here's one I did earlier ....
By Franl155

23 Jan, 2012
While looking for more pix that I could practice on in Dumpr, I found this - been ages since I saw it last.
It's a freehand copy of the cover of my copy of Virgin Planet, by Poul Anderson (I can't find the book to give the original artist credit). I call it "Milady".
I must have drawn it about twenty years ago, but only found it compratively recntly, and scanned it in in case I lost the original again; it had been at the back of a drawer for years - you can tell how old it is; I drew it on white paper! I've tried tweaking it in Paint Shop, but this is the original.
I don't think that I have any particular talent for drawing, but sometimes, once in a blue moon when the wind's in the right direction, I surprise myself.
sigh, if only I could draw like this more often - even twice a century!
ps I found the cover, if you want to see how close I got ( or didn't!) -
Comments on this photo
thanks, dear. it surprised me considerably to have been able to draw that - did you check out the original cover? i had to fill in bits where her hand and the man were. I must have tapped into something special that day, not been able to connect a second time.
6 Feb, 2012
I know the feeling! A dear friend who I used to be carer for was a brill artist, cartoonist and poet. He started by copying, says it was the only way to learn.
I don't draw or paint much now, only make my mosaics.
6 Feb, 2012
I want to learn to draw people, but I doubt models at life classes would appreciate being looked at through a telescope - escpecially as I want to learn to draw the *body*, not the clothing. I've been nicking drawings and photos off the internet; the idea is, I'll copy those until I learn how the body goes together, and then try to wing it. sigh, that'll be a looooong time.
I don't do much craft work; I've got stacks of stuff in the cupboards; plaster of paris, clay, wire, candle-making stuff, and lots more. just getting somewhere to work, and getting around to starting.
6 Feb, 2012
Starting is always the hardest part and I am a professional artist!!
6 Feb, 2012
yep! i've got so much stuff: mum gave me sketch pads and pencils for Crimbo for about five years running; i've got water colours, acrylic paints, chalks, pastel crayons, charcoal sets - and several sets of pencils!
Lidl did a range of artists canvases, so I bought about a dozen; then i found some more in a local pound shop, and bought about a dozen more. All still boxed in a cupboard, waiting for room to be got out.
I thought, those canvases will be cheap enough that I can practice on them, and it won't matter much if i make mistakes (same reason I bought cheap sri material to practice sewing on) but I still find myself thinking, But what if I mess them up? but that's what they're there for!
6 Feb, 2012
Cor, wish someone would give me all those things for my xmas/birthday!! Maybe I should come and burgle you!!
6 Feb, 2012
lol you'd have to get past my motion-sensor squirrel-squirter first! not to mention my Defenisive Planting!
oh, and the land mines in the plant pots ....
6 Feb, 2012
Ha Lol, I'll bring my 3 dogs, they will protect me (not!)
6 Feb, 2012
ah, I forgot to mention the Squirrel Squad ... always on the look-out for loose nuts [har har] and loose mutts, come to that ...
6 Feb, 2012
My mutts think squirrels are just the best...after pheasants and hare!
6 Feb, 2012
lol they're welcome to any they can catch round here. but then, nature abhorring a vacuum, another lot'd just move in ...
6 Feb, 2012
Hi Fran, is this large drawing yours? Well, compared to original, yours is better. Not so sugar sweet (original looks little bit like male version of King Kong and his love :)). Does it hang in some gallery? How did you make such a large painting? Or is it copy?
14 Feb, 2012
thanks, Katrina, yes, it's a freehand copy (I tend to say "freehand copy" - I dew another photograph to go with a poem I'd done; when I said it was a copy, I was asked if it had been photocopied!).
lol it's only about A5 size, half a standard sheet of paper; this effect was done in Dumpr, a free online photo effects site; you do'nt need to download or install anything, you can use it online. The frame, and the people, in the picture are part of the effect. There were several possible settings, but *s* I chose this one because it showed the biggest "portrait"!
If you look at my "Raindrops keep falling" blog, I posted several different effects you can get with photos.
The book cover, or at least that cover, does look a bit King-Kong-ish: Virgin Planet by Poul Anderson is the story of a man whose spaceship crashes on a planet that has only women - he thinks he's going to be king of the heap (as tends to happen in this sort of dodgy sf! all those poor deprived women worshipping the only man on the planet!) but the reality turns out to be something very different.
14 Feb, 2012
...still do not understand correctly what does it mean "freehand copy????
14 Feb, 2012
I mean that I drew a copy of the picture with pencil, looking at the picture, then at the paper.
It wasn't copoied by photocopier or any artificial means of producing a copy by drawing round an outline projected on to the paper.
All done with hand and eye - and the bit of brain that I don't seem to be able to get into very often!
Hope that makes sense, I'm starting to confuse myself!
14 Feb, 2012
Yes, clear now. Thank you for explanation. I will learn a lot here, lol.
14 Feb, 2012
Still, you did not answer yet - is your drawing in the gallery? :)
14 Feb, 2012
smiles, we all learn lots here! the way I look at it, we're all learneers, just some a bit further up the ladder than the rest of us *s*
14 Feb, 2012
just found this pic and noticed that I've not answered your last question, Kat, sorry about that. The picture's not really in a gallery, it's only half the size of a normal sheet of paper really. the effect is done by Dumpr, a free online photo-tweak program; there were three or four "art galleries" that I could have chosen as the frame for this pic, but liked this one bext.
24 Oct, 2012
So cheating us. Why I am not surprised?
24 Oct, 2012
well, "cheating" is a bit strong - the drawing is totally real, it's just the setting. you cuold do the same, or better, as you take better pics than I do!
24 Oct, 2012
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6 Feb, 2012