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plants ellas flwrs 002

plants ellas flwrs 002

seen in Garden Centre..thought it was funny.

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lol...I like.. :))

16 Feb, 2012


I'm sure I saw one of those guinea pigs moving ;o)

16 Feb, 2012


Not sure if I like it or hate it.....would definitely pick it up though.

16 Feb, 2012


thanks Tt,I cant imagine it in a garden..maybe sneak it into a rockery..

16 Feb, 2012



16 Feb, 2012


Yes, can you imagine someone coming across it unexpectedly? :)))

16 Feb, 2012


lol It gives me the creeps :D

17 Feb, 2012


I suppose the zip is closed and with the curious mind open it to find teeth there grinning at you.

17 Feb, 2012


Very clever. What's it made of?

17 Feb, 2012


Thats brilliant........I love it...............

17 Feb, 2012


Thanks for your comments folks..Chrispook, Ithink it was resin wasnt heavy ..did not even look at the price either..i will have to have another look at them when we go again..:o))

17 Feb, 2012


never seen anything like that, gives me some ideas, thank you!

I'd love to do a "surprise" garden; little items tucked here and there, only visible if you stood in the right place and looked in the right direction.

I've been trying to find realistic small animals, scaled down, to tuck in amongst the plants, where they would be if they were real, rather than sitting out in the open making the predator's life easy!

28 Feb, 2012


I saw guineapigs at the GC at Little Eaton. Must be a new fad.

29 Feb, 2012


That sounds like a good idea may find some on ebay..:o)
yes Linda,i have seen some in a few places since.. as you say new fad ..must be this years Meercats..

29 Feb, 2012


I got taken in and bought a tortoise.....onyl 'cos I had one as a child. LOL

1 Mar, 2012


I've tried "realistic weatherproof wild animals" on eBay and Google, Joanella - their idea of "realistic" is pretty elastic - including "real"!

But I did find some "grown up" fairies - most of them seem to be childish, round faces, infantile, almost; found a few that I rather like, one can buy them painted or plain, so I might have a go at some later.

1 Mar, 2012


lol Linda..I have 2 tortoise at the moment..they both came out of hibernation at the begining of this week...
Fran..that sounds like a good idea..grown up could paint glasses,beards,grey could have a laugh painting those.:o)

1 Mar, 2012


lol, these ones were women-shaped, rather than little-girly - thought I'd rather not have juveniles hanging round my garden - besides, a lot of these are nauseatingly twee - *s* I'm after as much realism as I can get, which is why I've also been trying to find gnomes in earth-plant colours; any real knome wering a bright red hat would soon get snacked up.

Some artists obviously don't know the difference beteen angels and fairies, as I've seen "fairies" with feather wings!

if i can find the link fot these fairies, I'll add it later, so you'll be able to see what I mean.

1 Mar, 2012


Thank you..would be interesting to see..

1 Mar, 2012


sorry, it's a very long link!

she has four different hair colours/poses, and lots of other stuff; some come in a choice of colour, some are plain to be painted by self

1 Mar, 2012


ohh she looks a bit laid back for a, good price though..thank you Fran..:o)

1 Mar, 2012


four different poses, but same general idea - but they're the only fairies I've found that aren't simpering

1 Mar, 2012


I bought 2 elves/ from a charity shop 50p...going to put them in a plant pot...:o)

3 Mar, 2012


oh, please let's have pics when you have, Joanella!

3 Mar, 2012


will do Fran..:o)

3 Mar, 2012


above has been reported - 2nd "invite" from them that I've found in just five minutes

12 Apr, 2015

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