Blue Tit Mosaic
By Lulu33

11 Oct, 2011
A bit different from my usual work! The mosaic is a bit longer than shows in the pic!
Comments on this photo
Thanks Pip.
It's a tad 'bland' for my taste but a challenge nontheless!
Now to the next one!!!!! Except it's housework, mow the lawn and a wee shop for me today!
11 Oct, 2011
housework and works of art are a challenge for me ~ but i know which one i would rather be doing!!
11 Oct, 2011
i cant see it it has a cross?
11 Oct, 2011
What Pix? BluTit on milkbottle, if that's what your'e asking!
11 Oct, 2011
i could nt see the pic a min ago..its ok now..looks brilliant! waht happened to the gold top?
11 Oct, 2011
It's still there, just no light. will retake pic when the sun shines.....could be a long wait!
11 Oct, 2011
he pecked it off pixi!!!
11 Oct, 2011
aha lol..its sunny up here! hooray!
11 Oct, 2011
not down here!
enjoy the sun
11 Oct, 2011
11 Oct, 2011
grey, breezy day with a touch of sun every now and then!
11 Oct, 2011
wow well done lulu, love it so life like, well done you :o))
11 Oct, 2011
Thankyou San. Birds are SO difficult to get right!!
11 Oct, 2011
You got it perfect henny :)
11 Oct, 2011
Well done Lulu , it's lovely :o))
11 Oct, 2011
Thankyou girls!
I think I feel a dragon coming on...and more fishies.
11 Oct, 2011
fantastic Lulu
11 Oct, 2011
Looks brill
11 Oct, 2011
Oooh dragon would be brill! :)
11 Oct, 2011
Lovely Lulu, well done
11 Oct, 2011
Love bluetits, love the mosaic.
11 Oct, 2011
That is nice Lulu. The white still stands out.
11 Oct, 2011
That is lovely Lulu :)
11 Oct, 2011
Looks great Lulu!!! Think more fish is a great idea. You do them so well!!
12 Oct, 2011
Really like it Lulu blue background looks great can still see the bottle really well:) Think you have made a fantastic job of the bird:)
12 Oct, 2011
Thanks peeps.
but lordy still need to sort out how to hang them at the stall!!
12 Oct, 2011
gah! you not sorted that out yet? when is it?
12 Oct, 2011
dec eeks! I need a Bampy or Stevie to make me something!!
13 Oct, 2011
lulu you need to make a frame with that board that has holes in it so you can hook them on, they us it at art galleries. probably get it from wood yards, its called peg board.
13 Oct, 2011
It's just finding them big enough, strong enough and stable!!
13 Oct, 2011
they are strong enough lulu as long as its fixed to a wood frame which if in two pieces with brackets so it can standing a V shape, the hooks you will get from an art shop which are strong. the wood yard will cut to the size you want. worth asking about.thats the only way i can see it being done so you can transport them to.
13 Oct, 2011
thanks San. have been pulling mu hair out trying to think up a solution! Was thinking of weld mesh so you can still see the yards of cotton velvet I bought as a backdrop for the stall!!!
13 Oct, 2011
can see your point but you could paint the peg board what colour you wanted, im not sure what weld mesh is and how strong, also you could drape material along the top and down sides to make it look nice. something to think about anyway.
13 Oct, 2011
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just fabulous lulu, you are so talented.
11 Oct, 2011