Yorkshire ?? Kilnsey Park.
By Pimpernel

2 Feb, 2012
I think this was taken near Skipton...But the mind has gone!
Comments on this photo
Wherever it is, it's lovely!
2 Feb, 2012
Lovely BF:)
2 Feb, 2012
May be it is my phantasy, but those hills have very strange shapes. It looks almost as ancient mounds...Similar shapes have bronze age mounds in Slovakia. But take my impressions with reserve...
2 Feb, 2012
Beautiful hillsides :o)
2 Feb, 2012
Now that would be a dream to live in such a beautiful place!
2 Feb, 2012
Beautiful would make a nice painting.
2 Feb, 2012
lol maybe we could all club together and buy or build a GoY village or six! then we could all live there - well, those of us townies who wanted to. The queue startes behind me ...
3 Feb, 2012
lovely and i love skipton to :o))
3 Feb, 2012
Will you take me to that village, Fran? Unfortunately I know only how to sew wounds and how to make spaghetti in 100 ways. I have to take my 3 black cats, 2 guinea pigs and 4 rabbits, too.
3 Feb, 2012
'I lost my mind in Skipton' could be a catchy song title! lovely shot,
I think we need a category for landscapes
3 Feb, 2012
no probs, Katriana - as soon as I buy it, shares will be available for investors! *s*
"I lost my heart to Skipton, Yorkshire" fits a well-known tune. prize for answers!!!!
3 Feb, 2012
No probes, Fran, it will be definite :) :) :)
4 Feb, 2012
Green and quiet:
this is the England
I dream of
4 Feb, 2012
So you do not live in Scotland?
4 Feb, 2012
nah, stuck in the grotty bit of the East End of London; lived here all my life (so far!) and can't wait to get out - but can't get out! sigh, unless my lottery numbers come up.
Maybe should have said "Britain" in the haiku - same number of syllables! Actually, I'd love to live in Wales; they've got culture and tradition and history and all that, and I'd love some of each. Of course, Scotland has all those too, but Wales has always drawn me
4 Feb, 2012
Sonnet 29 When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes
When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries
And look upon myself and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd,
Desiring this man's art and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
4 Feb, 2012
that's deep! I'll have to think on it a bit.
we were educated to believe that, as cockneys, we had no culture, tradition or heritage: also that we were too lazy to learn to speak "proper English" - cockney wasn't recognised as an authentic dialect back in the late Stone Age, it was just an excuse not to exert oneself.
4 Feb, 2012
That´s unfair :)
I think, if Steve´s goose can learn cockney, then everybody can, lol.
5 Feb, 2012
lol Katarina. I don't say it was a deliberate educational policy, but that's the definite impression we were left with.
But then, "BBC English" was what everyone was supposed to aspire too - or should I say "accentless upper-class English"? No regional accents were really acceptable in those days - Michael Caine was the first person I ever saw in a film who, to me, spoke normally!
5 Feb, 2012
Was it cockney English? :)
5 Feb, 2012
Michael Caine? well, the right accent, even if he did speak a bit posh for a real cockney!
I was watching one of his films and suddenly noticed that I wasn't really paying much attention to him - then realised it was because he was the only one on the screen who was talking in what, to me, was a normal voice! or a normal accent. All the rest were talking posh ("poncy"!) which drew my attention beacuse it wasn't something I heard on the street every day.
But even Caine was a bit posh - a *real* cockney would have said, "'Ang about, lads, I've just 'ad a great idea..."
5 Feb, 2012
I've remembered
6 Feb, 2012
thanks, Pim. Well dismembered!
6 Feb, 2012
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Wherever it is, it looks a nicely quiet place to live - quiet apart from nature noises, which no doubt, in time, would be as wearing as city noises - but that'd take about fifty years, I think.
2 Feb, 2012