is de-lic-ious!!
20 Jul, 2011
these meals you are having are so " POSH sticki, this sounds lovely, other half doing a bacon joint in the slow cooker, runner beans from the garden and Yorkshire new potatoes, no pudding, sustitute it with wine, on Friday he is making Italian, Gratzellas chicken cooked in a btle of wine with fresh rosemary,
20 Jul, 2011
And you call my food posh??!! I wish I was coming to your house for tea! Bacon joint slow cooked is just fabulous, we had it at Christmas, sooooo good with turkey and makes several other meals too! My boys favourite!
And then chicken in wine - yummy!
Goats cheese tart from Delia.
20 Jul, 2011
think I will look in my Delia book for your tart, on Saturday I am doing a display of Proscuitto, tomatoes, moltzarlea cheese and fresh basil leafs, trouble id with a bacon joint it tends to go on for a long time, the chicken recipe is fab Sticki,
20 Jul, 2011
Can I have the chicken recipe please!
The Delia recipe is in the first of the big white how to cook books that she did, I havent tried it before.
I have so many recipe books, I find them irresistible - I'm trying to make myself work through them!!
20 Jul, 2011
Graziella's Chicken
4lb chicken
2 Tablespoons Chopped fresh Parsley
Bay leafs
2 sprigs Rosemary
3 glasses white wine
2 tablespoons Olive oil
1 KG potatoes, peeled and quartered
freshly grated Parmesan or Pecorino cheese
and black pepper.
The Method is simple,
Mix all the ingredients together in a lge pot, cover with a lid and leave to Marinate for an hour, place in the oven and cook for one and half hours,
My Delia book is 1978 this is not a delia recipe by the way,
Stick, Ralph uses chicken breasts, he uses the recipe though as it is, he said cook it on 180 degrees.
20 Jul, 2011
Thanks Yorks - I'm a simple soul and love simple recipes - that sounds great, I think I can manage that one. Had bacon and egg tonight as I've now got a croquet game!
20 Jul, 2011
your welcome Sheila, this is easy and tastes great, nothing wrong with egg and bacon, enjoy your croquet,
20 Jul, 2011
looks great yorkshire :o)
20 Jul, 2011
I love egg and bacon...full English...delish....
Graziella's Chicken- sounds good...will give it a try...
Tonight I made Spicey Chipolata sausage Toad, with Garlic, Black pepper, Origano, and Oinon ... New Pots & Garden Peas and homemade gravy....took a pic, will post it on my page tomorrow...It was yummy...
20 Jul, 2011
well done Crissue, please post the picture, sounds great, Recipe please,
Thanks San.
20 Jul, 2011
Bacon and egg, wonderful chicken, spicy Sausage with onion and gravy - it doesn't get much better than that!
The goats cheese tart was good, I shall make it again, it might be on Delia online?
Your chicken sounds great for entertaining.
20 Jul, 2011
Do you mix the cheese in with the marinade as well,Yorkshire,and serve it with vegetables or salad? It sounds very nice..
20 Jul, 2011
yes Bloomer, all mixed in together, not sure about salad as
cheers Sticki, talk to you tomorrow, there is quite a bit of liquid in it, best with some veg.
20 Jul, 2011
something just occurred to me - would the "goy" in the title tend to deter people of the Jewish faith? *s*
20 Jul, 2011
Sorry fran I dont understand.
It ought to say GoY cos it comes from this site.
20 Jul, 2011
thanks Val,your answer took a bit of head scratching at first..till I realised what you had done..Lol...haha two comments in one !
20 Jul, 2011
I know where it comes from, but the "O" in the picture is the same size as the "G" and "Y" - didn't notice for a while, then suddenly did - the title on the book is all in caps, so "GOY".
ps: I read years ago that "goy" is a Jewish term for a non-Jewish person. I got used to GoY, but seeing GOY reminded me of it. It wasn't a very good joke, sigh. If we had "delete post" option I'd use it.
Think I should increase my medication ...
20 Jul, 2011
21 Jul, 2011
That's true Franl155, I got used to being called a Goy in Israel! Funnily enough, because we or I put it at GoY, I never thought about it!
21 Jul, 2011
well I.m not getting involved in this GOY thingy, sorry ladies, Bloomer so sorry about the mix up, everything is mixed together and the chicken marinated in it,salad would not be much good as there is quite a lot of liquid left in, hope tha makes better sense
21 Jul, 2011
So what's for tea tonight?
Heston bluementhal (chef) has come up with a lovely idea - sandwich some ice cream in between two biscuits and dip it into raspberry sauce! He has made the ice cream and the biscuits but I should think you could do your own?
