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St Michael's Mount, Cornwall - 17.6.02

St Michael's Mount, Cornwall - 17.6.02

The seagull was a pure fluke!

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Lovely shot! (especially the uninvited seagull!!! lol)

7 Feb, 2012


thanks, Sheilar - I usually take the "blanket" appraoch - take enough pics and one or two's bound to come out ok

7 Feb, 2012


oh, you lucky person! we only went there once, and didn't go much about it - the third person in our group kept moaning about her bad back, she couldn't manage the steps, so we went to the gift shop, the cafe, and that was it. *s* Later on in the holiday, we said "okya, we'll meet you back here!" but this was the first day.

would love to live in Cornwall, but, sigh, dosh or lack of ...

13 Feb, 2012


Isn´t St Michael Mount also in France, Fran? I think so. Have to check google. I did not know that similar mount is in Cornwall.

14 Feb, 2012


There's a Mont St Michel, in Normandy - I thought it was Brittany, and was going to go into a Cornish-Breton connection!

here's the Wiki page:

and for the Cornish one:

14 Feb, 2012


:) :)

14 Feb, 2012


I saw so little of the Cornish one, Meadow, I could have bought a postcard! and I've not even seen a postcard of the Norman one.

(Still sounds wrong to me, having long believed it to be in Brittany; read Assignment in Brittany, by Helen McInnes, yaers ago, sure the people in it went to Mont St Michel. Of course they might have gone outside the aera named in the title!)

What's the French one like? do you have pics you could share? come to that, do you have pics of the English one you could share? I only got pics of the Armada mural on the walls of the barbour - and a couple of the harbour itself, but as it was low tide ...

15 Feb, 2012


thanks, Meadow! look forward to whatever you can do, whenever you acn do it *s*

15 Feb, 2012


St Michael´s Mount in Cornwall is a daughter monastery of the one in Normandy, that is what I found. I knew the latter and still consider it to be one of the greatest monuments which the world has.

15 Feb, 2012


there had to be a connection, two tidal islands both named after the same saint! I'll have to go and look ove r the Cornish one proerply, then take a trip to the "home".

15 Feb, 2012


OK. Looking forward to your comments :)

15 Feb, 2012


lol just point me to 'em ...

15 Feb, 2012

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