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Off my trolly? no, tidy trolly

Off my trolly? no, tidy trolly

Tidied up my old post office trolly the other day as it was getting overgrown with allsorts. So i decided to take out my parsley and plant that elsewhere. I have split and moved all my dianthus to the back row and put some of the heathers I like in the middle with things like saxi and thyme at the front

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Lookin' good. Is that a maretail thingy on the ground front? The prehistoric plant, love it.

8 Oct, 2011


Horsetail, yep sure is, seems to like it there : )

8 Oct, 2011


Like this Stevie. Nice job.

27 Oct, 2011


Thanks, should get going nicely in spring

27 Oct, 2011

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This photo is of "Old Post Office Trolly " in Stevietheterrible's garden

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