me and my aura
By Franl155

22 Jan, 2012
got this while at the Mind, Body Spirit event in London years ago - photo enchanced in Paint Shop to show the colours better, but otherwise untouched
Comments on this photo
And a cheeky smile!
22 Jan, 2012
smiles, after they took the pics, they interpreted them, but there was a queue for that, so I went out to sit on the steps and have a smoke. There was another woman who'd just had hers done, and hers was almost the same as mine; same colours, slightly different arrangement.
Being naturally suspicious , I went back in and "casually" looked over other people's shoulders to see if the camera were fixed somehow to always give the same effect, but some of them had reds and yellows in theirs.
Apparently blues and purples are good colours to have; I still have their interpretation somewhere, and their advice that I should drink sage tea that had been brewed for 20 minutes - she said it normally brews for less, but somehow she had the feeling that i should let it stand for that long. Never got around to trying it, maybe I should, even now.
*s* I took my specs off for the photo, as I usually do, otherwise i get two headlamps from the reflection of a flash! and I'm no good at grinning, that was the best I could do at the time
22 Jan, 2012
How interseting :)
25 Jan, 2012
they do regular events, I believe, around the country. You don't have to believe it, not sure that I do, at last a lot of it, but still ...
25 Jan, 2012
I've been told that my aura is bad....a sort of dark red! But apparently it has improved since I left my toxic job.
26 Jan, 2012
stress can change one's aura, I've read, and retirement and rotten jobs can build up a lot of stress. I must find that aura-colour chart they gave me and stick it on!
I can feel my aura, sometimes, but I've never been able to see it, as some people say they can. Never been able to feel leylines, either ...
If you close your eyes and put your hands out, then bring them slowly together, palms facing, you might feel the palms start to tingle. That's the aura on each hand connecting with that on the other hand.
Once you've noted the distance between your hands, try moving one that distance over your body to get the same tingle. Any place that you have to move your hand closer to your body indicates an aura weak spot
There's stacks about this sort of thing online, but then, there's stacks about Atlantis and was-god-an-alien abd Elvis-is-still-alive ... smiles, check out, but don't necessarilyk believe until you've tested it for yourself! I usualy define myself as "an interested sceptic".
But there might be something in this: we are run by electircity, after all, and that must generate electro-magnetic fields
I'm interested in Kirlian photograpahy but not found a way to test it, not without a lot of very expensive machinery. (Kirlian photography can apparently photograph this electro-magnetic field: in a famous experiment, they cut a leaf in half down the central spine, and got a photograph of the whole leaf. And a man who had fingers missing gave a picture of a whole hand. Of course, wer've only got their word that the leaf was actualy cut and hat the man actually did have missing fingers! And it's said that the colour of the photo gives an indication of emotional state of the sitter)
We're all slightly psychic, on a very low level; I should think that many people have had the experience of going into an empty room and feeling very uncomfortable for some reason, not knowing that people had had a blazing row in that room before they arrived.
Interesting, but there's so much rubbish out there ...
26 Jan, 2012
i think there may be some truth there. I do my own form of Reiki (just on Rick) I can feel a strong energy in my palms and they generate a lot of heat. I tried it on my Dad who isnt well and he feels it too..they both said they could feel like a deep healing heat and it makes them feel relaxed and warm and I guess thats a good thing. Never seen my aura tho. :)
26 Jan, 2012
there are books, and no doubt websites, on how to train to see the aura. If I tried, I could probably *imagine* that i could see it, but then, I'm sure I could pursaude myself that I was Naoploen if I tried hard enough!
I tend to be very wary with psychic stuff: I look at it like crossing a jungle - you don't just put a bottle of water in your pocket and set off! you check it out, study the terrain, pick up "local knowledge" and, best of all, find a "native guide" who knows the area, and the dangers, to help you get through it safely.
I've tried to find "safe" ways to explore this, but all I've come across is the "discover your psychic power in a weekend", at ££££££ or spiritualist churches. I did actually email several churches, asking for advice: I said that I wasn't a christian but it wouldn't bother me if it didn't bother htem. Apporently it did bother them, because I didn't get a single reply. I even caontacted the SPR - Society for Psychic Research and they didn't bother answering, either.
