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Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust' (Codiaeum aucubaefolia) - Croton

Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust' (Codiaeum aucubaefolia) - Croton (Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust' (Codiaeum aucubaefolia) - Croton)

My Gold Dust Croton in the ground in the front yard is growing like crazy in all the hot weather we've been having here in San Diego, CA. Photo taken Jan. 9, 2012.

Comments on this photo


Pretty variegated leaves :o)

11 Jan, 2012


Hi Andy...just catching up from New Year! Lots of beautiful photos and plants...Looks like you had a great holiday time! :)))

11 Jan, 2012



Thanks! I should have never posted this pic, though. It's not a very clear photo, now that I look at it.

11 Jan, 2012



Happy New Year to you! :>)

Yes, I had a great time during the holidays...I'm glad their over, though.

11 Jan, 2012



It's been a long time since I've seen a comment from you.
Glad you're back! :>)

Yes, I've had major problems (bugs, dry air and soil) in the past growing crotons. They tend to get some kind of mite or thrip which kills off the leaves. I almost lost my largest Angel Wing Croton in the summer of 2010.

11 Jan, 2012


I've got one in the back garden...victim of the 'chop', though! Just waiting for it to come back...

11 Jan, 2012



It should recover relatively fast in the deep tropics.

12 Jan, 2012


Thanks for the information!

I used Green Light concentrated liquid systemic which killed all the bugs. It worked very well and killed the scales, ants and other bugs on my palms, also. I loved this systemic because the lasting effects work for one year.

12 Jan, 2012

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