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general heater and container soil.

general heater and container soil.

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That'not chaos - it's work in progress!

4 Apr, 2012


just like my greenhouse at the moment !

4 Apr, 2012


All very necessary stuff !

4 Apr, 2012


looks like a palace Lori..:-)

4 Apr, 2012


Before you know it, it'll be all done. :>))

5 Apr, 2012


It's comforting to be able to post my mess and know that my friends on here will understand! Thanks everyone! It's my miniscule "Crystal Palace", Sandra!! I wonder what the heating/electric bill will be next quarter...not looking forward to that. Put some seeds in a flat today, Amy... only a case of disaster. I bought a tiny electric ceramic heater and it seems to work fine...keeping the place at about 10 to 15 degrees C. overnight. (the outdoor temps are down to minus 10, but it's gradually warming as the calendar inches down the month!)

6 Apr, 2012


-10....thats still cold at night...we dont go much below freezing..and hopefully its all gone now...with such a hopefully mild spring..hopefully your bill wot be too high..:-)

7 Apr, 2012


the temps are moderating and we are finally getting some rain, Sandra...although...last year on Apr. 20th I post pics of snow and sleet almost an inch deep on the trees and the poor birds trying to keep warm and dry amidst the cold mess! Can't turn your back on can do an about face. Must be nice to have the moderating influence of the ocean. The usage spike will only be for a few weeks (hopefully) just hope that I can realize some benefit from it. think I'll plant tomatoes in my large containers...can't eat petunias!

9 Apr, 2012

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