I'm not confident about trying on my own, at least for the very first time - *s* I want to know that there's a "ref" on hand in case something happens that I don't feel able to handle - this is one jungle I don't want to get lost in.
I'm wary for two reasons: if it's real, then it's powerful, and misuse can ba dangerous. If it's not real, then it's a con. There are "psychic" springing up all over the place, and I'm sure that a lot of them don't know what they're doing - and that a lot more do know what they're doing, and that's conning people!
lol this may have come out of India, but there's too many cowboys!
ps - occurred to me, some years ago: we're electro-magnetic beings, and we surround ourselves with electrical objects that also have electro-magnetic fields: I wondered if anyone had done any researcb into how the human race has gone downhill since domestic electricity was invented!
26 Jan, 2012
We were just speaking about that the other day. I'm not necessarily good at reading individual people, but I can walk into a room and feel bad energy in a heartbeat - in fact, just last week I walked into Sean's antique shop, turned around and walked right back out. Sean was in the back, Tim was at his desk, and I just felt this awful energy, like walking into a wall. Turns out they'd just had a terrible argument ten minutes before.
My job was truly toxic; as my mother said, I was lucky that I slipped, suffered a bad back injury, and was fired in retaliation. Well, except for the not having money part, I was lucky, but that's why I have a good attorney!
Same thing'd enter the building and just pick up on it right away.....misery and anger and every negative emotion imaginable.
26 Jan, 2012
understand where you're coming from: I wasn't too thrilled to be at my last job, especially when our lffice pita (pain in the "arm") didn't get the promotion she thought she deserved (she was the only one who thought that!) and used me as her emotional punchbag even more than she had before. Thankfully I went off sick because of my back before I finally snapped and told her a few things - not very good at confrontations.
I was off work 16 months; it hurt even to breathe unless I did so very shallowly, and they were going to sack me for the time I'd been off sick (this was my third long sickness - never occurred to them that if they got proper visually impaired equipement, I'd not need to hang my ribs on the edge of the desk in order to get my nose on it to see what I was supposed to be doing!) but the union said, think again, so I got medically retired.
But one started getting depressed just walking up the path to the front door - might have been just going-to-work, but I never had that at anywhere else I've ever worked.
Once I stayed behind when it was home time and did a small cleansing ritual, outlining "my space" and banishing negative energies. Don't know how much that helped, I couldn't stay in "my space" all day every day, and couldn't stop others coming in! but even on a "mere" psychological level, it must have helped a bit.
I did the same thing when I first moved in to my new flat, and renewed it last year and will again this year - I work on a psychological rather than a "magick" level but *s* all magic starts in the mind - one can work miracles if one believes one can. sometimes!
26 Jan, 2012
I understand how bad it can be. I received a very interesting phone call from a former co-worker the other day, who'd quit last July because she had been asked to do things she felt were unethical - one of them being, she was asked to SPY on me and three other people to find a reason for the manager to fire us! He was very paranoid about losing his job, we'd been there for too long and knew too much dirt. Well, he dug his own grave because he was forced to resign 2 weeks ago. Even though this was partially based on statements I & other employees made, this still doesn't help the 3 people who were fired based on lies and who now have to worry about losing their homes.
My attorney thought I had a good case before, but it's even better now since I have a credible witness who is willing to testify. They may just give in and give me $$$ because I have the potential to make things very, very unpleasant for my former employer....all I have to do is call a news outlet and start talking and all hell will break loose.
26 Jan, 2012
good for you! and well done your friend for speaking out. I've had the "my office door is always open if you think there's something I need to know, hint-hint". but someone did spy on us; I know because I used to save the used postage stamps to give them to charity. I left the open box on the table so everyone could see what was in it, then put the lid on at home time and took it downstairs. The boss was always at the door, watching us to make sure we didn't take the stock home - he was going to say something to me, the internal phone rang, he picked it up and listened, then said "oh, postage stamp". someone didn't waste any time reporting what I was "stealing".
I tried to wind him up - I'd come in in the morning wearing a shirt and jumper under my jacket, and going home, I'd put the jumper in a carrier bag - so I'd come in empty-handed and go out with a bag with something in it! I was waiting for him to accuse me - he reckoned he had the right to body-search any member of staff, whereas I was pretty sure at the time that not even a policeman could search my person - it had to be a policewoman. I was just waiting for him to make a move and then I'd have had him with assault and everything else I could think of. He must have read hat in my body-language, because he never did, sigh.
