The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Polar Bears


By Gattina

Polar Bears

For my good friend Nosey Potter who wants to come back as a bear one day!

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7 Feb, 2012


Hahaha. That´s what we are now!

7 Feb, 2012


Wonderful :o)

7 Feb, 2012


That is just amazing Gattina, what other treasures do you have hidden away? :o))

7 Feb, 2012


Truly beautiful,Gattina..I love the way you have got mum keeping a look out ,for her little ones. Another one for my faves :o))

7 Feb, 2012



7 Feb, 2012


wonderfully natural - or naturally wonderful? I'm running out of suprlatives, but the feeling that provokes them is as strong as ever!

7 Feb, 2012


I am confused now, is that your work, Gattina???

7 Feb, 2012


Agree, Bloomer. so many representations of wild animals manage tomake them look like simpering twee "nature chums". But here, Mam's clearly got her eye on something and is almost daring it to come closer "do you feel lucky, punk?"!

7 Feb, 2012


you clever girl gattina, that is absolutely amazing

7 Feb, 2012


Lol,Fran,that's it exactly.."Liverpool kiss,if you come any closer " ! :o)

7 Feb, 2012


Beautiful, especially like Mum. I can't quite fathom this technique Gattina. Glad that you are thinking of painting again.

7 Feb, 2012


Thank you all for your kind comments. Yes, Katarina, it is one of mine. I'm not terribly keen on it - too saccharine-sweet for my liking, and painted to order for one of the card companies. I love the "Liverpool kiss!" idea, but I'm not sure how you see that in Mum's expression - she looks vaguely stoned to me!

8 Feb, 2012


it's the focusing on something in the near-to-middle distance - somehow that translates as a steady, watchful stare - the way her head is slightly down and her shoulders slightly hunched, as though tensing for immediate action, and the way she's poised protectively over her cubs.

Of course, it might just be that I need new specs, or to clean the ones I have!

8 Feb, 2012


such skill Gatsy, magic !!

8 Feb, 2012


So also Hermine in snow was your painting? Beautiful :)
Are you professional painter? Now I understand why you live in Italy :)

8 Feb, 2012


That is beautiful! AND recognisable! I do believe I once sent the card made from this fantastic work to Partner, who's an avid fan of bears. What a talent! Hope you keep it going? If only for your own pleasure?

8 Feb, 2012


I USED to be a professional painter, Katarina, but it didn't pay well. I haven't painted a single picture since we came to live in Italy. I'm too busy being infatuated with the natural scenery and the incredible light.

8 Feb, 2012


check out Gattina's Horses, Katrina, and be preapraed to be totally blown away. That's my very favourite of all [so far!], which takes some doing, given the quality of the "competition"!

8 Feb, 2012


Brilliant Jan . . . amazing how many colours can be seen in "white" fur! An artist's eye to be sure. :))

8 Feb, 2012


very good gattina i think its realy good . its hard to get depth in an animal thats apparrently white in snow . like the joke wear you pass someone a plane white piece of paper and say its an arctic fox in the snow or a plaNE PIECE OF BLACK PAPER AND SAY ITS A BLACK BIRD AT NIGHT LOL .actualy poler bears fur is know colour it just reflects white . its actualy like every follical is actualy a miniture tube like a straw and there skin is actualy jet black hence the black nose and pads on there feet . its the only carnivorous bear there is as all the others are omnivourse with even more greenery in there diet than humans believe it or not .bears have not got the capacity to get what we would call over weight and while there in there den like most bears they actualy recycle there wee and droppings all the time wich would kill a human within days . they lose up to half there body weight while there denning but even they will eat lichen excuse my spelling . most poler bears are left handed to . the other thing we have in common with bears is we are the only mammals to actualy walk on the flat of there feet as aposed to tip toes like dogs,horses etc . one more fact is that there lips arnt joined to there gums . they also have one of the best senses of smell for a mammal and can swim if need be comfertably a 100 miles . im full of it today lol . ill shut up b4 i put you all to sleep lol . great work gattina xxxxx .

