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baby moorhen and parent


By Suey187

baby moorhen and parent

this photo was taken in summer.the moorhens had five babies but sadly only one survived.we always make sure they have food to help them along

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A lovely pic,Suey..such an adorable chick..and mum ain't half bad either..:o) a shame the others didn't survive though...

23 Jan, 2012


so sweet

23 Jan, 2012


Do you know I have no idea what they eat. Nature though wonderful can be cruel cant it:-)

24 Jan, 2012


Thanks folks,they seem to like the bird seed that I put out.I make sure I put it in piles on the ground so that they don't knock their little beaks on the floor.I put it in piles for all the birds for the same reason.I have read bornagain that they also eat pond plant roots,insects and little fish.they come every day for the bird seed,they are very comical how they walk and run.a real hoot :-)

25 Jan, 2012


Is it a park near where you live?

26 Jan, 2012


It's in my mums garden bornagain,she got the bungalow not long before she passed away.the pond was already there as were the moorhens.they raised the one baby while she was here.the people who lived there before dug the pond with a jcb as the land was so water logged. it looks very natural but isn't at's just be left and it's now mum was worried about flooding she use to say the bungalow would float away

26 Jan, 2012


Wow, fancy having moorhens in your garden, it must be quite a size. Did it attract other water birds?:-)

27 Jan, 2012


It has a heron which comes and goes,a few ducks and the occasional group of Canada mum was chronically sick but had five lovely months there.which I am very thankful for.

27 Jan, 2012


How lovely that she found it:-)

28 Jan, 2012

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