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Recipe books


By Pixi25

Recipe books

Found Mum's old Bero book and a few others.
Her own hand written one all covered in flour etc..brought a wee tear to my eye and memories of her baking on the marble worktop in our old house. She used to let me help..sometimes :)

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i recognise that be-ro book and mum has a hand written one just like that.
havent seen the treacle one ~ looks very good tho.

lovely memories thanks for this pixi

any nice recipes to recommend??

im looking especially for a treacle scone ~ we had one in Islay and it was gorgeous.

3 Oct, 2011


Nice one Pix....good memories...and Recipes...:)))

3 Oct, 2011


I'll have to check it out next week at Dads ..didnt read through the treacle one..maybe Dad would let me have them..he dosent bake. well not now. :)
Yeah it was a trip down momory lane..Sarah got all the old photos out too..omg lol we had a laugh :)

3 Oct, 2011


taking a photo is the quickest way i have found of borrowing the recipe!!!

old photos ~ they seem a world away!!

3 Oct, 2011


Oh wow!

3 Oct, 2011


Cant rmemebr all the recipes but i loved her Belgian biscuits! :)

3 Oct, 2011


they sound very good.

we used to make viennese cakes ~ they had jam in the middle of a very crumbly, buttery light type of shortbread??

3 Oct, 2011


yeah maybe same thing? soft icing on top with usually a smartie lol

3 Oct, 2011


smartie sounds very nice. used to make cakes with those in ~ great fun

3 Oct, 2011


I remember Belgian biscuits...had to be raspberry jam, though!
I remember the viennese (fingers) I think my mum made these too...

...and her favourite...melting moments (which I didn't like at all!)... :))))

3 Oct, 2011


oh i still like those

i used to make marble cake ~ all sorts of colours for my children

is it very hot where you are karen?

3 Oct, 2011


I haven't been outside today, Sticki - massive thunderstorm, again! Plus, it's Independence Day - so everything's shut! Got started on the unpacking instead..

It was really, really hot yesterday, though...

3 Oct, 2011


Yeah rasp jam! :)
I want to bake now lol but i prolly wont;)
Take pics o f the storm@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 Oct, 2011


yes i was thinking the same ~ bet the lightening makes a great photo!!

3 Oct, 2011


She must be away out taking them! lol
Its blowing a gale up here!!!!!!!!

3 Oct, 2011


windy here too, rained last night.

3 Oct, 2011


Still ishere :(

3 Oct, 2011


I recognise the Be-ro one, my Mam had it. I think one of my brothers claimed all her recipe books when she died. Brings back lots of memories.

3 Oct, 2011


I've got that be-ro recipe book.

3 Oct, 2011


That's very nice Pixi - nice to have those memories :)

3 Oct, 2011


It looks in better condition than my old tatty one..your mum looked after it did my mum,but when I got it,it all went downhill from there :o)

3 Oct, 2011


Agree with Paul, great to have memories like that!

3 Oct, 2011



3 Oct, 2011


Having difficulty maintaining connection!!
Was thinking just the same about baking - but think I'll ask Bruno to do it instead! lol! :))

4 Oct, 2011


Bruno? your servant? lol

4 Oct, 2011


does bruno do take-away ~ to england?

4 Oct, 2011


Heehee...he'd deliver personally, given half a chance! :)))

4 Oct, 2011


Is he braw? ;)

4 Oct, 2011


Now now Pix...calm down dear ....:)))

OH was looking through his Mum's old handwritten recipe book, goodness you had to guess at some, poor thing her writing got so spidery, same with my Mum's too...only they can read it...

4 Oct, 2011


my mum's book has got some of my writing in from when i was old enough to copy out the recipes for her!!!

4 Oct, 2011


aww how nice Sticki :)))

4 Oct, 2011



4 Oct, 2011


Reading all these posts made me very mum was and still is rubbish at cooking :((

7 Oct, 2011


oh sorry scottish. do you like cooking?

7 Oct, 2011


Aw...are you a good cook/baker Scottish?

7 Oct, 2011


No am!!

7 Oct, 2011


I like making cakes best but they don't always work. Made apple flapjack today.

