Turf seat showing back planted up
By Karensusan63

22 Apr, 2012
Comments on this photo
Look forward to see how it develops love the idea of ferns in the backdrop;0)
22 Apr, 2012
Looking very promising
22 Apr, 2012
Ahhh I can see what you mean, very clever, look forward to more pics soon....
22 Apr, 2012
that'll be so great to see Karen
23 Apr, 2012
Thanks very much everyone. It really does look very pretty in real life! :))
23 Apr, 2012
All that rain that we are forecast will help it all get going too Karen, hope it comes nice and gentle though, you do not need a deluge like we had on Friday evening.
23 Apr, 2012
So far so good...showers only. The ground is absolutely sodden though. It is forecast very heavy for you this week Mum. I think we might get off lightly with a bit of luck. Lovely sunshine this morning.
23 Apr, 2012
well done Karen, i do like that seat :-)
23 Apr, 2012
Thank you Slad. I am very chuffed with it myself I must admit. In a month or two it should look much better. :))
23 Apr, 2012
clever way to recycle the removed soil! should go in GoYPedia - recycling AND garden chair sections!
23 Apr, 2012
:) thanks Fran!
23 Apr, 2012
lol did you build in a hollow on one arm to hold the cup of tea or glass of wine???
23 Apr, 2012
What a good idea....could be rectified! :))
24 Apr, 2012
I think you are liable to get a wet bottom there Karen. :o)
24 Apr, 2012
Karen I`m sure it will be great when it all knits together but excuse me for being thick but I can`t see the shape of a seat.
24 Apr, 2012
No worries Stroller, it is hard to make it out in most of my photos. Glad you found it on the blog! Linda...I sat on my kneeler mat to avoid a wet patch! :))
24 Apr, 2012
maybe you could edit the photo and put a line round the seat area, Karen?
you could put a small shelter over the seat? covered arch, four sticks iwth a bit of plastic between them? (tilted to catch the rain!)
24 Apr, 2012
lol Fran! :))
25 Apr, 2012
With all the rain we are having at the moment Karen, if you are having the same, in no time it should make this lovely seat very green and settled! :)))
25 Apr, 2012
eh Karensue, Paul says it wants digging up and tatties planting in it!! lol but what does he know eh!!
25 Apr, 2012
lol.....what the turf seat or just the whole garden? lol ;))
25 Apr, 2012
LOL :o) think he meant the turf seat lol. he is mardy cos I have planted up the raised border with flowers. He never put anything in it last year and very little in it the year before so I took it over lol. he will get over his sulk eventually. I like it - you know what men are like little imagination eh!
25 Apr, 2012
lol....'he's Mardy' is he? Well you can tell him I have got serious 'Monk on' today!! (see my pm)!
25 Apr, 2012
have replied quickly while tea was cooking. cheer up!
25 Apr, 2012
Rachel cheered me up with her 'tales of the rural classroom' !! :))
25 Apr, 2012
ah lovely glad she helped.
26 Apr, 2012
:)) KarenFrance says that if anyone is having a bit of a crisis they would do well to go to Nigeria for a 'break'. I think she has a good point. 'Little troubles' need putting in to perspective.
26 Apr, 2012
Yes that is so true - always someone or somebody a lot worse of than you or I. xxxx
26 Apr, 2012
good news is some of the turf on the seat is starting to grow again, and a lot less muddy looking after the rain! Oh, but it's freezing here today and really horrible..hail, rain and wind again.
26 Apr, 2012
Will you have to cut this with the shears Karen? Very cold here, rain most of yesterday and more rain this morning. Think Cricket will be a no no this weekend. Off to bake but think I shall end up freezing it all. Problem with cricket is if the square gets dry the outfield is dangerously wet and people lose their footing so they will not be allowed to play, the umpires will inspect I am sure and call it off. Shame because we so look forward to the game. Ah well the garden will be happy. Darned rabbit ate some more of my roses this week. I am not buying any more now it is so disappointing. Think he has taken to eating the new shoots because the ground is so soddened he cannot dig out the roots of plants to eat.
27 Apr, 2012
Could you not leave him a stack of carrots to munch on? ;))
27 Apr, 2012
Have tried that one, he obviously doesn't like carrots or lettuce or cabbage leaves or anything else I have laid out to entice him away from the rose bushes. lol. trying dandelion leaves and roots today. I live in hope.
27 Apr, 2012
There's always hope!
27 Apr, 2012
Yep certainly is but I am not holding my breath, think it has got a brain this brer rabbit.
27 Apr, 2012
:) I would have thought any brainy rabbit would know that a carrot is much better for him than a bit of a rose bush! ;)
28 Apr, 2012
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You might be able to make out the 'seat' on this photo. The camera flattens everything out and it's hard to see how it works, but it will look much better in a month or so. :) The back of it is a steep slope, so I decided to plant it up with ferns and other shade lovers on the 'wildflower' theme. Hopefully they will knit the soil and keep it in place.
22 Apr, 2012