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Diascus, which one..


By Resi

Diascus,  which one..

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Yes! and there you are in the reflection in the window!! is it growing in the stones? Wonderful.

4 Aug, 2011


hi there woodlander
no thats not diascus, unfortunately, but they are lovely pansies which seed themselves amongs the pebbles together with alysum and hollyhocks and the bindweed ;-( trachelospermum japonicum in the tub with the diascus.
cannt remember what is in th through, got given a bit from somebody which i stuck in and it spread, its lovely, have to look it up though.
this part of the garden gets the scorching midday and aft. sun reflected back by the colour of the walls and is totally out of bounds but till about 12 it is in lovely shade, with super long views, we try to have our cafe there in the morning watching the migrating raptors going south, already!
the swifts have already departed mostly

4 Aug, 2011


Hullooo...Mme. Angevin....From what you're describing about the behaviour of migratory species over there, I'm starting to check out the same over here. Is it usual that the raptors are heading south at this time in the summer? Or does that presage an early cold winter?
I have some of the little pansies...aren't they a marvel? I love them. Something makes sense now...when I had them planted in the beds in my front garden in C'wall the little beauties seeded themselves but liked the pebble path rather than the bed!! There's a culture hint in there somewhere, wouldn't you say? lol. I have very stony ground I'm thinking pansies!

7 Aug, 2011


hya Mrs Woodlander
yes birds like the black kites have finished breeding and then they just go south, same with swifts, the first of the summer sounds gone already......
in the uk the incoming and the outgoing swifts can even overlap for a short time i believe
i will miss the black kites too, their call is pure magic and haunting, they just dont hang around after their summertask is done, doesnt mean early winter or anything.
but i love watching the acrobatic red kites which replace them here in the winter .

yes go for the pansies lori, they are great self seeders if they get somewhere to put their roots under!
not sure about the Angevin connection, no Plantagenets in the familytree LOL although i had a french grandmere! i do have brooms though!!

9 Aug, 2011

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