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Philadelphus snowbelle.

Philadelphus snowbelle. (Philadelphus coronarius (Mock Orange))

New shrub added to my front garden in 2011

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5 Dec, 2011


That's beautiful ! :o)

5 Dec, 2011


This is beautiful Chrispook, I've never seen a viburnum opulus like this before. Is it a new variety? :-)

5 Dec, 2011


Interesting Ba . . . I thought I had a Viburnum opulus, but mine (if it is?!) had ball-shaped white flowers. But I was bowing to Chrispook's greater knowledge!

5 Dec, 2011


Sorry I confess I got the wrong shrub in flower. I bought a vibernum opulus, a type of philadelphus and a variegated holly at the same time and they were grouped together in their pots before I planted them. Its the Philadelphus thats flowering, and the vibernum in is in leaf only. Maybe we will see flowers next year. I'm not sure if I have a shot of the vibernum alone.:-)

5 Dec, 2011


It's a beautiful mock orange lol:-) Such lovely large flowers, which variety is it?:-)

6 Dec, 2011


The lable said Philadelphus snowbelle, but I'm not sure what the proper name is. It is different to my other ones though.

6 Dec, 2011


I'll google it, thanks:-)

7 Dec, 2011


I think it's lovely, whatever it's called - but thanks Chris for the explanation. :))

7 Dec, 2011

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