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distant disappearing sun

distant disappearing sun

Another bit of sky the other day as the sun withdrew into a cave of cloud. And dust from a distant sun will shower over everyone

Comments on this photo


thats quite a spooky photo ~ when is the dust likely to fall ~ do i need a special umbrella?

17 Oct, 2011


A very special one!
Look, I am not meant to be on GoY at meant to be looking up a receipe for green tomatoes!!

17 Oct, 2011


i can find you one ~ what do you want? chutney?

17 Oct, 2011

there you go!!!

17 Oct, 2011


I don't know, I put on a very mystical pic and you are talking about chutney!!!

17 Oct, 2011


Anyone have a recipe for salad???

17 Oct, 2011


lobster thermidor ; )

17 Oct, 2011


sorry stevie ~ i did comment on the picture first.

17 Oct, 2011


Lol, but you got my thinking now about a bit of chutney with me cheese n ham sandwich I had a while ago, with a small veg patch cucumber I might add. You have also reminded me to buy some branston pickle as well.
Maybe we all need a bit of chutney for those dark days ahead.

17 Oct, 2011


im sure a bit of chutney would do us all good!!!

17 Oct, 2011


chutney for all!!!, shall I change the title to 'Chutney sun'?

17 Oct, 2011


someone might ask where Chutney was??

17 Oct, 2011


What is chutney??

17 Oct, 2011


Are you joking Lil? Similar to pickle - if not the same. Sweet/sour accompaniment.

17 Oct, 2011


No, not joking. Not familiar with it :( Have led a very sheltered life :)

17 Oct, 2011


Chutney-on-Sea, been there, nice place !!

18 Oct, 2011


Anyone for a pickle?

18 Oct, 2011


Chutney in the sea would not be nice.

18 Oct, 2011


I'd just like to take this opportunity once again to apologise for putting a pic on that was unrelated to chutney or any associated pickles ; )

18 Oct, 2011


However you have got me thinking that I do have some green tomatoes and a couple of courgettes and cumbers that I dont know what to do with hmmmm

18 Oct, 2011


and I do have a mixer I havent used

18 Oct, 2011


i think you need a chopper more than a mixer stevie.

and anymore unrelated sunbranded chutney pictures would be gratefully received.

18 Oct, 2011


i put this blog on my favourites, it makes me giggle everytime i read it.

18 Oct, 2011


I need a new mixer! And some fekin' sleep!! Away with the fairies (see moss blog!!)

18 Oct, 2011


its a lovely blog, never saw the fairies tho!!

18 Oct, 2011


They were all in my sleep depraved mind! That's why the balloon gave me such a fright...a bit Blair Witch!

18 Oct, 2011


Skies the limit for topics so far on this pic!!

18 Oct, 2011


hehe - Autumn - harvest season, lol
Lil - chutney is new to me as well, but tried it, liked it..

18 Oct, 2011


Good to know Kasy. Was feeling left out. How is it eaten? As a condiment?

18 Oct, 2011


oh, don't worry Lil. I was living it Canada ages ago, that's where I've started to study English - still mix words, still wonder what Brits they are talking about, lol. Most of the time it's a part of the sandwich, but for me it is still a lot to learn. Asking all the time about simple things, lol.

18 Oct, 2011


you could eat it in sandwiches with cold meat or cheese or just to dip into with cold meat or cheese ~ there are a huge variety of chutneys ~ nice and tangy.

18 Oct, 2011


I feel like I've just stepped into a parallel universe.

18 Oct, 2011


the universe of chutney??

18 Oct, 2011


Yes Frybo, I didn't realise it at the time but the gap in the clouds was in fact a split in the time-space continuum connected to a parallel universe, consequently made entirely of chutney with a bit of pickle mixed in. We are not in Kansas anymore.

18 Oct, 2011


umpa lumpas eaten all the chutney???

18 Oct, 2011


And there's me clickin' my heels.............and eating last years green tomato chutney!

18 Oct, 2011


never mind lulu, you should get home first!!

18 Oct, 2011


Oh I don't know, I rather like a broken line in the continuum's of parallel universesii's!!

18 Oct, 2011


i have got lost now ~ i shall have to ask the wizard for a satnav ~ or a translator dictionary!!!