21 Jul, 2011
you'll need a laboratry to make that Stick, we are going to an Italian Restraunt for Ralph's birthday, and I'm paying, which is a first,
21 Jul, 2011
You will need to photograph the menu and put it on here for us!
Biscuit dough was ready cut out and frozen, only had to cook them. Ice cream is ready in it's tub - lovely!
Hope you have a lovely time!
21 Jul, 2011
Oh you can look at the menu on google, just type in Bellinis Italian Restraunt Brighouse, not only have I said I will pay the bill including the wine, I have even offered to pay for a btle of champagne, do you think I am sickly or something,
21 Jul, 2011
Ooooh! That means you know how to celebrate!! Just after youngest son got engaged they went out of a meal, oldest son phoned the restaurant and got them a bottle of champagne. They were so surprised, I thought it was lovely.
Are you going to drink the whole bottle?
21 Jul, 2011
I have heard it is nice there,Yorkshire..but not been yet..I will google it too.Have you been to Grappolo's at Lockwood..? that is very nice..I'm sure you don't mind paying at all Val,..when you get that bottle of Champagne cracked open,you will feel on top of the world ! Lol.
21 Jul, 2011
We went to the Italian last night and it was Fabulous, such lovely people and they prices were quite unbelievable. we started off with two Peroni beers, £2.80 each, very good, then for our starter we had Seafood Salad with vinegraite/lemon dressing, that would have done for our dinner it was so big, but Oh girls it was to die for, Ralph had seafood Rissoto and I had King Prawns in a lobster, with a salad, a btle of Pinot Grigio wine, freshly baked bread rolls, no room for a pudding, we had complimentary Limoncello and I decided to have another glass of wine, they asked would I like small or lge, Lge of course, just £4, the local pub charges £6, we had a taxi which took us the eight miles and charged just £14 return journey, we had a great eveing, today I am baking a victoria sponge with double cream, Raspberry jam and fresh Rasberries, Catch you all later,
22 Jul, 2011
Bloomer, we highly reccomend you and Russel try Bellinis in Brighouse, its right opposite sainsburys, believe me you would not be dissapointed, we are definately going back,
22 Jul, 2011
If any of you ladies need an unrelated male GoYer to taste your efforts I will happily supply my address (come on, you can't blame a bloke for trying can you?) . . . lol!
22 Jul, 2011
Naughty Walter....ooh that rhymes...well I never...:))))
22 Jul, 2011
Sounds lovely,Yorkshire..yes,I have seen it,as we go to Brighouse often..might give it a try for a special glad you and Ralph had a lovely birthday celebration..:o)
22 Jul, 2011
Nice try muddy!
I see you are remaining true to form - cheeky cockney!!?
We could have a trading station? I make a cake and swap it for - a day of sunshine? Can you fix that?
Or I might settle for small plant?
Not quite sure how you send tastings by post tho?
If I put a photo on you could have a virtual taste??
Yorkshire - what a fabulous evening, I'm so pleased for you!
22 Jul, 2011
What a fantastic night out, Val - a treat! LOVE going to Italian restaurants . . . the waiters are so friendly, lol! Still, enjoyed my scallops/bacon/mushroom stir-fry while OH has an evening out . . .
22 Jul, 2011
oooh that sounds delicious sheila.
22 Jul, 2011
You got me Sticki - guilty as charged . . . lol. If only I COULD arrange some sunshine . . . and rain every other night. ;-))
22 Jul, 2011
yes that would be fine! if you can arrange that i will send you a cake ~ in fact the whole country will probably send you a cake if you can sort that out!
22 Jul, 2011
Lol Sticki...if I could have swapped some Sun for some rain over the last couple of months, we all would have been very happy chaps and chapesses
23 Jul, 2011
no sun here today ~ i wont have to make muddy a cake now!
23 Jul, 2011
Torrential rain here in the night . . . sunshine today . . . result!! Muddy must have got something right, lol.
23 Jul, 2011
still no sun here, but my mum says its really warm in devon!
23 Jul, 2011
Oh good . . . will be there in a few days time. :)
23 Jul, 2011
hi val very well done it looks great :)))))
24 Jul, 2011
have you got a recipe mark?
24 Jul, 2011
Recipe? Me?? . . . lol! I only eat cakes - not very good at making them!
Confession time. I cannot pass a bakers without going in!!! ;-))
24 Jul, 2011
now thats something i can do ~ coffee shop with good cakes in is more difficult tho!!
