Ikea Balloon for Sticki
By Tetrarch

20 Aug, 2011
Comments on this photo
LOL! That surprised a crack of laughter from me!!!
20 Aug, 2011
Are the ikea hands clapping or saying welcome?
20 Aug, 2011
I can imagine them saying, 'what I thought you had the Allen key!!'
20 Aug, 2011
Very good.
Or could it be - oh look there is a bit left over - do you think it's spare?
20 Aug, 2011
21 Aug, 2011
Well they certainly got blown away by the design!!!
21 Aug, 2011
Nice one Tet! Probably talked a lot of hot air too!
21 Aug, 2011
You do get some airy-fairy thoughts! lol..Do you pluck them from thin air?
21 Aug, 2011
out of the ether tet!
its called blue sky thinking!!!
21 Aug, 2011
ok so know ones got the allen key but ok lets check the important stuff, now lets have something to eat, whos got the meatballs?
I'll have the meatballs n chips, you want to smoked salmon with the special 'Gravadlax sauce' and for afters we can all have a Dime bar,
21 Aug, 2011
or you could have the hotdog and coffee for a quid ; )
21 Aug, 2011
I see you are a member Stevie:-) I thought it was a giant chicken on top, a la were chicken! well I think it looks like one. I'll have the dime bar please, delish, although v high in sat fat:-)
21 Aug, 2011
well i have only been a couple of times. A kindly staff member said just show this card offer and say you have sent off, it worked twice ; ) so no i am not a member I am too committed to off grid for that.
I did remember thinking though that if I was a tramp living nearby I would come in for a warm and help myself to refills of coffee, then maybe saunter off to the non staffed bedroom section and have a lay down ; )
21 Aug, 2011
you have it all worked out stevie ~ i would like the coffee and dime bar too please ~ they used to be called buttersnap!!!
21 Aug, 2011
Here we go again...Sticki, your mind is for ever on food! And BA's not far behind.
Stevie, stop encouraging them for goodness sake...not that they need much ***
Now I thought out of the ether was internet Sticki?
BA, its actually a pair of hands sticking out of what appears to be a fatty liver (see what happens when you eat sat fat??)
21 Aug, 2011
Not sure if its 'Dime' or 'Diem' (said with a kind of yodel lint) but I dont really like them myself
21 Aug, 2011
have a look at stevie's photo/blog tet ~ we're on a pub crawl over there!!!
sat fat ~ is that a new kind of sat nav?? where it takes you to the food???
21 Aug, 2011
You will have to ask BA, she was complaining about a lot of sat fat somewhere or other, oh dear I am a party pooper, Im off drink at the moment..apart from the odd glass of wine and the occasional gin and tonic!
Still, I will pop over and see wot you orrible lot are up to!
21 Aug, 2011
see you later!!
21 Aug, 2011
Which picture are you crawling over?
21 Aug, 2011
oh sorry, its something about stitching a picture together ~ i will have to find it.
21 Aug, 2011
Im off to watch the cricket and put my feet up ..been busy today. Catch up later this evening
21 Aug, 2011
i cant find it ~ ive asked stevie the terrible.
enjoy the cricket! HOWZAT!!??
21 Aug, 2011
My mind, as ever, thinking up new money making ideas has come up with a beauty.....Ok, possibly inspired by wafflings on here.....for which you will be given full acknowledgment if not remuneration. I've invented a SAT FAT...takes a genius...you were nearly there Sticki but lacking the entrepreneurial spirit...you missed it completely. It is fitted to your person and steers you AWAY from saturated fat! Don't bother trying to beat me to patent office...already filed. The B.A.SAT FAT will be available in all good stores from November...yes just in time for Christmas:-))
21 Aug, 2011
i dont want one ~ that fat is tasty!!!
I have the opposite version already fitted ~ born with it!!
21 Aug, 2011
this is the one tet ~ its fun!
21 Aug, 2011
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Nice one tetrarch! I wonder if it started off as a flat pack?
Thank you! Balloons are great!
20 Aug, 2011