18 Oct, 2011


And who is the wizard?!! Sluggy pup!! erm maybe not!

18 Oct, 2011


Am now going to lie down for a bit and hope that I wake up in Surrey!!

18 Oct, 2011


i wouldnt bank on it frybo!!

i think this blog should be re-named ~
distinctly disappearing sun.

18 Oct, 2011


Dear WI of Clatterford St. Mary

I am writing once again to thank you for inviting me to give my seminal conceptual fine art presentation entitled 'skyscapes of the post apocalypse for the existentialist lunchbox' to your very receptive and welcoming lady WI members.
I would however just like to point out that the experience was somewhat marred by a small minority of ladies who continued to talk over me at key moments during this serious topic. I am sure some of the other members would have been distracted by what seemed to be a separate discussion going on at down the front about... 'chutney'!! Moreover at a key moment of conceptual solemnity in my speech a shriek of 'pickle' was heard followed by giggling.
Whilst I am partial to a bit of gherkin myself I do not think this is appropriate behaviour for what must surely be a Turner prize nominee.
Afterward I was informed that two of those members, Lulu and Sticki, had also been involved in the now infamous cupcake throwing incident of 2009 which made the local paper and cast a dark and unwarranted cloud over your fine organisation (NB I have no picture of this cloud available). Thus I thought it only kind to inform you of these surfacing shenanigans.
However apart from that I do hope the rest enjoyed the show and please thank them for the sponges which will last me another year.
Kind Regards
Stephano le terriblement

18 Oct, 2011


Dear and Esteemed Artist of Monmouthshire
You will doubtless recall our prior warning to this group, they are indeed a keen and knowledgeable group some of whom have a very creative minds.
It appears from your letter dated today that you were perhaps a little perturbed by the disturbance ~ we apologise for this but would ask you to bear in mind that the young ladies in question, as mentioned above, have your best interest at heart and were no doubt inspired by your rare and beautiful photo.
We look forward to further pictures from you and hope that this will stimulate even more varied debate.
Next months meeting, should you be interested is to be on 'Pickles' and will be followed by a bun fight.
Yours sincerely
Worthy of Worcestershire

18 Oct, 2011



18 Oct, 2011


P.S. next time you are booked to show slides and give a talk could you please supply brown paper bags to the listeners ~ as the giggles have now turned to hysterical laughter!!

18 Oct, 2011


WI of Clatterford St Mary
& Worthy of Worcestershire
& Princess of the Time warp, crack in the sky (that's Bowie Sticki!) Friend of all dragons.............

Would like to thank Stephano the Terriblement for his very interesting seminar on conceptual fine art presentation - Skyscapes of the post apocolypse for the existentialism of chutney.

I enclose 100 sponges from the wild sargasso sea, a few paper bags and a cupcake.

Pickle whirling and bunfights will take place in the hobbits house on the far distant hills of Wenslydale.
Please note, DO NOT FEED the local Dragons because they are flying that night and wish to be slim enough to breach the infamous crack in the sky.

Yours utterly sincerely
Gothic of Gloucestershire.

Phew.time for a glass of.

19 Oct, 2011


Cheers Gothic!!! a most excellent letter.

19 Oct, 2011


Dear ladies
Just need to sharpen my quill pen pen and then I will be back with something witty..promise ; )

19 Oct, 2011


we shall keep you to that promise.

19 Oct, 2011


Har har me hearties, that's the ticket!
Honestly, haven't we anything better to do with our time? The dragons are sleeping, the gardens to bed (well nearly!) The vacuuming done (cat n' dog miele seems to be making weird noises like it's going to blow up?) And dinner's on the go..............Hake for D. Chard and tofu for me. Salad leaves and beetroot and carrot salad with coriander seed and mayo/yogurt front of the fire with the telly on (which, quite frankly, I would like to toss out of the window!)

19 Oct, 2011


And im in the kitchen with a cup of tea and the computer, ironing not done ~ i could toss that out of the window.

19 Oct, 2011


I'm wondering if the lot of you have been out harvesting (magic) mushrooms?????

19 Oct, 2011


I was wondering the same as Lil - maybe some Klingon wine or hobbit hash cakes have also been consumed.

20 Oct, 2011

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This photo is of "Veg patch pics 2011" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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