24 Jul, 2011
mmmmm stickitoffee the only recipe i have got is for lots of beers and a good bbq lol.:))))
24 Jul, 2011
sorry I have been missing all your chit chat, been really busy since friday so I will catch up with you this week, hope you are all fine,
24 Jul, 2011
i thought you were busy being sent to the naughty step! see you soon!
mark, that sounds a good recipe ~ if you drink enough beer you wont care how everything was all cooked anyway!!
good barbecue is very hard to beat.
i have eaten a lavender cream tea today!!
24 Jul, 2011
I seem to spend all my time on the naughty step Sticki, we had a barbie last night, very nice indeed,
25 Jul, 2011
i bet it was! we ate out in the garden ~ moroccan style, chicken with apricots. then raspberries on lavender shortbread.
25 Jul, 2011
I can vouch for Sticki's home-made shortbread . . . mmm, tasty!
25 Jul, 2011
im trying out different recipes sheila so i can get it right for sons goodie bag for the wedding ~ have to do 100 goodie bags!! they want flapjack and shortbread in them.
25 Jul, 2011
Hi Sticki-- found you, knew who'd be here when I saw 101 comments.....
shortbread is so variable some recipes use icing sugar or caster, others use rice flour or semolina, are you having a tasting session Sticki.....
27 Jul, 2011
hi pam, nice of you to join us, you know I don't think I have ever made shortbread, just made an orchard cake, well so sticki tells me, Lol
27 Jul, 2011
hi pam, now what can you mean you knew i would be here with 101 comments???
tasting session sounds excellent.
i am experimenting, i need to get the perfect recipe ~ i need a shortbread recipe that doesnt fail but it needs to be one that you can roll out and cut out the shapes. the flapjack needs to be scrummy but not too chewy??? anyone fancy helping???
27 Jul, 2011
me please,
27 Jul, 2011
how do we do this over the internet yorkshire?? have you got a good recipe that definitely works?
27 Jul, 2011
"Rich Shortbread".
8oz Butter
4oz Castor Sugar
10oz Plain Flour
2oz Fine Semolina, extra castor sugar for dusting,
27 Jul, 2011
we are two geniouses, however you spell that, could do with a spell check on here, just took that recipe out of my old book,
27 Jul, 2011
ok will try that out ~ thank you genius!!!
27 Jul, 2011
from scottish recipe book
14oz plain flour
2oz rice flour
8oz butter
4oz caster sugar
place butter & sugar on a board and knead until thoroughly blended
sift flours over the board and gradually work into the butter mixture ( ideally on a marble slab)
when all incorporated shape the dough into 1/2 " thick 8" rounds, place on greases baking trays and pinch dough around the edges and prick with a fork
or shape into fingers if preferred
cook to light golden
Sounds a bit messy but maybe authentic
28 Jul, 2011
i think it sounds really nice ~ thank you! wish i had a scottish accent ~ i love it! yorkshire accent is fascinating too but i cant understand all of it!!!
28 Jul, 2011
Wondered where you lot had got to..had to be a foodfest didnt it??? We had guests yesterday, great longtime friends actually, and I cooked the best Chick & Mush risotto I have EVER made and tasted! Told Sticki and she suggested I find this blog, tho how I missed it I will never know..Yorkie, you hide from me ..I is very, sob, very, sob, upset! So here it is for your re-sip-y book.
two med onions chopped fine
8oz mushrooms sliced fine
fry in butter in a big wok or frypan til soft.
Add chicken pieces and stir and turn for 5+ mins
Put to one side.
three large chicken breasts, sliced or diced
500g risotto rice
home made chicken stock (I used two 500g butter cartons of it)
1/3 bottle Pinot Grigio
LOTS of coarse ground pepper (I shook the large tub and a load fell out lol!)
large pinch Malden salt
Put rice into wok with a large nub of butter (light or clover) and stir until rice coated. Add chicken stock and keep stirring, add wine, stir, add stock, stir until all liquid absorbed. Add other ingredients and keep them on the move until rice is done (risotto rice should have just a little bite, not too soft). Add cooked fresh or frozen peas for colour..and happy noshing!
28 Jul, 2011
re-sip-y book is good ~ especially the sipping!!
glad you made it tet!
28 Jul, 2011
thanks for that Tet, will try this one, I make Rissoto quite often, and may I say, WELCOME ABOARD we missed you, xx
28 Jul, 2011
Thanks both. Traumatic time at present. Lost several people over last few weeks. Friend/neighbour/rellie. Sad time. This means I have been using the wine glasses more often than usual!
Great "almost a blog" Yorkie..only you can achieve such a marvel lol!
28 Jul, 2011
Thanks Tetra - I've been watching this 'almost a blog' from the sidelines and I really like the sound of your Chicken and Mushroom Risotto. (Sorry to hear you've had such a sad time).
