Seeds of the Jack-In-The-Pulpit ripening to bright red.
By Lorilyn57

29 Aug, 2011
Comments on this photo
I hope to collect these seeds once they are fully ripe...Then next spring I can start a whole bed full of them in the greenhouse. It's only just autumn and I'm dreaming spring already!
1 Sep, 2011
And why not...I have a few plans in mind too...:)))
2 Sep, 2011
A real Girl Guide..."Be prepared" Started digging more beds today and transplanted a few perennials...time to divide and replant...nice to feel like I'm making some progress.
2 Sep, 2011
Me too Lori...though I've got mine split and in bigger pots, till Spring, as I'm not quite sure in which order they'll go in in my new bed...+ I want to add more to the collection too...
3 Sep, 2011
That is very good thinking...I have to transplant my unhappy paeony. The bed is ready for it...just have to let it compost a few more weeks...will have it moved before the end of the month.
3 Sep, 2011
A little tip I've had from both my neighbour and and a GOYer, Peonies don't like rich neighbours Peony is planted in what I call road dirt, its on the outside of her gate where all the dust and dirt blows in to the side, and flowers profusly every year...mine has been moved twice into prepared sweetend soil, and produces one lovely bloom each season...I've now moved it to a sandy gritty soil where I hope it will do better...Can only try...
4 Sep, 2011
Thanks Crissue...I did know that about Aunt had one that sat in much the same situation as your neighbour's paeonie for years! no kidding. The soil here should be perfect as it's very gritty and I have it in a transfer bed with a spot on a sandy hill in full sun in mind. We are finally getting some rain..but blessed little compared to what we need. (the little steam has totally dried up)
4 Sep, 2011
Oh shame about the stream, that just shows the total lack of glad to here you're getting some rain anyway......
Great news about the peony...I'm going to treat the Garden to another and this time prepare the hole with road dirt.... lol...
5 Sep, 2011
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Used to have this growing in our previous garden in more wooded areas...
31 Aug, 2011