Woodland Area cleared out now!
By Karensusan63
- 23 Sep, 2011
Comments on this photo
that looks great Karen, lovely and tidy and ready for spring bulbs to come up. Oh no there I go again wishing my time away.
23 Sep, 2011
yes, we all do that don't we. I have 80 little crocus tommasianus to plant...might put them in here.
24 Sep, 2011
I didn't see it before Karen, but it does look pretty good as is...
24 Sep, 2011
It was full of rampaging Japanese Anemones and Epimedium Warlayense Crissue. I cut back loads and dug out loads...oh and primulas as well...and hostas that have been relocated. After doing it's own thing for nearly 6 years it needed some thinning out.
24 Sep, 2011
It's those Japanese Anemones that hang on underground, you'll probably be digging them out for a while...lol...
it's ready for your next phase....
26 Sep, 2011
Yes, I was out there for hours yesterday Crissue and am paying for it today! Hope to get it finished this afternoon though.....it looks so much better now!
26 Sep, 2011
Good on you...I spent nearly all day clearing up and fiddling about...So glad to have a real Hot Bath after...We do suffer after, but it's always, "I'll just do this bit"....lol...
26 Sep, 2011
I know, exactly! My OH said to me at about 2pm...perhaps you'd better leave it there for now....but I sneaked back out and spent about another hour or so digging! I even managed to dig out a whole Eucalyptus root after I sawed off the trunk...I was so proud of myself!! Can't understand why I am not totally muscle bound and toned!! lol
26 Sep, 2011
Lol...Karen...OH said to me yesterday have a break, you'll feel it tomorrow...I did slow down, but finished all the same...didn't saw down any trees tho...:)))
26 Sep, 2011
I just love being outdoors Crissue and when the weather is ok and I am in the middle of something...it takes a lot to get me to stop. I would like to be more sensible, but I don't think it's going to happen!! :)))
26 Sep, 2011
I'm just the same...especially now I can do so much more...I don't want to stop...but the cold weather will stop me...can't take it in the joints...:(((
26 Sep, 2011
Yes...not a fan of the cold myself. Glad I am not the only daft ha'p'eth!...oooh, my yorkshire slipped out there! lol
26 Sep, 2011
Like mother like daughter lol afraid it is in the genes Karen. What does stop mean, you only stop if you have to. Right off out in the garden now, just got to get on with tidying up the dead stuff. will not stop until hunger kicks in. lol.
26 Sep, 2011
I know, I am really fed up today because I forgot I had arranged to meet a friend this morning...blooming annoying having to stop gardening for a cuppa and a chat!! :)))))
26 Sep, 2011
Lol...you two...I'm just going to get going myself...nice chatting Karen...happy gardening, Hi Barbara...:)))
26 Sep, 2011
Enjoy yourself Crissue! :)
26 Sep, 2011
Hi Crissue, just come in for a sarnie and a cuppa, been out there all morning, the sun is shining and the garden is glowing, off to cut the grass (what is left of it) now it has dried off. We had a little drop of the wet stuff last evening, it has done good. Speak later on in the day x bye for now.
26 Sep, 2011
All very tidy......fancy doing ours now?
26 Sep, 2011
lol...there are limits DD!!
27 Sep, 2011
Just popping in to say morning, I'm off to get started before the Hot Sun stops me...so enjoy whatever you're doing today...:))))
27 Sep, 2011
Ah, thanks Crissue...no sun here yet, still in my PJs! Have a good day!
27 Sep, 2011
Had a good morning Karen, just got cleared up by noon, then it was in and out of the heat...
Gorgeous smell of Bread coming from the Kitchen...OH does all our bread...and a Pastry surprise...not allowed in there at the moment...lol...:))
Hope you acheived all you wanted too...:)))
27 Sep, 2011
Urgh...I wish Crissue. I did start off well, with a walk on the beach and I collected more seaglass. Then the weather deteriorated from light cloud to very heavy thick cold cloud, and I went off to the craft shop to get glue, board and grout...they had none of it. Very disappointed so came home empty handed and too fed up to drive in to town to B&Q. Disappointed with the weather, was so looking forward to a day in the garden, just pottering and enjoying it. I think I'm a bit overtired. I just thought about making some bread, but I'm not going to today. So glad you had a good day though....hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow....x
27 Sep, 2011
Looks great!
27 Sep, 2011
Thanks AM, good to hear from you!
27 Sep, 2011
Morning Karen....was I bushed last night...In fact I'm still a bit weary, couple more mugs of T will soon put that right :)))
Am interested in your walk on the Beach...apart from good exercise and fresh air...may I ask what you are collecting seaglass for, I guess your'e making something...I find the beach a real interesting place, I would make a good beach comber...Loved it when we were on the I.O.W......
Shame most people were disappointed with the Weather up and down the UK...
Here it was a case of get out early, and get done....and today its supposed to be Hotter....
Well I'm running with an empty cup...lol...hope you have a more fruitful day...
28 Sep, 2011
Morning Crissue. I am planning to create a seaglass mosaic for my garden! I have enough glass now, just need to get board and decide which method to use to create the mosaic etc.
Looking at the forecast last night, we will have one day of sunshine...today..and after that warm but cloudy for the rest of the warm spell, so nothing to get too excited about I'm afraid. The rest of the country is going to be bathed in warm sunshine....sigh....enjoy!
28 Sep, 2011
Seaglass Mosaic sounds terrific...:))
Just taking a mini break, got loads done this morning, have now got all the Parasols up, and trying to get back out there...but its soooo Hot...Even the cats are favouring the cool tiled floor...indoors...:)))
28 Sep, 2011
I think I might just have to take the ferry back to France, it is very hot here.
28 Sep, 2011
I know, I've been indoors cleaning all day....only because I have people coming to my house this evening....and I just went out to the shops and got the weirdest sensation....a smell in the air like when you're on holiday!!....weird, but in a good way! :))
28 Sep, 2011
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23 Sep, 2011