28 Jul, 2011
Hi Tet---I've just arrived too and very sorry about your losses it must be a difficult time for you x
29 Jul, 2011
Thanks both, but it was really time for two, being 98 and 92, the friend was a knock tho..only 65, but having suffered from Hodgkinsons and orbital illnesses I guess things couldnt go on. Its those left behind that always need you most. I was sad for them. Im a bit of a fatalist over most of the human race, but must admit cry buckets over animals, even other peoples!
People on here are so warm and caring, you are a great bunch...
29 Jul, 2011
sorry to hera your news Tet, keep your chin up, we are going outside today with some neibours to show our respect as the coffin passes, a lady/friend up the road, she died of Alzehiemas just 64 years old, just heard the helicopter flying people in, I also notice on here that "MUDDY "is keeping an eye on us from the sidelines, watch this space mate for some recipes coming up soon, you should try the risotto MUDDY its lovely.Oh by the way Tet we know we are a great bunch you don't have to tell us, Lol we all laugh together, laugh at each other and sometimes cry a little at sad times, that's what friends are for, xx
29 Jul, 2011
I just might oput a plum cake recipe on later,
29 Jul, 2011
do you remember Sheila tulips from last year-- and I dont even like plums!!!
29 Jul, 2011
I just nominated this page for Goypedia-- under the heading 'recipes from the garden' --
29 Jul, 2011
I'm going to cook that Chicken and Mushroom Risotto next week when my daughters are back from their holiday. I think it's probably too much for one and I'm guessing you can't freeze it (which is what I do with half of everything that I cook for myself!).
My mouth is watering just thinking about it! :-))
29 Jul, 2011
Oh yer, might look that one up this afternoon, thanks Pam, also thank you for nominating this page, its very good of you, Sticki and I are coming up with some ideas for recipes.
29 Jul, 2011
PS. I bet my youngest picks out all the mushrooms and puts them on my plate . . lol! ;-))
29 Jul, 2011
Ooh sorry Yorkshire - I sandwiched you there! :-)
29 Jul, 2011
mUDDY, DON'T WORRY ABOUT SANDWICHING ME, that's o.k. I do the risotto with sea food in it also, one of my husbands favs, don't freeze any left overs, rice is dangerous when re heated,
29 Jul, 2011
pleasure Yorks-- easy way to find the recipes!!
29 Jul, 2011
I can't find Shirley tulips plum cake recipe and my husband has come home with a bag of plums for me to make the cake, would you have it Pam,
29 Jul, 2011
hope you are ok tet, its not good when you are feeling sad and missing people.
well done muddy ~ im impressed you are going to have a go ~ and if you make any good additions ~ let us know!
are you doing sandwiches on here now yorkshire and muddy? cos if so mine is turkey and cranberry or maybe a blt!!??
havent decided whats for tea yet ~ anyone got any inspiring ideas?
last night i went to a farm, they had an empty barn so they cleaned it all out and put on a film weekend ~ there was a barbecue, a bar, live folk music and i chose billy elliot ~ absolutely great!! [steak was fantastic ~ home grown ~ as was the rose wine!!!
29 Jul, 2011
we are having Pasta with a cheese sauce, three cheeses, thats a good idea Stcki, we could have a sandwich recipe also, Lol glad you enjoyed last night, sounds great, rissoto, add prawns squid, mussels etc, its very nice,
PAM, I just found the recipe for the plum cake,
29 Jul, 2011
great! just in time for plums!
they grow lots near here ~ vale of evesham
29 Jul, 2011
plum cake now in the oven,
29 Jul, 2011
oooh lovely and camera at the ready?
maybe with a slice or two already eaten??
29 Jul, 2011
can't eat it until its cooked you silly girl,
29 Jul, 2011
what we doing about our recipe blog,
29 Jul, 2011
i was just anticipating!!
i dont know! just done my 3 mornings work now have 4 days when i dont go to work ~ but seem to be busy here instead! so now i will have more time to think?? have to do thinking this week cos next week will be fetching my mum! she will stay for a few days before we go to the wedding.
29 Jul, 2011
oh yer the wedding, what date is it again, don't worry about the recipe blog until after the wedding,
29 Jul, 2011
13th august
it will give me something to think about!!!
29 Jul, 2011
my clive's birthday, I will remember that,
29 Jul, 2011
also my mums wedding anniversary and my nephews!!!
29 Jul, 2011
hey we have a lot in common here, sent you PM
29 Jul, 2011
i found it and answered it! thanks
29 Jul, 2011
sent you two more
29 Jul, 2011
i sent one back!!
