Little flower on my nice dufferywhatsit

7 Oct, 2011
It was a bit windy and yes whenever I pressed the shutter the wind blew the flower around so you'll just have to put up with this shot. I do have the name but couldn't be bothered right now to go outside
Comments on this photo
on my crappy snapper there is a hold focus feature but it doesnt seem to be able to follow things flapping madly around in the wind
7 Oct, 2011
Neither does mine!
Its a wonder the camera doesn't send a message to me to say - don't bother, it won't work!
8 Oct, 2011
Your Dufferywhatsit,is Arabis Ferdiandi -Coburgi. if you want to know. with a name like that possibly not.
8 Oct, 2011
Ah well I made a point of propping the label up against the kitchen window : )
so (in a trivial-pursuit-like voice) I'm sorry Bjs thats not what I have on the card, it is in fact Arabis procurrens variegata sorry ; ) which I am sure is probably the same thing anyways ; )
stay tuned into my channel for some nice sky pics
8 Oct, 2011
Steve just Googled it same thing,Knowing the way they change names mine is probably the old one as i have known it since i first started growing Rock Plants.Think MacMillan was our P.M then.
8 Oct, 2011
so that should read
Im sorry I'll read it again
the name on the card/scores on the doors
Arabis MacMillan modernus changeus???
8 Oct, 2011
Well we've never had it so good ; )
8 Oct, 2011
and the pound in our pockets?
that would be only a pound left to last the month???
8 Oct, 2011
yep 'the' pound
8 Oct, 2011
and even that isnt worth what it was!!
8 Oct, 2011
not even a pound in poundland anymore : /
10 Oct, 2011
i dont know what things are coming to!!!
10 Oct, 2011
just my little jest ; )
10 Oct, 2011
you are a wind-up merchant stevie!!!
you get less for your pound tho i bet!!!
10 Oct, 2011
for sure, if its not value its volume.
Well I am quite a tough negotiator so if I don't think i am getting a good deal then its no deal, but if you want to buy my car for anything then its yours. In fact if you can get into it (with faulty doorhandles) and get it going and steal it away I would be very grateful ; )
10 Oct, 2011
but talking of volume, just how small can a packet of crisps get????
10 Oct, 2011
probably micro chips!!!
i had some mc cain [we think] chips the other day ~ chunky ones with a coating on ~ just fantastic.
10 Oct, 2011
i could tell you places where you could leave your car and it may not be there when you come back if thats any help!!!
10 Oct, 2011
Sticki recommending chocolate and er... chips!! lol
well it might look a bit suspicious as i would have to leave some detailed instructions of how to get it going and maybe a few tools as well ; )
10 Oct, 2011
wont it hot wire?
you could leave them in the glove pocket as tho it were a reminder to yourself???
all stickytoffees are healthy eaters!!!!
10 Oct, 2011
I doubt it, unless the thief was satan himself then as the car is possessed it might try to kill the thief. However with the state of evil in the world I doubt wheather satan would be after an aged ford fiesta!
10 Oct, 2011
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This photo is of "Old Post Office Trolly " in Stevietheterrible's garden
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hmmm not sure i can be bothered to comment!!!
its a strange phenomena but i have a feeling that the wind blows every time i try to take a close up photo.
7 Oct, 2011