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Woodland in an inverted Raindrop.

Woodland in an inverted Raindrop.

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That's a very clever ( and dare I say rare ) pic Pp .
Lovely (haven't got a better word ).

24 Feb, 2012


Lol...Severnside suggested I did this to my raindrop Driad.

24 Feb, 2012


Yes , he's quite gifted too ! It is as yet an unexplored talent for me .

24 Feb, 2012


Brilliant Pimp! Into fave's.

24 Feb, 2012


Thank you Lil ;0)

24 Feb, 2012



24 Feb, 2012


Clever stuff! Very pleasing, too.

24 Feb, 2012


Fab idea, brill pic! :o)

24 Feb, 2012


Fascinating . . . wouldn't have had a clue what this was if I hadn't seen the earlier pic. :))

24 Feb, 2012


Sheila..thank you.......Get Clicking

24 Feb, 2012


See. I have no imagination 7saw it.

24 Feb, 2012


Pimms . . . OK, today I will get radical, throw caution to the winds, and read the instructions!

25 Feb, 2012


Great Pim, it was Bampy I think that did a drop this way up, not sure. That's where I got the idea anyway...

25 Feb, 2012


Lol Sheila when you have read them let me know how i should be doing it...I should find them and read up as well.

25 Feb, 2012


I will be getting that camera out very soon . Lets see what Sheila makes of hers , Pp. There never seems enough time to bother with instructions .

25 Feb, 2012


You don't need any help, Pimms! (Btw, I haven't found them yet, been busy in the greenhouse . . . maybe tomoz.)

25 Feb, 2012

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