26 Jan, 2012
I used to look at the queue at the mind body spirit festival for this and gave up entirely....and went and had a smoke!!
I went for a few years when I lived in London but now I've moved to the countryside I don't see these events quite so much.
I try to incorporate my sense of spirituality into some of my artwork.
5 Feb, 2012
smiles, not just "try", Lulu, "succeed"! I'm still trying to work out how to represent my spiritaul beliefs; they're still a bit nebulous and I'm no good at art, anyway.
I don't usually queue up for anything, even local jumble sales - if I can't walk right in, or at least aren't near the front of a short queue, I don't bother. I missed the Tutenkhamen exhibition in London years ago because they were queueing round the block. We must have got to the MBS event very early, as I don't remember any queueing at all. Or maybe we just wenton a quiet day.
5 Feb, 2012
I remember when the old Queen Mum died and folk queued miles to see her in state. My Dad, who had a bad back at the time said he would go out of respect if he could. The very last night of her lying in state, at 3am I woke from a dream that I had gone to see her. I jumped out of bed, grabbed a cab and went!
It was an amazing experience, no queue. The palace was amazing at night and the Koh i Noor Diamond on top of the crown shone out sending rainbows around the huge space of the palace!
6 Feb, 2012
wow. pity you couldn't sneak a pic. I don't go much on royals, but the Queen Mum was a special lady
6 Feb, 2012
She was, I like the Queen too.
I thought about sneaking a pic but decided I#d better behave. I took one from outside though but it didn't come out well.
6 Feb, 2012
I feel for the Queen - she should be able to retire and have some time to herself, but "abdication" is not a word one can use lightly after Edward VIII!
I was born in coronation year, just claimed my coronation cup & saucer from mum, who was "looking after it"
6 Feb, 2012
Not sure if the queen wants to retire!!
I live 3 miles from Highgrove!! Never see 'em!
6 Feb, 2012
lol, at least she should be able to have the choice - though the next monarch (not naming names!) might feel "someone" looking over their shoulder. but at the same time, it'd be handy for a new "manager" to have an ex-manager to turn to for advice while they're finding their feet.
with one monarch taking over at the precious one's death, they do'nt have time to mourn their parent in the middle of picking up where the previous left off.
6 Feb, 2012
I was partly brought up by a Romanian 'royal', he was a right royal pain in the backside. We used to fight like cat and dog. He said if he were King and I lived in Romania, I would be the first person he's execute for disagreeing with him!
6 Feb, 2012
err, "preciuos" should have been "previous" in my last post
ha, sounds like a royal pain in the posterior! and his own should have been tanned a few more times, if it ever was; he might have learned how to at least behave like a gentleman even if he wasn't one himself
6 Feb, 2012
I could write a book about him but his son would sue me!
6 Feb, 2012
lol change the names and call it "historical fiction" - or "fiction", anyway!
6 Feb, 2012
Or send the idea to Gillie Cooper (who also lives near here!)
6 Feb, 2012
hmmm, say the book was written by Cilly Gooper, no one will notice!
6 Feb, 2012
I wonder...........!!
6 Feb, 2012
But better not write anything at all if I can't say much good or nice about him.....
6 Feb, 2012
aye, that's the old saying, speak nothing but good etc
mind you, half the world's "newspapers" would be shut down if that were the general rule!
6 Feb, 2012
I wish they would be shutdown and a ban on negativity on tv too.
6 Feb, 2012
nods! we're not allwoed to wish anyone ill, but I think we're allowed to hope that karma acts a bit faster than usual ...
6 Feb, 2012
Yup, he's in big trouble in the big Bardo, maybe with his wife, my Mum if truth be known in that place!
6 Feb, 2012
shee, that's close to home! but you can stand back and enjoy it all the more because you did nothing to cause it to happen; clera consciences always give a better viewing platform ...
