Casigno chapel and the Val di Vergatello
By Gattina

8 Feb, 2012
Comments on this photo
That's pretty, have certainly got your share of the white stuff..
8 Feb, 2012
wow what a stunning place to live lucky you xx .
8 Feb, 2012
Beautiful scene . . . is that the view from your window?
8 Feb, 2012
what an idiot i am . ive just red its a chapel lol x .
8 Feb, 2012
This was before the latest lot of snow came - there's even more on the way on Friday, we are told.
8 Feb, 2012
Keep that home fire burning, Gattina. :))
8 Feb, 2012
We are getting through the firewood at an alarming rate, Sheila!
8 Feb, 2012
All pics fabulous views and Scenes Gat ... you must put an extra layer of thermals on to keep warm !!
8 Feb, 2012
So lovely. Snow + sun.
8 Feb, 2012
Beautiful pics all :)))))))))
8 Feb, 2012
Amy, I have so many socks and thermals on, I look even more like Michelin man than normal!
8 Feb, 2012
its not realy cold hear just got snow and more comming . i do like the look of snow when it first lands but thats it lol xx .
8 Feb, 2012
oh, lovely - but the novelty probably wore off very quickly; it's one of those vistas that are best viewed from a distance - couple of hundred miles or so!
9 Feb, 2012
Wonderfull Pic's :)
9 Feb, 2012
Lol x .
10 Feb, 2012
lol NP, there have been chapels converted to housing: an old one where I used to live is now flats. The tower would make a fine ob servatory, if one's knees could stand the stairs!
10 Feb, 2012
just get a one man lift up the middle fran lol xx .
11 Feb, 2012
lol powered by a wind turbine on the roof??
11 Feb, 2012
good thinking franl55 or powerd bye gremlins like the film of the same name wear the old woman goes flying threw the roof lol x .
13 Feb, 2012
lol just don't feed 'em after midnight! (never understood that - the afternoon is after midnight the previous day, after all...)
13 Feb, 2012
I guess you can pull all science fiction films to bits . lets face it its just tongue in cheek good fun and great for its time lol
13 Feb, 2012
nods, and that was the first "series" I'd seen where the second was better than the first; well, at least the plot was tighter. haven't seen either of them since they first came out.
13 Feb, 2012
Daughter does an alarmingly accurate impression of a Gremlin - it's scary. She can also do a brilliant one of a dentist's drill - it has me running, screaming, from the room in seconds. So, you see, she does have her fun side. I can't remember seeing the Gremlins sequel - the first was bad enough.
13 Feb, 2012
lol don't think you missed much
13 Feb, 2012
everyone has there fun side lol xxx.
13 Feb, 2012
Lovely pic Gattina :o)
13 Feb, 2012
Thank you, TT!
13 Feb, 2012
can you make a note to take a sister shot in spring, or summer, so we can see it when it's not all white? *s*
13 Feb, 2012
I'll try to remember.
14 Feb, 2012
Spooky but true gremlins was on last night x x x x
14 Feb, 2012
No! You aren't joking, are you, Leigh? Didn't see it.
14 Feb, 2012
its true strange million to one things happen to me regulerly . weekly almost . one of my most memorable ones was sitting next to my ex in the car reading a magazine . i read a line out loud and the radio station was playing a record andwe were at a part of the lyrics that mirrored the sentance i red egsactly . my ex nearly crashed lol x xx x . i hope your well and the horrible snow is going like it is here x x x x ps did you send the mistletoe gattina or have you still got a hang over lol xxxxx .
14 Feb, 2012
synchronicity is amazing - meaningful "coinicences" happen so often, but are rearely nnoticed, or are dismissed as "only coinicidence". Or, as Terry Pratchett put it, "million to one chances happen nine times out of ten"!
14 Feb, 2012
very good fran lol :) x
14 Feb, 2012
awk, just noticed that the keyboard gremlins have been at work here - they keep sneaking in and moving the keys about when I'm not looking, bence the typos!
14 Feb, 2012
No, Nosey - can't get down the mountain to the post office, I'm afraid. It's all packaged up, waiting for us to be rescued! Maybe in a couple of days' time.
14 Feb, 2012
fingers crossed xx
14 Feb, 2012
dont worry gattina i wouldnt want you to hurt yourself for a few burries ill as fran sais keep my fingers crossed x xx x .
14 Feb, 2012
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Beautiful photo
8 Feb, 2012