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Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong Palm

Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong Palm (Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong Palm)

I brought my Sumawong palm indoors for a week. It can only stay indoors for a very short period of time because of the high potential for spider mites. Photo taken Jan 12, 2012.

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This is one of the nicest palms. This is very tropical right?

13 Jan, 2012


It is native to the Sumawong region of Malaysia...which is in the equatorial zone. The climate is very hot and humid all year. However, I've read this palm has survived temps to freezing with no frost (in very protected spots). It does prefer a warm to hot subtropical climate at least, although, grows best in the tropics. It is becoming quite popular here, especially in semi-shaded protected spots (from wind and direct sun). I grow mine under my shade structure in the front yard.

13 Jan, 2012


Here's what it looked like when I purchased it back in April of 2009.

It grows 3 or 4 fronds a year for me. For some people it only grows 1 or 2 fronds a year. It's definitely not a fast growing palm (especially out of the tropics).

13 Jan, 2012


Oh, it's done well for you.
I can grow this then....once I place a glass dome over my garden.

13 Jan, 2012


I would think you can grow this palm outdoors in a semi-shaded spot all year. You get a lot of heat in summer...this is what this palms needs to grow well. It hates wind, though.

13 Jan, 2012


We get A LOT of wind.

13 Jan, 2012


I finally seem to be on top of my spider mites now!

14 Jan, 2012



You would need a very protected spot out of the wind to grow this palm.

14 Jan, 2012



That's great! Spider mites are horrible! I can never get them under control on my house plants...this is the reason why I have very few plant in the house.

14 Jan, 2012


I don't have any Spider mites on my house plants.

14 Jan, 2012


You're very lucky!

14 Jan, 2012


I had to be bold with the remaining infected plants and expose them to cold weather to win though. Thankfully nothing was ultra tropical.

14 Jan, 2012


A lovely set of photo's D

14 Jan, 2012



Lots of rain will take care of spider mites also.

15 Jan, 2012



Thanks! :>)

15 Jan, 2012


Its doing very well palmate .I love this shape of leaf :o)))

15 Jan, 2012



Yes, it's looking pretty good. I do wish the fronds were a little greener, though. I think it only would look truly dark green when grown in the ground.

Licuala species are considered by many one of the most ornamental and beautiful palms in the world.

15 Jan, 2012


I have to agree with you :o)
But my real fav is the lou-lou palm

19 Jan, 2012



I absolutely love Licuala species, however, I do have to agree with you. Lou lou palms are one of my favorite species of palm, also. It's also easier to grow here in California.

I'll have to get some new photos of my Lou lou palms.

19 Jan, 2012


If you water with Bayer systemics...that does wonders for growing them indoors. Same for Anthuriums,Adeniums and other plants that get 100% of the time mites,thrips and mealys.
I couldnt keep indoors those plants in winter..or all year without it.

19 Sep, 2014


That's exactly the systemic I use. It's the best!

This palm can actually grow outside (in a protected area) in the SF Bay Area. It's pretty hardy; however, prefers rain water.

This plant does not like being in the house. It prefers outside conditions so much better.

19 Sep, 2014


That is one of the worlds most beautiful palms no doubt. I've seen the pics of them in pots...look just as great that way too.
I should get one.
Andy,I think Jim Dentz has said he has some types of Licuala growing..not sure which ones.

20 Sep, 2014


Jim Dentz, he live in Palo Alto, right? He belongs to the Palm Society. I saw photos of his Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' they looks very good. The palms are hardy, they need heat to grow well.

My plant did well outside, then I experimented by leaving it in the house for one year and it hated it. It's still recovering...lots of brown edges on the fronds. I need to put back under the tent in the back yard where it grew flawlessly.

22 Sep, 2014

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