Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo
By Karenfrance

7 May, 2012
Comments on this photo
It does eh? But on the other hand, a diabolo is a soft drink
It gets flowers soon...but I don't know what, maybe...?
7 May, 2012
oh! oh! oh! you just reminded me of a funny story...OH..last time we were in France...language not his strong point...sending me all over the place asking for Gibolot Fraise for him as he used to drink it as a child on french hoidays!!! Sooooooo embarrassed when EVENTUALLY some kind waiter informed me that I meant funny!!! Brilliant plant btw, you will love it, as I do!
7 May, 2012
Gibolot Fraise...I bet you got some funny looks! lol!!
Sounds a bit like fresh game-meat! :)))
Do you know what colour the flowers are likely to be, Karen?
7 May, 2012
Yes, a lovely creamy colour Karen, if I remember rightly...they are beautiful!
There you are!
I never did look up to see if there is a translation for the 'French' word 'Gibolot' :))))))
7 May, 2012
There is another funny one...this proves where my OH gets his 'talents' from. My FIL Ron, on holiday with the family...two kids doing O level french in the back of the car but no...Ron, needing directions, pulls over, winds down the window and very politely says to the passer-by "Scuzi Scwaz monsewer"....two kids in back of car hysterical!!!!
7 May, 2012
Gigolo is close!!! ;)
LOL! You've just reminded me that my friend's mother asks for her steaks to be 'Bee 'an' Qeued'!!
7 May, 2012
lol....almost B&!
7 May, 2012
I was looking at this Karen Dmeans the devil Diabolo
7 May, 2012
Yes Paul, that's right! :) It was Gibolo I was wondering about! ;)
7 May, 2012
the diabolo wine is the best wine in the world!
7 May, 2012
Is it? I've never heard of it. Is it even better than a bottle of lovely red Rhone Paul?
7 May, 2012
casillero diablo wine from chile Karen - it is very recommended - I usually go for South American or Australlian - never tried Rhone red yet
7 May, 2012
Ah, now you see, that's where we differ Paul. I don't buy wine with big airmiles! :)) Vive la France!
7 May, 2012
Oh me too, Karen...couldn't get any French wine in Nigeria which didn't cost the earth...and it wasn't worth it - it doesn't travel well, especially in hot countries.
I like a nice Côte du Rhone, or a Bourgogne...but St. Emilion is my favourite...
7 May, 2012
Don't drink it at all now - it gives me Kidney stones red wine :(
8 May, 2012
Oh no! That's awful, Paul! :((((
8 May, 2012
that and pure orange juice Karen - thankfully and not tempting the ole fate not had any for 2 years - lemon juice and water - magic ;))))
8 May, 2012
That's not all you drink, though, is it??? :/
8 May, 2012
and tea :)))) and lots of milk :))))))))))
8 May, 2012
Oh thank goodness - better used as a cleaning product in large quantities! lol! :))))))))))
8 May, 2012
heehee ;))))))) could try toilet cleaner that may dissolve the stones too :D
8 May, 2012
Lol! and everything else - no don't do that!!! :D
8 May, 2012
Think I'll give it a miss lol
8 May, 2012
Oh blimey! Kidney stones.....pass me the lemon juice! ;))
8 May, 2012
Lol! Perhaps you should drink your rouge with ice and a slice, Karen...for medicinal purposes! ;)
8 May, 2012
Oh no! I don't think that would work K! I'm really lucky, never had many health problems at all. In fact I've been so healthy all my life that I'm now really scared of the idea of being ill....and the thought of a General Anaesthetic frightens me! Hopefully I shall continue with good health for a long time to come!
8 May, 2012
I'll drink to that Karen! (She said raising a glass of Bordeaux) I hope so too! :)
Btw...giboulées (sounds very similar to gibolots when you say it) are hailstones!!
8 May, 2012
Nice!! Strawberry hailstones!! Brilliant! :)))))
8 May, 2012
:D x
8 May, 2012
It was nice being doped on Morphine with the stones though ;)))
8 May, 2012 it wasn't really...well, not the bit before it kicked in! ;)
8 May, 2012
;))))))) with those lady nurses too ;))
8 May, 2012
...was that for the kidney-stones, or hail-stones, Paul??
...sorry...couldn't resist that........;)
8 May, 2012
8 May, 2012
any excuse for me lol
8 May, 2012
Morphine for stones is amazing! Only happeend to me once..but wow! ;)
9 May, 2012
yes Pixi very nice !!
9 May, 2012
I had it too...when I broke my ankle...I don't remember anything!!! :)
9 May, 2012
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This photo is of "Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo" in Karenfrance's garden
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SOunds a tad evil! :))
7 May, 2012