4.30pm sun on the pool area.
By Meadowland
- 24 Apr, 2012
Comments on this photo
Actually, I meant ALL of them, lol!!
I've just discovered that my car boot is full of tubes of oil paint, purchased and never even taken out!!!
But, judging by the state of things in the garden here, it'll be a while before they see the light of day...
Went back and tried again - it worked!! Thank you! (...but please don't send any real squirrels!) :))) xxx
24 Apr, 2012
looks great julia, do you have a net on your pond or does the heron not visit ;o))
ps, i have the pink rockrose to julia but not sure of name haha
24 Apr, 2012
Amazing !!!!
24 Apr, 2012
It's glowing!!
24 Apr, 2012
Ha! San! - Julia has a decoy heron there...let's hope it doesn't look like a girl heron (especially at this time of year...)! ;)
24 Apr, 2012
Looks lovely, could do with some of your sun!
24 Apr, 2012
Stunning pic :)
24 Apr, 2012
I need to plant some things which will spill over into the pond, like yours do at the back there...it looks so nice...
25 Apr, 2012
It all looks beautiful :O)
25 Apr, 2012
Yes - I do! (wonder what it's called in French...)
25 Apr, 2012
5 mins sun would be nice M, if it carries on this we will have the first ever flood in a 'drought' (so called) :o(
25 Apr, 2012
Am with you there, P and J...
and...the more time I spend indoors, the bigger the plans get for outdoors, lol! Rain, rain go away!
26 Apr, 2012
Amen to that! lol!
26 Apr, 2012
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Really wonderful colour and light, J (inspiration there for a painting, perhaps??)...
Now...what do you have planted there at the back, spilling into the water? I'm afraid I may have to copy you, unashamedly!!! xx
24 Apr, 2012