6 Feb, 2012
Hi Fran, what an intersting astral body you have! :)
I am any expert on aura, just have one intersting experience which I would like to share. I have blue aura too. I learned it long before I was diagnosed like you. I had a dream, which was horrible, as i was dying in that dream and nobody was helping me. People were ignorant and ambivalent. Then two doctors appeared, they came to me, in order to cure me, but one of them halted the other one and said:"Let her be, she has blue aura." Later on, I was explained, that blue aura is aura of born survivors. People who use telepathic communication, have blue aura too.
One detail - your blue aura is diminished over your left side - is it tha part of your body, which was injured?
11 Feb, 2012
what an interesting dream! I very rarely remember mine, just the weird/scary ones that wake me up in the middle of them, so I try to record them as soon as I can. I never seem to rememebr any happy/funny/sexy dreams, sure I must have them at least once or twice a decade ... *s*
My left side does suffer more than my right: because I'm severely visually impaired, I have tolean right down to see what I'm doing, and, as I'm right-handed, i have to lean to the left, so my left side gets very scrunched at times.
it wasn't till i enhanecd the pic in Paint Shop, to bring the colours out a bit, that I noticed I had a spike coming out of the top of my head!
I've still got the chart they gave me, saying what each colour represents; trying to get it a bit tidier, then I'll post that as well.
I have trouble telling when blue becomes mauve becomes purple or lavender, so I can only guesstimate my interpretation!
11 Feb, 2012
Exactly. I also remember only those dreams which either wake me up or are scary. That one was like that.
11 Feb, 2012
just a bit! lol I try to work out where they came from: one had all the people with blue eyss the whites as well, that must come from Dune, but years since I read that, so no idea why it waited so long to be part of a dream, and why that part? the unconscoius mind is an amazing creature ...
11 Feb, 2012
I am not catching now :)
11 Feb, 2012
not catching????
11 Feb, 2012
...good morning, I meant I did not understand term Dune, that dreams come from Dune...what is it? I am not English.
12 Feb, 2012
So sorry! Dune is a series of books by Frank Herbert - all got the word Dune in the title. They filmed one, with the pop star Sting in the lead role - didn't see it, but apparently it wasn't very good.
In the books, some characters take a drug tht makes their eyes completely blue - even the whites of their eyes are blue. That's how the bad guys were in the dream I had.
12 Feb, 2012
Fuj, that must have looked terribly. Lol. Some people really have phantasy. Fran, can you see colours?
12 Feb, 2012
Another part of that dream had Clint Eastwood in it - not as his cowboy, more his Every Which Way person. shee, what a mixture!
I can see colours, but I don't have very good definition: my left eye has better colour vsion, but that's teh one I can't use much, there's a big black blob right in the centre of the field! I can sort of tell a mauve from a blue, but sometimes I'm not sure where one ends and the other begins.
Dark colours are harder to tell apart than light ones: the only way I can tell my navy blue shirts from my black ones is by holding them both againt my black jogging trusers, and seeing which one is closest. lol the prob is to tell my black joggies from my navy blue ones!
12 Feb, 2012
Incredible. How do you read these sentences?
I know people with sight handicap have lot of technical equipments, some of them are like sci-fi for me. In our building works a blind girl who told me she had a special pen and electro-magnetic strips. If she puts coffee or whatever else to the jar, she sticks e-m strip on the jar and says "Coffee". Later, when she looks for coffee among jars, she just point the pen to jars and those e-m strips "narrates" what is in them one by one.
12 Feb, 2012
Jogging trousers? Are you jogging?
12 Feb, 2012
I can read GoY pages fairly easily, Katrina; black on white is a good colour contrast - one site I went to (but not for long!) had orange on green, you might imagine how easy that was to read! I can adapt pages slightly; it's the glaring white of most backgrounds that's the problem; I tend to back off to save my eyes from dazzle, but still need to lean close to see the wrods.
GoY is brilliant; I don't know whether htey did the pages as off-white or if I did, but there's no glare from the background, and the text is large, clear, plain and simple.
There are all sorts of gadgets for those with limited or no vision - sadly, for most of them you need unlimited money in the bank!
One can get software that will read aloud what's on a website - I had one, but it read *everything*, the links and tabs at the top and sides, not just the body of the page which was all I wanted to know - and it sounded like a drunk robot, and a drunk American robot at that! Words weren't pronounced in a way that a preson would say them, they were stressed in the wrong places, and it was easier, in the end, to just take it off and lean close.
