garden 11.12.20
By Franl155

7 Jan, 2012
last view of garden 2011. some of the plants are now in the mini-greenhouse, in case of snow. The "sky" has started to fall, and I've since taken it down - but it was only a shower curtain, not meant for outdoors, and it lasted severalmonths, so can't complain. I did cut the curtain into three, so I have two spare strips, but dunno if it's worth the aggro.
Comments on this photo
The main idea of me having a screen there was so that I couldn't see into next door's garden - I could see it every time I looked at that end of my garden, and I felt uncoforatable about invading their privacy, even by accident.
But since they showed how concerned *they* are about other people's gardens (see my "Space Invader" blog) I'm more blasé or going to to train myself to be so.
Besides, I'd hve to move all the plants to get at the right side of the fence, and I really can't be bothered. And anyway, the plants, I hope will get to be tall enought o provide screening.
But your idea is a jolly good one, and don't know why i didn't think of it! I had a piece of material up at first; it billowed rather a lot so I cut slots for the wind in it. I cut slots in the shower curtain before I put it up - maybe I cut too many or they were too long, because that's where it went.
But fencing rolls would be ideal - Argos has willow and rush, I think,or it had last time I looked - one review said their one was too thin to provide proper screening, they had to double it, but all I want is more-or-less screening, to break up the view - and that kind of screen would still let the wind through without tearing or pulling off.
As a bonus, it might sound nice to be rustled in the wind!
heigh-ho for the online Argos catalogue! thanks.
ps rats, Argos don't seem to do them at the moment. at least, can't find anything on about a dozen searches to bring me even close. ah well, maybe later
7 Jan, 2012
7 Jan, 2012
or eBay! they've got stacks
7 Jan, 2012
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how about that very thin bamboo type fencing that comes in rolls? or i think they do some that looks almost like twigs held together???
7 Jan, 2012