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A Little supprise yesterday


By Crissue

A Little supprise yesterday

We have a Button Quail, he lives with out Canary Mop top...Imagine our supprise yesterday, after a lot scurrying and squeaking, we found this tiny little egg...We've had the Quail two years, and this is the first time an egg has appeared...ha ha have to laugh...oh safe to say he is now a she lol...

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Will you eat it Crissue? Or is it going back in the nest? I know quail's eggs are something of a delicacy......

29 Apr, 2012


quails eggs are really pretty i think, i like the picture ~ i thought it was a zen picture of pebbles!!

29 Apr, 2012



30 Apr, 2012


Thanks, Quail eggs are lovely, I broke it into a dish this morning for Sweetie, for her breakfast, and it is so wee, and perfect, even though it took two years lol....
If she laid regularly Karen, I would probably use them in Salads, but the odd one or two, I give to either Snoball or Sweetie, who both love raw egg...beaten in a tiny drop of milk...

30 Apr, 2012


I ate a quails egg when we travelled on a plane years ago to Japan. We were flying over the dessert at the time and Gerry kidded me it was a sheeps eyeball. I wondered for a minute whether to eat it or not when he started to laugh .....LOL

4 May, 2012


Did you enjoy

4 May, 2012


I did Crissue. I like pickled eggs....don't know if anyone else does, but they are lovely with salad or chips.

4 May, 2012


Morning Lin,
Never tasted Pickled Eggs, tho I love eggs...
Having our own Chickens, we get a good supply, of good fresh eggs..

5 May, 2012


I used to keep chickens but no space here. The eggs are beauutiful in taste and texture to eat. I get most of mine from the local church who sells them from a local farm. Today I got six and one of them looked like a sattelite. The eggshell went round and round in lumps. It made me smile as when we had our hens we would sometimes get one like it. Not uniform at all.

5 May, 2012


I've never had lumpy ones, but odd shapes certainly...Before I could keep chooks, I used to get them from an old gent, he just had a few layers, but would always keep me six, if he had them, I couldn't bear shop bought, just not the same...

6 May, 2012

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