8 Feb, 2012


So much adoration for polar bear, Noseypotter :)

Gattina, I can imagine, it is very hard to create in Italy for some people, as there is lot of art even in the countryside. Especially in Tuscany.

8 Feb, 2012


i love nature katarina i cant get enough . i have my own personal god that i look up to and he is called david attenbouragh ish lol excuse my spelling lol x .

8 Feb, 2012


I find it difficult to understand, even as a one-time physiologist, how a polar-bear (or any other carnivore, for that matter) can exist without any intake of vitamin C. I'm sure these days chemists can explain it, but I can't remember any explanation being available when I was learning. I do know that a polar bear's liver is terribly poisonous because it contains such high levels of Vitamin A.
I'm up there with you on the David Attenborough front, Nosey - complete god, and when he was younger, incredibly dishy, too. (Not bad even in old age, either - isn't it strange how intelligence, being articulate and having a real enthusiasm for one's subject can be a real turn-on?)

8 Feb, 2012


lol only if one is a bloke! at least round here ...

8 Feb, 2012


You clever girl Gat , that's a beautiful Pic. I knew Leigh would like it !
You wouldn't put anyone to sleep Leigh , we listen to what you have to say x ... :o)

8 Feb, 2012


Interesting train of thought there, Gattina! I agree - and another dishy enthusiast who comes to mind for me is Antonio Pappano!! I'm grinning just thinking about him. :)))

8 Feb, 2012


Control yourself, Sheila! I have to agree with you, though. Scrummy! Daughter always says that good looks in a man aren't all that important, the main things are :- good levels of personal hygiene, polished shoes, a sexy voice, intelligence, enthusiasms (preferably for something other than "Startrek"), a modicum of fashion sense, and a good grasp of the word "respect". I couldn't think of a better list if I tried.

8 Feb, 2012


Wow - that's a perceptive daughter you have there: I agree with her apart from the polished shoes! Hope she has found someone to fit the bill?!

8 Feb, 2012


I would add sensitive to her list and also eliminate the polished shoes :)

8 Feb, 2012


Nope! Too fussy. I think she's hanging on for perfection. Big mistake. Doesn't exist.

8 Feb, 2012


Ah, but what fun to be had while searching ;)

8 Feb, 2012


If I may interject here ladies....The imPerfect Pim

8 Feb, 2012


well before the earopeans found the eskimo and showed them sweets etc they were the healthiest natural living hunter gatherers on the plannet with the best teeth . i guess im of your daughters list apart from respect and honesty . know such thing as perfection . when you love someone you just learn to love there faults to .im not quit with you on the dishy part gattina but thow being a man im very shallow sometimes but that would wear of real quick as i dont suffer fools gladly lol . its lucky im amaZINGLY GOOD LOOKING REALY LOL not . POxy caps lock lol . i like kim bassinger myself . acts dumb but realy great sex apeal and clever realy and still looking good . amy you keep serving up that lovley soup and ill chat about nothing importent till the cows come home lol xx .ps i think its much more incredible that bears can keep all there waste within themselves for months on end .

8 Feb, 2012


Lol>Pimp.....I've heard you described as an incredibly handsome Englishman! Is it true Gattina?

You are so right about no such thing as perfection NP. Regarding the good looks, I can't tell you (or am too ashamed to) how many men I have fallen head over heels with who at 1st, I concluded were 'unattractive', by my standards of course, only to later wonder how I could have possibly thought that once I got to really know them. Humans.....??

8 Feb, 2012


love is a very strange thing that cant be explained . i like inner beauty best but you have to be atracted . i think its like music . the records you dont like at first but grow to love are the ones you keep wear the ones you adore and play to death get boring real quick .

