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Amaryllis Pure Red (2) Red with white stripes (1) 03-03-2012 003


By Balcony

Amaryllis Pure Red (2) Red with white stripes (1) 03-03-2012 003

Amaryllis 2 Pure Red & 1 Red with white stripes in our living room. It's been some time since I uploaded a photo of them.

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Looking gorgeous!

7 Mar, 2012


Glad you think so, Lulu! :-))

8 Mar, 2012


Mine have gone over now Balcony, what the best thing to do with them now ? Thank you .

11 Mar, 2012


What a stunner;0)

13 Mar, 2012


Valadel, just water your plants occasionally as you would any plant only make sure it doesn't sit in water as these bulbs have thick fleshy roots that rot easily if left standing in water. Give them a feed with an all round fertilizer till summer begins, following the instructions on the bottle, then when summer begins give feed them with a tomato/rose fertilizer, one high in Potash so as to encourage them to form flowers for next year.

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Balcony, they are sitting in the window of my garage will that be ok ?

14 Mar, 2012


That will be fine as long as you remember to water it occasionally & give it some fertilizer as I said above. They will tolerate some dryness but they are NOT Cacti! Just be careful to not leave your plant sitting in a saucer of water! They will tolerate dryness much better than being waterlogged.

15 Mar, 2012


I am a bit worried as I have just read somewhere that you only take off the flower heads, and leave the stalk to die down..... I have cut off the whole stalk !! :0((

16 Mar, 2012


No need to worry, it won't make much difference to he plant. It's the leaves that feed the bulb not the stem. The bulb just reassimilates the water content of the thick fleshly stem. It may help the bulb from shrinking after flowering as well.

Just keep it in a well lit place & fertilize it & it will repay you next year with more flowers. :-))

18 Mar, 2012


Thank you Balcony, I am now on the case ! ;0))

18 Mar, 2012

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