8 Oct, 2011


OH does most of the baking, he enjoys it, seems to be his thing...:))) I like to cook, but love to make Jams &

8 Oct, 2011


Heh well thank god for Asda hen!
Mine dont laways work out either Xticki
Well thats good for you both then Sue :)))))))))

8 Oct, 2011


It's only the last few months Pix...he's really found a flair for trying different things, especially since he started baking the bread, it's bun making too now lol...:))

8 Oct, 2011


thats great Sue...Rick made rolls for our soup the other day :))))) they were great! I cant make bread..always turns out like bricks! lol

8 Oct, 2011


That's nice...maybe they have the 'hands' lol...:))

8 Oct, 2011


Oh yeah he has the "hands" alright! lol :)

8 Oct, 2011


Thought that might tickle your taste buds lol....:)))

8 Oct, 2011


or my fancy! hahaha;~

8 Oct, 2011


oh,back from your dad's, I see ! Lol.:o))))))))

8 Oct, 2011


yeah ..horrid drive home in fog and rain grrrrrrr:)

8 Oct, 2011


Its been a horrible day here too..hope your dad was ok..:o)

8 Oct, 2011


yeah he was in fine fettle ..was even walking about wihtout his wheely thingy :)

8 Oct, 2011


thats good..and will make you happy too :o)

8 Oct, 2011


oh yes :)

8 Oct, 2011


think there's only me and thee on here tonight ! :o)

8 Oct, 2011


im knda half here lol

8 Oct, 2011


That's enough! Lol.

8 Oct, 2011


Sorry lol I fell asleep last ngiht lolol

9 Oct, 2011


Lovely to have the books Pixie and with all the memoirs too. I can't remember my mum having a recipe book, she seemed to toss all the ingredients into the bowl and whatever she made seemed to turn out alright. I do remember her using an empty milkbottle to roll out her pastry. She had a cabinet with a two little glass windows where she stored some of the food and it had a let down flap where she rolled out her pastry. Didn't have a fridge but she used to have a bucket with cold water in to put the milkbottle in to keep the milk cool.

9 Oct, 2011


Aw..I rememebr Mum using a milk bottle too! My Nana who lived with us made the most fantastic scones and she never measured a thing! Nice to have such memories eh? :)

9 Oct, 2011


We had one of those kitchen cabinets too, useful..and spacesaving,weren't they?..My mum never had a fridge either..but a stone slab in the cellar did the job..they had no need to store things,as they bought fresh on a daily all the many shops they used to have near them...
My scones aren't anywhere near as good as my mum's ,Pixi..and she used to throw everything together too :o)
have you still got your Nana's recipe ? Could do with a good one..mine were much better with the gas oven,than this Fan one I have now...they just seem to go dry so quickly..grrr.!

9 Oct, 2011


NO she s didnt have a recipe! jsut flung it all together!
my fan assisted oven isnt as good as my old one..not making such good things in it..cept pastry which is my fote apparantly :)

9 Oct, 2011


I cook with a fan oven and find that if the recipe says 200 I cook at 190. Just made some walnut and cheese scones. Made them up but they turned out o.k.

9 Oct, 2011


Can't beat the old ones,sometimes Pixi...I loved mine..but this was already fitted in the kitchen when we moved have to make the best of it..
I lower mine too,Linda...everything else is's just scones that aren't as nice..same recipe,so don't know why..
very strange.!.It also takes much longer to heat to sizzling point for Yorkshire puds too..but they rise well,so just have to be patient ! Lol.

9 Oct, 2011



9 Oct, 2011


Give us a clue Pixi !!!

9 Oct, 2011


made Y puds yesterday at dads and they were fine..sometimes they are like little buns lol

9 Oct, 2011


Oh dear,Pixi..what is wrong with me ? sorry..I usually suss it out..I was thinking of abbreviations like the wine or coffee ones ! duh !I bet dad enjoyed them..:o)

9 Oct, 2011


Hah! yes he did! yum!

9 Oct, 2011


when doing your scones. My recipe is 4 ozs butter, 1lb 2ozs sr flour 2 level spoons baking powder, rub in the butter and flour b.powder add quarter pint of milk with 2 eggs beaten in, combine together then roll or I flatten with the palm of my hand to about half inch thick then cut with cutter into rounds and bake at 220 c for 10 - 15 mins. if you want sweet scones add 2 ozs sugar to the mix or savoury small amount of grated cheese. I reduce oven temperature down as I have a fan oven.

10 Oct, 2011


Thanks Lindak I'll try that :)

10 Oct, 2011


That was fun ladies! When this string of converse dwindles out, I think I'll rekindle it with a picture of my mother's old Readers Digest Cookbook.

10 Oct, 2011


Thanks sounds good..and will try you use "proper butter" or hard margarine..I have tried both..but butter is a nicer taste..probably need oven at 200 ,to 210 degrees are a star .:o))

10 Oct, 2011


Hi,Eclectic..and welcome.:o) That would be the way,I did look at your lovely pics last night...lots and lots of them..but didn't have time to leave comments..think I will need to space them out a have a beautiful garden...maybe a few at a time ,if you show us some more ? I spend enough time on here as it is ..very addictive ! Lol.

