The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Collage # 2

Collage # 2

Just love flowers as they are cheaper to grow than buy.
I tried vegetables but I found from my personnel experience, yes! I could get some lovely fresh tomatoes but in the end it work out by the time I brought everything I was paying about £2 a pound ( I'm sorry but I have to do it in old English ) just when they were selling dead cheap on the market but I noticed that flowers were a sky high price.

Comments on this photo


Very pretty Tommy

16 Nov, 2011


Thank you Sheilar, got so many pictures that I could show but wonder if all will be of interest !!!

Cheers to all of your likes, most appreciated - Tom

16 Nov, 2011


They are beautiful, I never get bored at looking at pictures and gardens. :))) afterall it is a garden site, me think..

16 Nov, 2011


Same here Michaela, I never tire of looking at flowers and gardens. I must be a boring old fart now me thinks:o)

16 Nov, 2011


You are spot on Michaella and Sheilar you are definitely not a boring old fart . Love your comments on other GOU photos . Your inspiration plus Kath's was one of the main reasons that I chose to join this site. Just love taking photos of flowers and nature, especially those taking from the back and front windows of my house and the same from my small garden. Now I can share.
So much day to day goings on. I have to be careful as I don't want people thinking I'm a peeping Tom. One night while photographing the snow I inadvertently caught on camera a bloke pull up and start dumping rubbish into the big paladins bins belonging to some nearby flats. Unfortunately just a back shot with no number plate showing.

16 Nov, 2011


brilliant Collage Tommy....well it...:))

22 Nov, 2011


Cheers Sue,

22 Nov, 2011



23 Nov, 2011

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