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Bauhinia corymbosa - Orchids Vine

Bauhinia corymbosa - Orchids Vine (Bauhinia corymbosa - Orchids Vine)

My Orchid Vine is blooming already. My neighbor, who has a gigantic Orchid Vine gave this vine as a very tiny seedling back in April. It's now 7ft/2.3m high and is just starting to bloom. Photo taken Oct. 18, 2011.

Comments on this photo


This is gorgeous Delonix!!!

19 Oct, 2011


A case of plant and stand well back lol

19 Oct, 2011


curious one

19 Oct, 2011



Thanks! Yes, you should see gorgeous a gigantic one like my across-the-street neighbor's vine is in bloom. I could kick myself for not getting photos when it was in bloom.

20 Oct, 2011



It's in a pot and is crawling up my Banyan tree (Ficus bengalensis). I get really nervous planting vines in the ground in my climate, because most vines go crazy with growth all year!

20 Oct, 2011



Yes, it is. It's an available vine, however, not too widely grown.

20 Oct, 2011


Interesting plant ! most of the Bauhinia's here are trees, never seen them as a vine.

20 Oct, 2011


Interesting flower Del...

20 Oct, 2011



Yes, most Bauhinia species are medium to large trees.

There's a few species of Bauhinia which are vines. The only two species I know which grow here are: Bauhinia corymbosa and kockiana. Bauhinia kockiana is not very common at all. It's a tropical vine which is native to Malaysia. Bauhinia tomentosa and punctata are sometimes grown as a shrubby vine, here.

20 Oct, 2011


Bauhinia tomentosa grows in to a small shrubby tree here.
other Bauhinia's which grow here are varigata(flowers in spring), purpurea (is forming buds now) and blakeana, which flowers in Nov-Dec intermittently up to March

21 Oct, 2011



Yes, Bauhinia tomentosa can become a shrubby tree, also.

I've seen some Bauhinia variegata and variety 'Alba', purpurea and with some blossoms. Typically, they start to bloom in late winter or very early spring. Bauhinia x 'Blakeana' started blooming a month ago (Sept) and will bloom until April...their peak bloom is in January, February. Bauhinia forficata, punctata bloom in summer.

I have many photo of all these Bauhinia species posted on GoY. Here's a few of my photos:

22 Oct, 2011


I've always wanted one of these. A lovely Queensland gardener sent me some seeds for this beauty but none of them sprouted.

23 Oct, 2011



My neighbor has a massive one in their yard. They've given dug-up seedlings in the past, which have all died. This one posted came up in a big pot with my neighbor's oregano. They gave the plant and pot.

To get this vine to grow, you need to put the seeds in boiling water for about a minute or so, then add the same quantity of cold water the boiling water...then let it soak overnight. It will most likely germinate in a couple of days. This technique works well with virtually all legumes with very hard seeds.

24 Oct, 2011


Aah! Thanks, Andy. I'll have to see if the kind gardener could send me some more seeds and I'll try this.

24 Oct, 2011


I just noticed I left out the "me" in two sections of my last comment. Sorry! I know you're a teacher. I definitely flunked my grammar in the last comment. lol! :)

I've used this technique many times with Delonix regia (Royal Poinciana).

24 Oct, 2011


I knew what you meant! ;)

24 Oct, 2011



24 Oct, 2011


How on earth did I miss this! Wonderful!

15 Nov, 2011


Funny Delonix1 I was just going to purchase one for my yard online.....would love to see your neighbors first to see if it would grow in the ground in my yard.!!

16 Nov, 2011


I now have the rare blue bauhinia Bartlettii growing well in my yard. It is very rare and I think I have the first one growing successfully in San Diego... It is beautiful.

16 Nov, 2011



Bauhinia corymbosa is an extremely vigorous vine. You would need to have a huge area for it. Mine is in a pot and has grown from about 3in to almost 7 feet since spring.

17 Nov, 2011


I have JUST the spot for one. I can also trim it back too if it gets too big right? Does it handle pruning well?

18 Nov, 2011


Yes, I think all Bauhinia species tolerate pruning very well.

18 Nov, 2011


Very nice! Good photography, too! Looks like you have multiple talents, Del!

One other method for starting this from seed, which I believe is safer on the seed, is to nick the seed coat, such as you would with Moonflower or any other rock hard seeds. I'll either work on the seed coat with an exacto knife or pruners, or scratching them on cement until i've gotten through half or more of the seed coat. Be careful not to go all the way through to the little seed embryo or you may damage it. But, you need to get past the majority of the seed coating so the water will be absorbed and start the embryo. After nicking the seed, a good 2-3 day soaking in a 1/4 strength mixture of seed starter or super bloom fertilizer will give it a great start. Then plant it and wait for it to come up, usually within a week or so.

Great site here!

12 Jan, 2013



That the complicated way to start seeds in the Fabaceae (Leguminosae) family.

I start all my legumes in boiling water and let it sit for about 4 or 5 minutes, then add amount of cold water and soak overnight. The seeds will germinate in a couple of days.

13 Jan, 2013

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