10 Oct, 2011


Yeah Hi Eclectic..Start your own blog? would be interseting to see that too :) Love your garden :)

10 Oct, 2011


oh and sometimes the blogs start off as one thing and then get carried away by all of us onto other things hahah eh Bloomer? ;)

10 Oct, 2011


Too right,Pixi..welcome to our mad world,Eclectic ! :o)).
Bet you thought you were joining a gardening forum ..mostly true....but we do tend to think that variety is the spice of life ! :o))

10 Oct, 2011



10 Oct, 2011


Variety is the spice of life=eclectic. Yes, cold weather is coming I have been thinking about blogging.

10 Oct, 2011


I leave the butter out to soften before using for the scones. Hi Eclectic to the wonderful world of gardening site and other interests too.

10 Oct, 2011


glad to hear it,Eclectic..:o).We are glad to have plenty of blogs in the months ahead,as not a lot to write about in the winter, gardening wise,and there are only so many snow pics and blogs ,we can cope with..maybe we will escape it this year...hopefully...

10 Oct, 2011


Cheers Linda..will do that..I could have been 'rubbing in' forever !Lol.

10 Oct, 2011


and you get lots of goof adviceon here too?)

10 Oct, 2011



11 Oct, 2011


Good too lol..oh and ou'll get used to my typos Eclectic hahaha

11 Oct, 2011


Linda,I presume you mean teaspoons of B.powder in your recipe .??
I think you are just trying it on,Pixi,to see what responses you get !:o))

11 Oct, 2011


Honestly im not..:(

11 Oct, 2011


Yes, SORRY Bloomer TEASPOONS otherwise everyones scones will spill out of the oven.....LOL!

11 Oct, 2011


Going to try and make some this afternoon :)

11 Oct, 2011


I thought as much Linda..but they could have the butter and jam ready,to catch them as they fall that would be funny !
Let me know how they turned out Pixi..I an making an Apple and Blackberry pie tomorrow..but for the freezer..friends might be coming to stay later on,so that will be pudding sorted..:o) Meat and potato pie for our lot,tomorrow,with an easy sweet.. meringue nests with Jelly,fresh raspberries,icecream,and cream for pouring..if they want it !..Thomas loves jelly and icecream..:o))
I might do the scones next week..sound good.,don't they ?

11 Oct, 2011


Well i painted finished the Koi painting :)
will try and make them tomorrow :)
Ill be down for dinner tomoroow then lol yum!

11 Oct, 2011


That's good,Pixi..are you going to let us see it,please ?
I'll set another place for would be more than welcome.:o)

11 Oct, 2011


I already put the pic up earlier. :)

11 Oct, 2011


Oh,ok..must have missed to have a look now :o)

11 Oct, 2011



11 Oct, 2011


Used to rub in the butter, but found an old recipe which said to melt the butter before adding to dry ingredients - works a treat!

12 Oct, 2011


Ah,a dilemma now, rub or not to rub,that is the question ?..I have never seen that method for scones before..

12 Oct, 2011


There used to be a T.V. chef in this area (long before Jamie or Gordon) called Eric Milligan. His recipe for scones:-

2 teacups (!) of S.R. Flour
2 oz. of butter
1 tablespoon sugar (for sweet scones)

Melt butter - add to flour, sugar and fruit. Add milk until dough forms an elastic consistency. Cut scones half an inch thick, brush with beaten egg.

15 minutes at top of oven


12 Oct, 2011


Well thats almost what I jsut made tonight!
Couldnt use toher recipe as i didnt have baking soda.
Oh I'd better take a pic before they are all gone! lolol
I put some sultanas in them too :)

12 Oct, 2011


Thank you,Constance..this is similar to the ones that I make,only I rub the butter in..I shall try both recipes..some add eggs,and some don' I wonder why that is ? It must give a different texture..sometimes I think I may make mine too thin..maybe that is why they seem dry ? Anyway,I appreciate both yours and Linda's recipes..thanks again...

12 Oct, 2011


Pixi..just the lady I was looking for..just posted a pic for you! :o)))))

12 Oct, 2011



12 Oct, 2011


Just going to wash hair dye off bbl x

12 Oct, 2011



12 Oct, 2011


Back! I thinkI bought the wrong sye,,it doesnt look right! eeeek! oh well :)

12 Oct, 2011


what are you like ? so what colour is it ? ,sorry, I am SIMC ! :o))))))

12 Oct, 2011


LOL! Well my hair is naturally very dark brown and I use a dye to do the roots..always same one packet is the same too,,but it looked a different colour when i mixed it up..and tho its still a tad wet it looks more reddish..wont really know till its dry..and then i'll get to bed..have to be up early! ;)

12 Oct, 2011

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