The only pearls I want
By Franl155

19 Jan, 2012
Raindrops on a conifer - not very good, but it's my first try at "art"
Comments on this photo
*s* I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the finished pic full-screen; wasn't that big while I was working on it - tried about a dozen frames in Paint Shop Pro, but glad I settled for this one.
19 Jan, 2012
I think you're going to give Pimpernel a run for his money. It's beautiful!
P.S. Is your new avatar you? Is that a big blue cloud of depression over your head, or a lovely violet halo? Very distinctive.
22 Jan, 2012
thanks, Gattina, I don't think he'll have to worry about his laurels for some time yet - I'm just starting out, and I've only got a point-and-shoot camera - shee, I'm so gald we don't have to take film to the chemists' to be devleoped these days, most of them would be junked because of blur!
Yes, my new avatar is of me - well, of me about twenty years ago! I went to the London Mind, Body Spirit event and they had loads of stuff there, one of which was "photograph your aura", so I had a go and that's what I got. When I find the paper they gave me explaining the meaning of the colours I'll add it
*s* "purple haze", that's me all over
22 Jan, 2012
Pimpernel once referred to me as "Misty Blue", which I rather liked. When I get booted off GoY for inappropriate remarks, I might just come back with that as my alter ego. If anyone had a go at photographing MY aura, I think we'd discover it was an anaemic, wishy-washy beige, dusty and moth-eaten round the edges.
22 Jan, 2012
gattina that is really funny, no one is going to boot you off but i will look out for misty blue!!!
would be interesting to see if we could come up with a colour for everyone!!!
22 Jan, 2012
Sticki, you have no idea some of the things I could write if you caught me on an off day! I'm not the genteel, ladylike old soul you might imagine - I'm a fierce old bat with a comprehensive vocabulary of dreadful, purple insults in several languages..... So watch it!
22 Jan, 2012
dont worry gattina my hand has not slipped across to the flag button!!!
so purple is your colour???
you know the jenny joseph poem???
22 Jan, 2012
Oh, I'm already there! I have the red hat, and a lovely matching purple sweater and tights, but mostly I wear blue jeans. I gave up worrying about shocking people a while back. It upsets Daughter a treat!
22 Jan, 2012
i dont have a daughter i wonder if daughters in law will say anything!!??
one of them mentioned i should have a different hair dresser but she was quite drunk at the time. im sure the advise was correct though!!!
22 Jan, 2012
Sometimes drunk is fun! I remember one New Year's day sitting on the living room floor with Daughter (then about 4) and my dressmaking shears, and we each cut the other's hair off. Well hers, she could sit on in those days, but she hated the tangles, and mine was longish, too, and I just felt ....well, I'm not sure WHAT I felt, just tiddly. We put the piles of hair out in the spring for the birds to make nests with. And they did! I tidied up both haircuts once I had sobered up, so that was all right, then!
22 Jan, 2012
someone would be ringing childline these days!!!
thats very funny though, does your daughter remember it?
22 Jan, 2012
Don't know - I haven't asked her. One thing is sure, we'll each have TOTALLY different versions of the same event. Her memory is getting really bad as she gets older (LOL)
22 Jan, 2012
might have to check that one with her!!!!!
22 Jan, 2012
Not B****y likely. She scares me!
22 Jan, 2012
hold on a moment ~ who is the mother here???
22 Jan, 2012
22 Jan, 2012
and have you run off from the other blog too??
sorry fran for deviating from your blog.
22 Jan, 2012
22 Jan, 2012
see you tomorrow!!
22 Jan, 2012
*s* no probs, Sticki - I've done it mself to other people; it's nice to have a convo flowing wherever the current takes it, without having to remind onself to keep to the straight and narrow
23 Jan, 2012
Thanks fran.
23 Jan, 2012
She's a lovely, generous and understanding lady, is our Fran!
23 Jan, 2012
aw, shucks! *blushes modestly*
23 Jan, 2012
I agree with gattina!
23 Jan, 2012
hmm, for some reason I'm not getting any pix - just a square with an x in the corner. is anyone else getting this, or is it just my pc?
it's only my GoY page that's affected: I can get pix on my other tabs.
23 Jan, 2012
NO, I'm not getting your picture either, Fran - maybe your aura has gone walkabout!
23 Jan, 2012
lol I "contacted us" and now get pics again - q;uick work on their part!
23 Jan, 2012
Well done you. I have been so lucky over the years in that not only do I have my small urban garden but for over 25 years I had an allotment as well. Now I can hardly bend, walk or lift anything remotely heavy ( I am 5'11'' and well built , pity about the face!) and my garden is all pots, tubs and baskets and my garden is a wee bit larger than yours. It is still small and it is amazing what you can cram into a small space so you keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing. Fishermen say "tight lines" by way of good luck. I do not think gardeners have an equivalent so I'll just say "have a slug and weed free year" as our saying.
25 Jan, 2012
thank you, Grampar dear!
I've only had this flat about 18 months, still trying to get stuff unboxed (but need someone to put shelves up, etc). I dreamed of a garden for years, and made plans for when I got one - though I did imagine a "small garden" of about 12x24 feet, whjch I thought was pretty small. And I tended to assume that it'd be diggable!
I think my main prob now is simply deciding which way to go: I've wanted dwarf landcapes (can't see well enough for proper miniatture plants), but that means making hypertufa troughs, and as I've never done anything remotely like that before ... so I need to work out what to do, and then how I can do it - and stop buying plants "just because they're there"!
25 Jan, 2012
Like the "art" they look like crystals dont they..really nice:)
25 Jan, 2012
lol they looked even better in reality; I still need to learn how to use the camera better.
25 Jan, 2012
Tears of the tree. Beautiful picture, like 3D. :)
14 Feb, 2012
thank you *s* I did this frame in Paint Shop, had tried several, but liked this one best: I didn't notice the 3D effect till later, the samples were quite small.
14 Feb, 2012
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I think thats lovely. I like the way it seems to pop out of the frame and yes i would prefer those to pearls too.
19 Jan, 2012