8 Feb, 2012


Thats a very apt analogy NP. It's got me thinking now....time for a new record or a new player? ;)

8 Feb, 2012


i wish i had either thow my dogs are egsempt as i love them from start to finish . i got to get myself a player and record in the first place . just got to make sure the scratches are in the right place lol xxx .

8 Feb, 2012


You forgot one VERY important virtue in your list, Gattina - Sense of Humour!! Very important. ;o)

9 Feb, 2012


Oh gosh, yes, Nariz - incredibly important. Forgot that one.
I can confirm, Lil that Pim glows with an inner gorgeousness, and he's pretty much like George Clooney, too, if you keep your eyes half closed.......

9 Feb, 2012


me to gattina thow hes a bit more ugly lol . i got a sarcastic sense of humer but friendly thow . im more like bruce willice i think . you know rugged good looks lol x x .

9 Feb, 2012


Lol...NP...Cheeky B..... ! Ha.

9 Feb, 2012


: ) lol .

9 Feb, 2012


I don't play my very favourite pieces of music very often: I don't want to get used to them and so stop enjoying them as much as I do now, so I ration myself. Music that I just like I can play as often as I like, but those favourite pieces are very special, and I want to always feel about them the way I do now.

Nevr thought about applying that to fellas ... mind youi, chance would be a fine thing!

9 Feb, 2012


Lol Gattina, I actually have a pic of Pimp from many years ago. I'm not sure he's a George Clooney, I'll have to go and have another look at the pic and will get back to you :)

9 Feb, 2012


That pic is TOP Secret LIL...

9 Feb, 2012


I am due for an eye test shortly, Lil. Nosey - Bruce Willis should be so lucky.........

9 Feb, 2012


Pimms . . . you are quite right! I'm an IMperfectionist in many of the things I do - much more relaxing than being a perfectionist.

Btw my Mum always said I was "beautiful on the inside", bless her; I expect all Mums say that to daughters who know they're not pretty!!

9 Feb, 2012


Sheila..I know it may be hard to believe that anyone who can see in such exquisite detail to produce the picture above, can also be blind as a bat an arms lenght away! 'Tis a wierd myopic condition. I am bloody gorgeous...Lol

Actually I think everyone becomes beautiful it just happens...pretty is not meant to last. That's why plastic surgeons make silly money and people who were beautiful become odd.

9 Feb, 2012


Oh dear, have I worried you now Pimp or in fact found something to hold over your head to make you obey my commands?? I've pissed others off on here but I would never do that to you Pimp.....never.....maybe.... :) Still trying to put my finger on who it is you remind me of. Driving me craz(ier).

9 Feb, 2012


Like a Nuke Lil you only get to use it once and hope you avoid the fallout ! Lol, what was I thinking anyway handing over the weapon? Must have been during a sleep deprived period.

9 Feb, 2012


I believe you were highly intoxicated!! I only wish you hadn't have sent me a nude ;) although now I realize just how special it is!

9 Feb, 2012


sadly, Shiela, we only need reassuring that we're "pretty on the inside" because we've already been told that we're not pretty on the outside ...

9 Feb, 2012


Very true Fran, very true.

9 Feb, 2012


I was in a chatroom, getting on really well with one of them, and we agreed to swop photos: I didn't have any, so I took a quick snap with my old webcam. He contacted me the next day to say he didn't want to talk to me any more, he wouldn't want his friends to see him walking down the street with me. He admitted it was his problem, which it is, but dented my ego a bit, all the same.

9 Feb, 2012


Are you serious????? What a horrible person!!!! Glad it only dented your ego. If it were me, I would still be under the covers.

9 Feb, 2012


smiles, and to cap it, a few days later was chatting to another person, didn't swop pics this time, but swopped ages: he asked if I knew any younger "girls" I could pass him on to. Two in a week!

