Plum Jam
By Pixi25

16 Sep, 2011
Just made a few jars of Plum Jam this morning. I got free plums from one of my students..wasn't that kind.
Looking forward to eating it later on a scone prolly ☺☺☺☺
Comments on this photo
just hope it tastes ok lol never made plum jam before ☺
16 Sep, 2011
It will be delicious, make jam tarts too!!
16 Sep, 2011
Oh yeah! yum! ☺
16 Sep, 2011
Never had Plum Jam before. Sounds good tho.
16 Sep, 2011
looks lovely, well done you but what is a prolly??
oh and how do you do the smiley faces please?
16 Sep, 2011
Probably i jsut say prolly lol ☺
16 Sep, 2011
Why are there not smiley faces on the labels!!!!!!!!!!??
16 Sep, 2011
Oh drat I knew I forgot something! lol
16 Sep, 2011
cos she made the labels before she tasted it??? when you taste it you have a smiley face??
16 Sep, 2011
idk not tasted it yet lol looks a bit runny
16 Sep, 2011
Well done Pix....:))) looks delic...could have swapped if we were closer, in miles I mean....
I want to know about that little face too ;)))
Just popping in briefly, have still loads to speak later, got your pm...
16 Sep, 2011
Looks delicious, Pixi! Better a bit runny than too set!
Are you going to manage to put some kind of 'sniff' and 'taste' doodahs on here too??? :)))
16 Sep, 2011
if its runny it would be nice to pour over yoghurt, ice cream or pancakes??
16 Sep, 2011
lol...Sticki...back on food again ☺
16 Sep, 2011
ooops sorry ~ never far from my thoughts!
16 Sep, 2011
Great idea sticki!!!! still not tasted ut yet :)
16 Sep, 2011
16 Sep, 2011
16 Sep, 2011
yummy Pixi - love the smiling faces ;))))))
16 Sep, 2011
...and love the 'still life' background! :)))))
16 Sep, 2011
Looks tasty Pixi :)
16 Sep, 2011
Hmm well Ijsut had some on toast..hmm..bit runny..tastes ok tho so maybe will take your advice Sticki..more for pouring on pancakes etc. :))
Hey Paul glad you're back..hope you had a good holiday ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Yeah the still life was to hide all the dishes needing washed Karen lolol
16 Sep, 2011
Looks good Pixi,runny or not..home made is the best !o)
16 Sep, 2011
16 Sep, 2011
I'll second that bloomer...:))
17 Sep, 2011
I'm sure I've read somewhere that you can put the jars back into a big pan of water and boil them a bit longer...if it's toooooo runny!
17 Sep, 2011
really? wouldnt the jars break??????
17 Sep, 2011
No! I don't think so.....!
17 Sep, 2011
oooh! well i might try that it IS really runny/.//you sure? lol//dodnt want exploding jajars all over the kitchen lol
17 Sep, 2011
No!! I only read Delia... Just don't BOIL!!! x
17 Sep, 2011
Maybe only have the water just lukewarm,when you put the jars in,Pixi..and heat it up gradually ? what do I know..never made jam..:o)
17 Sep, 2011
Think you're right, Bloomer...start from lukewarm...then turn the heat up!!!
17 Sep, 2011
well i suppose i could emoty a coiple of the jars back into a pot and reboil..i added lemon juice its supposed to help? might jsut keep some runny and use as glaze ofr fruit lof or on ice cream I dunno lol I'll eat it anyway. :)
17 Sep, 2011
Well...if you empty it all back in and'll have perfect jam!! According to Delia!!...
....But something tells me that you'll find the right thing to do with it, as it is...!!! :))
17 Sep, 2011
:) we shall see lol
17 Sep, 2011
Am thinkin.......! lol!! x
17 Sep, 2011
i prolly wont do a thing about it lol jsut use it for me..i dont mind runny jam lol
18 Sep, 2011
Lol! That's what I would do to, in the end :))))
18 Sep, 2011
Yes lol..we are alike! :)
18 Sep, 2011
Aye....! lol! :))
18 Sep, 2011
lolol :))))))))))
18 Sep, 2011
joined up writing too..true poetry
20 Sep, 2011
heh yeah I'm not as stupid as I look!
20 Sep, 2011
Hey, I just made some scones today. Good match!
22 Sep, 2011
lol yes
22 Sep, 2011
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Looks yummy Pixi. Enjoy
16 Sep, 2011