29 Jul, 2011
Ummm, dont know whether it could interest anyone, but my bro is a journalist who has had some books in print and after chatting with him, we could...depending on how many members we have...have a recipe and gardening anecdote book not to great a cost..again depending on how many of us chipped in..took pictures (not the likes of me but the more knowledgeable camera folks on here), include pics of noshable garden stuff...funny comments, could offer it for sale around friends and family for Chrissy pressies, or here on the site..if anyone fancies it, it could be quite an achievement. Also once costs are recovered (hopefully), the rest could go to charity..but we would be looking at say 250 members at £20 each (if we provided pictures), or 200 at £25 each..
Just a thought...and BA could always rope in Alan T of course lol!
29 Jul, 2011
wow tet thats fantastic ~ as Ba would say ~ you are so good at that sort of thing!!
29 Jul, 2011
blimey and me and Sticki thought we were clever starting our recipe blog, we are going to have to have a serious talk about this, brill idea,sticki and me thought about trying to print booklets and selling them for a charity, I am all for this, over and out TET
29 Jul, 2011
over to you tet!!!
29 Jul, 2011
nows the time to pickle a glut ( or cheap) cucumbers, I did put the recipe on last year
2 large cues sliced and put in bowl of salted iced water for 3 hours, then rinsed well
then bring to the boil a cup of gran sugar & a cup of white vinager, I add dill & mustard seed but add your favorite spices,
when back to boiling and cues are softer pour into sterelizes jars and when cool & dated keep in 'fridge,
you can add peppers & onion with the cue if mixed pickles wanted
leave for at least a month before eating , we're still eating last years
great with cheese or ham or as dill pickle on BBQ burgers...
30 Jul, 2011
Hey Pam this sounds good, I have cucumbers in the greenhouse, thanks,
30 Jul, 2011
i like pickle!
stickitoffee pickle ~ that sounds good doesnt it!!
30 Jul, 2011
Start creating then!!
30 Jul, 2011
no cucumbers!!
no sticky toffees!
have to look round to see what else i have.
31 Jul, 2011
Try leeks Sticki...BA has a few (in her head of course..)
31 Jul, 2011
try the local market Sticki ( or even farm shops) should be cheap at the moment although a couple of cues isnt very expensive.
as to a cookbook, Ive just been up to Galloway and bought a local cookbook whose recipes are by local folk and printed locally for £4.99 a copy, its quite professional with nice drawings but no pics and is for charity
5 Aug, 2011
oh wow ~ some traditional scottish recipes pam?
i fancy the idea of making it for charity?
5 Aug, 2011
£4.99 is a great price, that sounds a good idea,
5 Aug, 2011
nice recipes too-- i'm growing butternut squash for the first time and theres a recipe for soup, its one of my favorite veg at the moment but i'm not really sure when its ready to eat!!
5 Aug, 2011
i make butternut squash and stilton pie ~ goes well, ought to go well in soup too but i usually roast the squash before adding it.
5 Aug, 2011
uhhhh listen to you two, butternut squash, stilton pie, soup. pair of posh B-----s
5 Aug, 2011
why is that posh? its nice anyway!
5 Aug, 2011
You stick up for yourself Sticki - she's only jealous 'cos you're such an adventurous cook. :)) I'm just in awe of the things you can make!
5 Aug, 2011
you havent tasted them all sheila! but thanks anyway!
yorkshire ~ dont forget i work in a supermarket ~ im surrounded by food!!!
5 Aug, 2011
this is nothing to do with food but have a look at it ~ its sooooo beautiful:
they have their own web site too.
5 Aug, 2011
Hey sheila, bet Sticki is buying all ready prepared meals, whacking them in the microwave and reading the contents off the pkt, then telling us what she has cooked, Lol
5 Aug, 2011
Grill on my oven has broken and i have to wait until wednesday to get it fixed, so have to make all meals on the hob, stopped me from making another plum cake,
5 Aug, 2011
how did you guess???
5 Aug, 2011
I.m not as daft as you think Ole gal,xx
5 Aug, 2011
never entered my head!!
5 Aug, 2011
Oh yes it did,
5 Aug, 2011
how can i convince you?
5 Aug, 2011
One should never go in for lost causes Sticki lol!
5 Aug, 2011
cheeky Tetra,
6 Aug, 2011
tetra is cheeky but then so is yorkshire!!
6 Aug, 2011
Oh no, where have you popped up from,
6 Aug, 2011
was hiding behind a cloud but the sun has come out now!