I don't give out pix or my age these days ... neither should matter if people really get on, sharing thoughts and feelings and hearts and minds, but it takes a while to get to the stage where I feel safe to do that nowadays

9 Feb, 2012


I think you probably had a lucky escape,Fran..he must have thought he was God's gift ! he will be chatting forever ! :o)

9 Feb, 2012


Chatting bar "Under the Big She-Bear", Bloomer, lol.

9 Feb, 2012


lol Bloomer: their loss. My attitude is, "here's me, there's the door, choose" - those thta don't stay weren't worth bothering abaout in the first place - I'm not going to pretend to be other than I am, too much like hard work and not worth the effort.

Are we straying too far off-topic, Katarina? solly!

9 Feb, 2012


Fran, you always do, but with phantasy :)

9 Feb, 2012


lol trying to work out if that's a compliment or not ...

9 Feb, 2012


Fran, I am indiscreet, did that strange guy wanted to walk down the street with the baloon in one hand and holding your hand with the other one? Or what was the problem? :)

9 Feb, 2012


Absolutely Fab:)

9 Feb, 2012


what balloon is this?

He just said that he wouldn't want his friends to see him wlaking down the street with me

I mean, like that was ever going to happen: we weren't even in the same hemisphere, let alone the same continent - he was somewhere in South America.

Maybe if I'd suggested putting a bg over my head ...

Wouldn't have minded so much (well, not true, would have hurt from anyone), but his pic was no oil-painting! oil-slick, maybe (ha, that's me being bitter ang twisted ...)

Still stings a bit, as you can tell! but it really was his problem, not mine.

9 Feb, 2012


Lol, with bag over your head you can be arrested in the U.S.A., as the member of a Ku-Klux-Klan, lol. It is safer to stay bare head, Fran.

My colleague, a cardiologist, went to the U.S.A. for the world congress. First he was knocked by policemen, because when they stopped him, he politely got out from the car for a chat, as we used to be polote to our central European policemen. Not in the U.S.A. He was flattened and kicked on the road.
Disgusted by this he returned to the hotel, took swimming suit and in a bathrobe took a lift to the reception in order to ask for swimming pool. He was immediately taken by guards, because he "resented". So he kissed the land, when he landed in Europe , lol.

9 Feb, 2012


I've never particularly wanted to go to the US, apart from the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone - to me, a city's a city, so what? And then they tightened up the entry rules, like we're trying to gatecrash an exclusive celeb party!

grins, there's the very old joke of the New York cop who fired three warning shots into a suspect (I didn't say it was funny, just old!)

Not meaning to offend any US-GoYers: I'm sure it's a great place, and we only get to hear the downsides, as they only get to hear the downside of the Uk or any other country.

9 Feb, 2012


Actually Florida was tough for me. We went for a beach and I put off my bras hangers, as usual when I was taking sunbath. I did not want to have white strips. Brother asked me to put it on, as according to him, who lived there, I could have been punished up to 500 dollars. Next day we returned to the same place, as it was very nice place and far from the town. The beach was full of condoms...sorry.

9 Feb, 2012


awk! the tide must hav turned ... or else what you do in daylight has no connection or correlation with what you do in the dark ...

9 Feb, 2012



9 Feb, 2012


You are right.

9 Feb, 2012


Dave Allen: some people say that I'm like justice. I should not only be done, i should be seen to be done ...

9 Feb, 2012


...and it seems Mr Jekyll was your client, who said to you "what you do in daylight has no connection or correlation with what you do in the dark".

9 Feb, 2012


lol yep! "now just drink som of this ..."

many years ago there was a string of "mummy, mummy" jokes, one of which fits here, sort of:

Mummy, mummy, what's a werewolf?
shut up and comb your fce!

9 Feb, 2012



I know something similar, but my English is deteriorating with approaching midnight. Fran, my warm socks are already on and pillows fluffy and inviting. Have to go to sleep, can´t help myself.:)
Good night and talk to you tommorrow:)

9 Feb, 2012


night! don't let the bedbugs bite!

9 Feb, 2012



9 Feb, 2012

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