today in the morning
By Kasy
- 6 Sep, 2011
Last night it was very windy here in Wales. Strange noise woke me up in the middle of the night. And when I opened the kitchen door in the morning I saw this...
Comments on this photo
You should really watch that temper of yours Kasy. Gardening needs patience ; )
Dont worry you will rebuild
6 Sep, 2011
Lulu - why did you have the windows wide open when it was soooo windy? Poor Pru - hope she feels better today.
Stevie - why do you think it was me??? Or maybe you want to say I was sleepwalking? hmm...
Thanks - I always keep saying - what won't kill me it will make me stronger.
But I love my plants, propagator is a loan from a friend - so I still stick to my story - it was the wind!!! lol
6 Sep, 2011
I always sleep with the windows wide open, whatever the weather, I love the fresh air and all tucked up under the duvet. poor Pru, she needs her own duvet, although she would prefer mine!
I think King Stephen the Terrible is winding you up!!
6 Sep, 2011
That is a shame Kasy, a learning curve :)
6 Sep, 2011
I should have said 'I wonder how kasy is looking after the propagator I lent her' ; )
Put something heavy on the base shelf and the next lower shelf and keep it closed.
I noticed mine blowing around a bit last night so I zipped it tight
7 Sep, 2011
I thought I recognized it Stevie!
7 Sep, 2011
Lulu - the King is trying to wind me up all the time, but I try to stay calm, lol.
Stevie - something heavy on the base shelf? think I might have a solution, lol
9 Sep, 2011
Sitting Stevie on the bottom shelf?!
9 Sep, 2011
Hey...'heeaavvyy' need ; )
Featured on: wind, is there a brain damage category?
9 Sep, 2011
I'm up for that one today!! Took me an hour to decide on a background colour for a mini mosaic, must have been the vino last night while listening to band practice!!
9 Sep, 2011
Oh dear! ): My condolances - that looks like quite a disaster. Hope not too much damage. Damn wind! xxx
10 Sep, 2011
either the wind or a phantom propagator mischief maker??!
does this only happen in wales?
3 Jan, 2012
should I now say - 'why didn't you put something heavy on the bottome shelf'? lol.
Well - to be honest Sticki - the wind was very strong... Glad it was my day off today, could stay home not sticking (oops)out my nose out too much, lol
3 Jan, 2012
actually i have one of those propagator/green house things i think its alright but i didnt check, its tucked in a corner, maybe it was sheltered.
3 Jan, 2012
or less windy? lol. Where I live - at the bottom of the hill - the wind can be very strong coming down from the top...
3 Jan, 2012
i can hear very high wind in the trees now.
3 Jan, 2012
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Oh dear Kasy, it's very windy here too. Poor Prudence in her dogbed last night and us with the windows wide open, I had to cover her up to keep warm!
6 Sep, 2011