6 Aug, 2011
been awful here all morning, rain stopped now, wedding next week, are you excited
6 Aug, 2011
no. im making hundreds of shortbread biscuits!
6 Aug, 2011
I wondered where you had gone to, hows it going, do you have any help there.
6 Aug, 2011
have to start on 100 pieces of flapjack after that, i have 100 bottles of water in the garage!!
6 Aug, 2011
Oh my goodness, how on earth are you going to hand it all out, will the biscuits keep fresh until next saturday, who is making all the bags up, how I wish I lived closer to you,
6 Aug, 2011
hopefully i will have put everything in the bags and they will be on a table at the back of the church at the end of the service.
i have made shortbread which keeps ~ i tried that out and it definitely keeps ~ i only hope i dont drop the boxes that i put them in! i cant make them all again!! they are all shaped like musical notes.
i am making all the bags up although i may get mum to do some while she is here ~ maybe??
thanks for the thought tho!!
6 Aug, 2011
No good me offering Sticki, Im like a bull in a china shop..I would knock everything flying!
Love the idea of musical notes, "sounds" wonderful..hope you have taken some pictures.
Dont work too hard m'dear...cant have mother of the groom looking hot, bothered and careworn!!
6 Aug, 2011
mother of groom will look worn out with bags under her eyes cos she has to sleep in same room as snoring OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 Aug, 2011
earplugs Sticki...... NOW.........xxxx
7 Aug, 2011
have to do something!!!
7 Aug, 2011
earplugs as Pam says, or a pillow over snoring face, Lol
7 Aug, 2011
I would opt for second! If he is a heavy sleeper do get some of those plasters that go on the nose..supposed to can stick one on at the crescendo...
8 Aug, 2011
Tet, take a look at on the web site, its to make a book, looks very simple and let me know what you think please,xx
8 Aug, 2011
Hey Yorkie that looks really good! Im busy packing at the mo..going off to Oxford for couple/three days, so will have a better look when I come back, okay?
Mmm wonder if Flori knows about this site.
We must find some (or make some up) recipe poems to add to the recipes and some pictures of edible flowers, veggies, medicinal flowers, I will ponder and we can exchange ideas...ooh, that lovely picture of Sticki's meadow of flowers...and her coffee cake!
8 Aug, 2011
have a good time in Oxford, Sticki is going to be busy this week also, my Jo said we could put flowers in the book with the name of the recipe in it, that would look nice,apparently I think we can add flowers to it, I will experiment whilst you are away,you will have to let Flori know about Lulu,com don't think I have her in my favs, xx
8 Aug, 2011
I have been to the wild flower field and to a walled garden near bridgewater - will do a blog when I can. Just popped into say hello.
8 Aug, 2011
Hi Sticki good wishes for a lovely wedding weekend xxx
9 Aug, 2011
thanks pam
9 Aug, 2011
Hope all going well and that you are not too frazzled already!
Be fierce and make sure you have time out for you to relax...dont let them catch a sniff of you during that time!!
12 Aug, 2011
Not much chance unfortunately Tet! Could you just pop over - the best man's trousers need turning up - and I know you and Ba are good at that sort of thing.
Best man must be about 6'6" so I don't know how they managed to send some that are too long!!
13 Aug, 2011
Oh heck..get some of that stuff that you iron on for hems, works a treat.
13 Aug, 2011
Oh dear how can his trousers be to long, I do hope they have a wonderful day and weather Tet for the wedding, can't wait to hear all about it,
13 Aug, 2011
Thanks Yorkshire and Tet, by the looks of the hem line he just turned them over - quite a character!
14 Aug, 2011
can't wait to hear all Sticki, did you see my house, would like to know what it looks like now, !!!!!!
14 Aug, 2011
Hi Yorks & Sticki-- wonderful harvest this year i'm just freezing 2 huge bowls of toms to add to the plums & pears already in there and I've pears needing using asap so how about 'bettys pear & lemon Jam'
1kilo chopped pears ( mine are 'williams and very sweet harder ones may be better)
1/2 kilo sugar
1 + 1/2 lemons--- pare the zest carefully and slice finely
sieve the lemon juice into a large saucepan and add the chopped pears, cook gently until pears are soft, only add water if nessesary
add the sugar and stir gently until dissolved
bring to a rolling boil
put a saucer in frige/freezer for the setting test
not a lot of pectin so keep going to the 'wrinkle'
pour into prepared jars and store in a very cool place
mines quite sweet-- but so are the pears!!
11 Sep, 2011
Sounds delicious, thanks pam!
Pear and lemon jam tarts would be lovely I think, or on scones.
11 Sep, 2011
I was thinking as well of a layer on the pastry topped with frangipane & poached pears-- then baked!!
