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Brighton beach 27.8.02

Brighton beach 27.8.02

there'd been a storm the day before - there was an even better photo-op later, but I'd run out of film by then; we were on the pier and watched kids on a stone groyne close by - they were standing right at the front and playing "chicken" - several times waves broke right over the kid who was last to leg it.

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Never under-estimate the power of the sea!

7 Feb, 2012


nods! people often give too little respect to the sea, or rivers, which is why it turns and bites them so often.

7 Feb, 2012


I've just noticed how dirty the water looks there:- I'm sure seawater used to be at least semi-transparent when I was a paddling child.

8 Feb, 2012


*s* it's more brown than blue - one can only hope that that's due to the sandy bottom being churned up!

8 Feb, 2012


used to be seaman :) third enginear

10 Feb, 2012


Whereabouts did you travel, Blk? were you "local", or fairly local, or did you go round the world?

Maybe you can answer a question, being an engineer, or an ex - I was having a weekend at the coast, and there was a ship anchored offshore, and it semed to be on fire! lots of smoke etc, but someone said that they were "venting their engines" or something, and that it happened often.

Do they?

11 Feb, 2012


Love these roller shots, taken a lot myself.

11 Feb, 2012


I could NOT time it right to get the waves breaking as I wanted - that's what used up most of the film ... but now I can take a movie and cut it at exactly the frame I want! (but is it art???)

11 Feb, 2012


what kind of ship. Passenger, cargo, tunker?
Iused to travel in the ''west side of the world''
Mediterranean and Black see.

12 Feb, 2012


I'm not sure, it waa pretty far out, and I don't see that well, but I assumed a cargo, maybe a container ship - defintely not tanker outline, and as it did'nt have massive upper-deck structures, I assed not passenger either. I tool some pics, if I can find a couple of decent ones I'll put them up

12 Feb, 2012



13 Feb, 2012

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