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Acalypha wilkinsiana 'Jungle Dragon' - Jungle Dragon Copper Plant

Acalypha wilkinsiana 'Jungle Dragon' - Jungle Dragon Copper Plant (Acalypha wilkinsiana 'Jungle Dragon' - Jungle Dragon Copper Plant)

My Jungle Dragon Copper plant has grown quickly since I hacked it back a couple of months ago. Photo taken after sunset on a gorgeous warm night, July 18, 2011.

Comments on this photo


Gorgeous warm night? What's that?

Sorry, it's just that we are having a blinkin awful summer at the moment - unlike you.

Love your photos Delonix1.

19 Jul, 2011



Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the photos!

Sorry to hear you're having such an awful summer! :>(

Yes, it was a nice comfortable 80ºF/27ºC at 8:00 p.m. last night.

19 Jul, 2011


Ohhh, that's beautiful Andy. Gorgeous colours. :o)

20 Jul, 2011



Thanks! :>)

Yes, Acalypha varieties have some of the most colorful, flamboyant leaves of any shrub. I have posted several varieties.

Here's some pics:

20 Jul, 2011


Thankyou Andy;
Have had a look at them all, and love them all.
Love the Raggedy Anne variety. So feathery looking.
The colours of them are stunning. So red and firey. :o)

21 Jul, 2011


That's a lovely looking colourful plant...

21 Jul, 2011



Glad you enjoyed the pics! I love Acalyphas...I've always grown a few varieties. I currently have 4 varieties. The one posted is the only one in the ground...the others are in pots, which they hate.

21 Jul, 2011



Thanks! Most varieties have very colorful large leaves.

21 Jul, 2011


Certainly stands out...makes a good show...

22 Jul, 2011


Yes, this tropical South Seas native makes a bold statement. :>)

22 Jul, 2011

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Acalypha wilkinsiana 'Jungle Dragon' - Jungle Dragon Copper Plant.

See who else has plants in genus Acalypha.

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