11 Sep, 2011
Ooooooh lovely!
11 Sep, 2011
must try this one, sounds great, oh by the way, I'm back,
11 Sep, 2011
where've you been...I've spent most of my time recently trying to preserve everything, one use for the plums was plum gin ( and a cousins making plum wine.. we're not really alcoholics..hic') and another of course Shirleys lovely plum cake xxx
11 Sep, 2011
Plum gin, what you getting like, I go away for a week and you hit the bottle, goodness knows what you would get up to if I went away for a month,
11 Sep, 2011
so glad you are back ~ hope you had a good time ~ loved your blog ~ fabulous photos.
11 Sep, 2011
thank you my dear, will talk to you tomorrow,
11 Sep, 2011
have a nice evening! hope its not too windy up there.
11 Sep, 2011
no wind yet
11 Sep, 2011
Hope you enjoyed your holiday,Yorkshire,and it's been ok today hasn't it? just a bit breezy but nice...The calm before the storm,I think ..doesn't sound good..
11 Sep, 2011
very windy today Bloomer, garden looks like a bomb has dropped on it,
12 Sep, 2011
It is,Yorkshire..but not as bad as was forecast,thank goodness..hope it doesn't get worse though..Mine not doing badly,as we are much lower down than you..but I moved my pots by the wall,as a precaution..and quite a few stakes in things..
12 Sep, 2011
smashed my begonias to bits,going to take us hours to get cleaned up here,
12 Sep, 2011
Oh that's a shame Yorkshire..I am so sorry..
12 Sep, 2011
Oh no! So sorry to hear that Yorkshire, I would come to help if I was nearer.
12 Sep, 2011
Thats a real shame Yorkie, all your lovely begonias...still glad to be back and glad you are back safe and sound. Off now to look at your blog and to write a few of my own lol!
12 Sep, 2011
do you know yorkshire there are over 200 comments on here??
12 Sep, 2011
Oh no! here we go again!
12 Sep, 2011
Lol Tet,/ Sticki, only 200, need about another 900 to beat my last one, you remember the moon one, hey Stick over 200 but how many are recipes, just made Shirleys plum cake again, had a bowl of ice cream with it, lamb chops tonight with OH cabbage, scotsgran sent me a banana and Walnut recipe and she said she will dsend a muffin one also, must try them out next,
13 Sep, 2011
Happy days Moonies....:o))
13 Sep, 2011
Hi everyone...wot a pain, my page was spinning backwards, out of control
Butternut Squash...The trick is to tap it...if it sounds hollow it's ready...:))) makes a fantastic soup...
The idea of the book is a real good one...keep us posted...
13 Sep, 2011
very funny Pam, thanks Crissue, hope you have stopped spinning, could do with the recipes Scotsgran has sent me via PM'S on this page,
13 Sep, 2011
I'm sure Rusty Bucket would contribute too she uses all her produce from the garden in her cooking...
13 Sep, 2011
I've managed to grow 2 butternut squashes from 3 plants...... not a good record!, the firsr looked ripe but tasted bland, the other one is still in the GH and the plants don't look very well.. heigh ho !
13 Sep, 2011
I grew baby cucumbers, they were far to bitter to eat, threw them and the plant away
13 Sep, 2011
oh what a shame Yorkie mine have been fine-- were they all female, if you get male flowers and they pollinate then the fruit does go bitter
13 Sep, 2011
Sounds like a few celebrity marriages I read about!
13 Sep, 2011
Lol Tet
14 Sep, 2011
True Tet!!
BTW did you know its our Flori's Big birthday today....
BIG 50 Flori \0/\0/\0/ xxx
14 Sep, 2011
NOOO! Really? must do a blog!!
14 Sep, 2011
That whippersnapper is 50? Getaway!!! ;-))
14 Sep, 2011
thanks for letting me know pam
14 Sep, 2011
she's just a 'spring chicken'mines the bigger 60 next year but as I've been telling everyone 'i'm not old as the government don't think so'-- for another 2 years at least!!
14 Sep, 2011
she's just a 'spring chicken'mines the bigger 60 next year but as I've been telling everyone 'i'm not old as the government don't think so'-- for another 2 years at least!!
14 Sep, 2011
I was going to say, Excuse me this is a recipe page, but thought otherwise when I saw spring chicken mentioned, is that the same as spring lamb
15 Sep, 2011
Gawd, you and food Yorkie, what yer'll be extolling on spring onions next!
