Rustic Climbing Frame
By Crissue

11 Oct, 2011
Part 1 nearly complete; one more piece to add...
The Frames are in three sections....Two more to complete.. Thanks OH...
Comments on this photo
It's good having handy hubby's about Crissue, looking good..
11 Oct, 2011
That's an attractive design... well done to Crissue's OH :o)
11 Oct, 2011
Did Alan T do this for you lol
11 Oct, 2011
He spoils you :))
11 Oct, 2011
It is a bigger version DD of the one Alan did the other evening. Lovely Crissue, clever OH.
11 Oct, 2011
Perfect for your climbing Clems :o)
11 Oct, 2011
Wow....OH will be pleased....
Morning everybody....
Yes Pix OH did make it from scratch....The two upright posts originally had the natural trellis attached to it, but after I finished the rest of the Woodland corner, and the little path.... it felt a bit blocked, needed opening up...
As you do Ladies; I said I've had a thought !!!!
Ideal for the Clems to show off themselves...took great care unwinding Armandii from the's quite rubbery, so if you ever need to do it, it's
No conspiracy with AT....DD....just a happy coincidence...
My OH will do anything, he hates to spend good money on things if he can make it himself...
Will update as we go along...:)))
12 Oct, 2011
Sounds like my OH not wanting to spend, only difference is he doesn't make things, just says 'now what you been spending your money on'.I just laugh.
12 Oct, 2011
Good on ya OH! GOod job! :))))))
Mornin SUe :)
12 Oct, 2011
Morning again...
Over the years B...OH has built up quite a workshop...and there have been times when I could not park in the garage...I put my foot down with a firm hand lol...when we moved here, as I didn't drive he's built his workshop all around one side of the garage....and moves the motor in and out as he wants room to work...:))) He does enjoy it though...and i feel good too to see something built for next to nothing...and he never throws anything away either :))))
Thumbs up Pix from OH...hope that will get him going on part 2 now...:)))
12 Oct, 2011
hehe ah well keep him busy hen! Workshop siunds great! my shed was like that, but at the moment is all higgeldy piggeldy cant find a thing! Needs clearing fine the month of May maybe lol.
Did you see my painting?
12 Oct, 2011
He says he's going to start now, so going to
No sorry, I'll go and look now...
12 Oct, 2011
haha yeah you sit there with your cuppa and whip lol ;)
12 Oct, 2011
12 Oct, 2011
12 Oct, 2011
I have the same type of OH as Oliveoil - he doesn't make things, doesn't spend money (on the garden) and always looks surpised when I return home with a plant (he should be well used to it by now).
Lucky you Crissue.
12 Oct, 2011
Thanks very much Frybo......I am lucky, we work together very well...though he does raise his eyes at where the room is coming from for the next Plant or climber....The only way is up
It's finished now, am going to post a new pic...:))
12 Oct, 2011
12 Oct, 2011
Hi Pix...just cream crackered...have posted a new pic...x
12 Oct, 2011
Ok cool..will go looks now :)
12 Oct, 2011
This is great Crissue! Lovely addition to the garden. These would look fab in Oliveoil's garden...I wonder if she will make some....hmmm..
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Karen...It wouldn't supprise me either....if she did...
20 Oct, 2011
i love this idea!
2 Jan, 2012
Thanks Junna, there is a pic of it completed somewhere here, my design, Hubbies work....and recycled timbers etc...:)))
3 Jan, 2012
u have a brilliant idea!and im going to recycle it also and try what u did
4 Jan, 2012
Good luck....:)))
4 Jan, 2012
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Did OH make them from scratch? Looks great!
11 Oct, 2011