Swedish Rose?
By Stickitoffee

21 Dec, 2011
Isnt it amazing what a plain swede can be turned into!! It gives me hope!!
This was carved at the local Thai restaurant and served with the meal ~ aren't they clever!!
Comments on this photo
They are Sticki. Think you should give it a go and put a pic on here :o))
21 Dec, 2011
Wow that would be difficlut? they are pretty hard! great!
21 Dec, 2011
Sticki, they go in for this kind of thing on cruises, its amazing how they craft the veg from radishes, carrots, melons etc. so clever.
21 Dec, 2011
very clever indeed
21 Dec, 2011
tommymoo i wish i had!!
i kept looking at it to try to work out how they had done it but as pixi says they are really a hard veg so it wouldnt be very easy, might still have a go though ~ might have to put a picture of a bandaged up hand though!!!
21 Dec, 2011
that's incredible Sticki, really very clever...
21 Dec, 2011
The Thai family that run this restaurant are lovely, so gently spoken, so polite, always immaculately dressed in traditional costumes, its such a treat to go there. wish i had asked to watch them make one but i expect they were busy.
i havent ever seen a swede used before, i liked its colour.
21 Dec, 2011
what tool/utensil do you reckon they use? some of those petals are curved!!
21 Dec, 2011
i would say a paring knife for the outside and maybe a garnish tool set, my mum had one it had a little scoop almost like a chisel thingy.. maybe
21 Dec, 2011
i was thinking chisel, thanks surreylad. might have to investigate the depths of my kitchen drawer!!! or the tool box!!
21 Dec, 2011
good luck Sticki :-))
21 Dec, 2011
i will need it, thanks SL ~ have to buy the swede first, although i do have a large butternut squash ~ i could try with that ~ its not so hard!!
21 Dec, 2011
LoL, no blood before Christmas!!
21 Dec, 2011
will try very hard lulu, perhaps if i wore my strong gardening gloves for protection??
21 Dec, 2011
Good plan! It's easier to do this with a tomato!!!
21 Dec, 2011
Wow at first glance I thought it was a Rose, very clever and tricky to do, hope you enjoyed your meal;0)
21 Dec, 2011
yes i really did, thank you PP ~ it was a treat not to cook, been very busy in the kitchen recently
but apart from that i just love the way they serve everything, i had vegetables in tempura batter served with sweet chilli dipping sauce then chicken massaman [?] which is medium hot in a peanut and coconut sauce, with coconut rice, then lychees in a light syrup [this had ice in] and then golden tea!! lovely!!
i cant cook those things so it makes it extra special.
21 Dec, 2011
Mmm that all sounds so tasty and delicious, pleased you enjoyed it! better go and check whether my fish is cooked for tea now!!
21 Dec, 2011
I found a YouTube video, although it's about cutting cucumbers, not carving swede into a rose:
21 Dec, 2011
oh thank you tommy, i thought at first it was going to be in chinese!! but its really interesting!
enjoy your fish PP
21 Dec, 2011
21 Dec, 2011
Fancy trying to carve one of these pimpernel?
21 Dec, 2011
From my bookmarks Sticki...I wish
21 Dec, 2011
That looks beautiful, there are some very funny carvings I have seen.
21 Dec, 2011
There are some very beautiful ones though..I used to carve pumpkins like a Gale Vase..No time these days ..
21 Dec, 2011
Oh that's a shame, maybe one day you will have more time.
I'm always running out of time for the things I want to do, the good thing is I don't get bored!
21 Dec, 2011
Hi Sticki WOOOO !! Whot a lovely thing to do. Very cleaver to :))
21 Dec, 2011
It's like having a little present with your meal, I think it's such a lovely idea sue, glad you liked it too.
21 Dec, 2011
me too HB ~ thats why i admired it so much.!!
22 Dec, 2011
That is really good
26 Dec, 2011
aren't they clever sheila! wish i knew how to do it, i tried but it was not pretty!!!
26 Dec, 2011
Wow sticky that looks good enough to eat haha.
27 Dec, 2011
maybe if it was cooked kev??
27 Dec, 2011
How clever is that?
27 Dec, 2011
amazing aren't they DD, think i will ask if they will show me next time i go, the only thing is i suspect they make them much earlier in the day.
27 Dec, 2011
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I thought you did it!!
21 Dec, 2011