15 Sep, 2011
spring onions aye, thats a good one, Oye, I made a cornbeef hash last night, tonight we have M&S 4 for a tenner,
15 Sep, 2011
Hey, you have a Morrisons there, until Sunday they are doing boned pork shoulder, £2 per Kilo. bought two for us, 2 for neighbour across the road, and 2 for a friend, it looks superb, that makes it £1 per pound, what can you buy for a pound
15 Sep, 2011
Since when does a scullery maid earn enough to shop at M&S!!
15 Sep, 2011
Oh Oh mmmm, tips that I get, I save them up for a year and then go to M&S
15 Sep, 2011
Hang on a minute, since when was I made your scullery maid,
15 Sep, 2011
If you've been getting tips, you arent MY scullery grandma was a yorkshire girl and my father a scot!
15 Sep, 2011
HaHa, Lol, that says it all
15 Sep, 2011
Did I tell you I was haunted recently...I had a spending spree!
15 Sep, 2011
tell me more, or am I missing something here,
15 Sep, 2011
Just that dad and grandma came to lecture me in the dark hours!!
Actually we bought some Hartmann garden furniture..the Verona, six chairs and a bistro table, all with 25% off and a further 20%, free delivery. Been wanting it these last 2 years, so spent the emergency money!
15 Sep, 2011
well if your dad and grandma came to lecture you in the dark then you must have been very naughty, or on the other hand they could have been saying, get it spent, so what does this new furniture look like, have you put it away for the winter
15 Sep, 2011
Nope, they recommend (just what I like!) that you leave it out UNCOVERED all winter. If you cover it, its sweats and goes mouldy (mmmm..I will restrain myself lol) and the price also included a large tilting parasol, base and 6 posh cushions!
15 Sep, 2011
seems to me you dropped on a great bargain there. well done, a parasol and 6 cushions, sounds really great
15 Sep, 2011
The wire snapped on our lovely cream parasol, and Im hoping Bampy will be back soon so I can pick his brains on how to repair it! With two parasols up, it will start looking like "Ye Olde Tea Shoppe"!!
15 Sep, 2011
Would love an M&S Dinner for 2/4 depending how big the portions are...see them advertised on TV all the time, and they look delic...
Nice buy Tetra...:)))
15 Sep, 2011
Im happy with it looks so elegant. Now I can lord it over Yorkie..she only has two chairs with hers lol!
15 Sep, 2011
lol - :)))))
16 Sep, 2011
lol - :)))))
16 Sep, 2011
2 chairs my foot, I have 4 and two more in the garage, Hey Crissue, have you never tried the M&S two for £10, you have'nt lived its great, you choose your main course which can be a whole chicken, fish Mornday, Paella, so much more, a side dish, a pudding, and a btle of nice wine, we picked up a lovely big trifle yesterday with ours,
16 Sep, 2011
Oh by the way Tet, Sirlion steak for us tonight,
16 Sep, 2011
Oh how the other half live lol! I prefer fillet meself, once in a blue moon. Its not that we cant have it regularly, but its one of the last things I have as a "treat". If we had it every week or month it would stop being a treat.
16 Sep, 2011
Oh, by the way, we have 11 chairs and 2 benches!!!
16 Sep, 2011
And an arbour seat...
16 Sep, 2011
and 3 tables...
16 Sep, 2011
you bl--dy show off, well my garden chairs are also sun loungers, beat that,
16 Sep, 2011
and I have a green and cream Parasol.
16 Sep, 2011
Ive got TWO cream parasols (tho one needs mending) AND a green one!! I dont have time to lounge dear, unlike some...
16 Sep, 2011
meow meaow
16 Sep, 2011
Oh Yorkshire! You mentioned the 'T' word!! Now I shall have to go shopping - I love trifle mmmmmmmm ;-))
16 Sep, 2011
we saved the T for tonight, enough for 4 if you want some,
16 Sep, 2011
I was going to moan something about preferring a lancashire girl over a part-bred Yorkist, but will not do so as I need you over at my visit to Ash Cottage where BA is stirring up murky water with our gracious hostess of that day, Spritz. Flori and I are suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous BA!
16 Sep, 2011
I would Yorks, anytime I get to UK, but no so far I haven't had the pleasure....:(( and I drool when I see the adverts...
17 Sep, 2011
your nuts Tet, what are you going on about, sorry Crissue I don't know why I thought you came from England,
17 Sep, 2011
Morning all...Yes Yorks...I am a Brit... from the I.O.W....just live in France is all...I don't get to the UK that often...Most of our Families are scattered all over the World...mainly where the Temps are more it's Skype visiting for us....:)))
18 Sep, 2011
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Have to say i've just had my tea and it looked alot like whats there :))
18 Jul, 2011