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Fuchsia 'Pink Galore '


By Bloomer

Fuchsia 'Pink Galore '

This was the last Fuchsia to flower ,and quite late..sadly,the whole plant looks very bedraggled after all the rain....

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Aw its so nice! I wonder if mine will bloom before the rain destroys it! Rianing again today! :(

9 Sep, 2011


Thanks Pixi..sorry its raining again up your has been a lovely day here,and very warm..Planted one pot of the Tulips,and also some big white Alliums,in my long border..dug up the busy lizzies..and white a productive day..

9 Sep, 2011


busy busy! I sat on the couch most of the day watching Downton series starts on SUnday i think..totally lazy was great! been teaching tonight though :)

9 Sep, 2011


I didn't watch it,for some reason,but OH did..I would be playing on here ! :o)

10 Sep, 2011


Wonder if they would put a Scrabble game on this..or something...

10 Sep, 2011


Lovely Fuschia....

Will be watching tomorrow Pix...x

10 Sep, 2011


Thanks Crissue..:o)

10 Sep, 2011



10 Sep, 2011


Love the colours of this Fuchsia, Sandra ... :o)

15 Sep, 2011


It makes a pretty picture Sandra despite the rain!

15 Sep, 2011


Thanks,I bought it from Morrisson's this year,Shirley..I had one last year,but sadly it didn't survive..
it has rallied a bit today,Carole,but tomorrow it sounds as though we are having heavy rain..all day !

15 Sep, 2011


;(( Hope not, Simon, Clare and the children are going to the Lake District, the children till Sunday and Simon and Clare are bringing them home then going back for the rest of the week, so hoping for some decent weather for them! pleased you Fuchsis is rallying, have you taken cuttings?

16 Sep, 2011


Oh dear,I hope they were wrong..they were has been dull but fine and quite warm..It didn't rain till teatime,and then only one heavy shower..Yes,I have only taken a couple.I seem to have accumalated alot of cuttings already,so haven't sorted out where they are all going to live,this winter. Cuttings and Thomas may not gel together ! :o)

16 Sep, 2011


Well I would be more than pleased to give a couple a god home! as you know I lost most of mine last year ;0))

16 Sep, 2011


I will do some more, I need a backup as well,just in case..fingers crossed..:o)

17 Sep, 2011


Great fuchsia will shall be taking more cuttings of my fuchsias today .Soon be time to think of overwintering them.

What does everyone do to overwinter their fuchsias or do you just start again .

26 Sep, 2011


I keep some of the ones in pots,in the growhouse,Scotkat,but wrap bubblewrap around the pots,and fleece over the tops...I also pot some up and keep them in the conservatory..obviously,only the smaller ones that were last years cuttings,as they haven't made as much root growth they still fit in smaller pots.. and keep fingers crossed ! I am also going to try and line the growhouse as well..all trial and error..and a lot of luck,
depending on what is thrown at us this next winter....and hope the indoor cuttings survive as well,just in case..:o)

26 Sep, 2011


I've just ordered 5 of these lovely pink, hope they come on well for summer

3 Mar, 2012


You will love them,Sk..and they should do well for you this year....about my comment above yours..I decided to keep the larger ones inside too,and not in the growhouse..but pleased to say,they all survived,as did the cuttings..all starting to leaf up again now..I will trim them back soon,and put them outside in pots, end of May,although I have stood them out this past few days,while it's been nice,and then back inside..A really lovely Fuchsia :o) I got mine from Lidl...

3 Mar, 2012

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