One can also get talking software for some mobile phones, and talking kitchen equipment is coming in: the RNIB (Royal National Institute for Blind people) has talking microwaves, scales kitchen timers, and that pen thing you mentioned; you can speak a label into a tab, attach it to a jar, and then wave the reader over it and it'll speak your label. They even have talking machine for telling the colour of clothes - but of course someone has to be able to see for you to put the right label on the right colour!
But a lot of these do cost a lot - understandable in a way, as the cost of development has to be included in the price, but frustrating because we're almost a captive audience; with a lot of these items, we can hardly shop around for a better deal!
And lol, no, I don't jog, but they're so comfortable for lounging around in!
12 Feb, 2012
I see. Yes, I can imagine how expensive they are. This girl has that software too. There is a special institution, basic school and grammar school including, which is for people with sight hendicap. If they are registered there, they can get books from the library, which are narrated either by actors or common people, volunteers. Of course, by volunteers able to read smoothly, lol. She is not rich, I think she lives in a garden cottage with her husband and child, but still, I was enchanted by all those technical things she can work with.
And you know, Fran, I will tell you one of my professional medical secrets: people with some form of hendicap are always much more developed in other ways, then healthy people.
13 Feb, 2012
People can often get grants from charities towards special equipement - rather, they can often *apply* for grants! but as usual, the demand outweighs the supply and there's never enough money to go round. There are special visual impaired charities - the RNIB is the best-known one, but there are others, national and local - and local councils can often made adaptations to the home and supply small items to make life easier for a vis-imp person, or indeed, any other kind of disability a person might have.
I narrowly fail to qualify on several counts - I can see just that bit too well to get some grants. But because I hate asking for charity if I can manage without it, I don't often apply - there are people worse off than me, visually as well as financially.
The RNIB have a talking book library, which costs, but my local council pays for mine; there are talking books from local libraries and large-print books from both. the RNIB also do Braille books and magazines for people that know how to read it.
The one thing I can't seem to find are talking newspapers - at least, not for a price I'm willing to pay!
13 Feb, 2012
Good morning, Fran, does it mean that your aura is waken up?
13 Feb, 2012
lol,no, just a bit late gong to bed! it's onoy nearly 2am here - early for me, sigh. Are you one or two hours ahead of GMT? it'd be even later (or even earlier) for you
13 Feb, 2012
If you live in London, I thought I was 2 hours ahead, but had a look at watch and I saw it is 3 a.m. - so just hour difference? That is strange. By the way, how did finish that turmoil around old GMT?
13 Feb, 2012
I went to sleep earlier, as I was tired from garden - I cut all grasses and roses. Then I woke up thanks to owl hooking. Seems she liked the pine tree in our garden.
13 Feb, 2012
wpw. I'm tired now - it's 0444 and I meant to go to bed about three hours ago, but got involved with something and forgot the time. now it might be too late to go to bed because I'm supposed to be up erly tomorrow - today, that is!
what kind of owl was it, do you know? apart from a noisy one!
we went back to GMT in October, I think, and stay on it till about May, I think again. I usually find out the day before the clocks go forwrd or back! do you have that where you live?
13 Feb, 2012
Lol. Yes, we also have time shifts. I do not like them. What I meant when I asked on GMT is this:
13 Feb, 2012
thanks, just had a quick skim, will go back and read it fully later.
What a daft idea! how can one "uncouple time from the earth's rotation"??? that might be fine and dandy for scientists, but the rest of the world live IN the world, and so the earth's rotation sets our clocks and calendars - and a million years of evolution have locked us in to that cycle - or the cycle that we had before we began screwing up the world's weather patterns and climate. We don't need to be accurate to nano-seoncds or atomic pulses!
*s* i think it's a deep plot! In the old days, when they were still trying to establish longitude, there was a battle between UK and France - we won, which is why "Greenwich Mean Time" is the standard. If the French had won, we'd likely have "Paris Mean Time" - and who wants the world to run on PMT!!!!
But thanks for that very interesting link, I've saved it and will read it properly later, no doubt several times!
13 Feb, 2012
13 Feb, 2012
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11 Feb, 2012
Nice lot of blue there Fran : )
22 Jan, 2012