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Euphorbia characias ' Wulfenii ' for Dawn


By Amy

Euphorbia  characias '   Wulfenii  '    for Dawn

Not a very good photo Dawn but you can see how your 'baby' has grown, it's doing really well and looks great !

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Thanks for showing me Amy, you've done a good job of growing it :))

8 May, 2012


It was your good plant that did it Dawn :o))

8 May, 2012


Bless you Amy x

8 May, 2012


My that has got it's feet down....

9 May, 2012


Amy, does this plant like sunny and dry places? I found it by accident in my garden, in a grass, still let it be, I thought, it is a weed with decorative leaves ):)))), but now I see it is a cultivated plant? Wow! How did it get to my garden?

12 May, 2012


Lucky you Kat , I expect the birds left you a little present from seeds they had been eating :o) I feel sure your plant will be fine where it is Kat ,Our garden is normally very dry they thrive in our garden, we still have a hose pipe in our area even though we have had heavy rain showers ,our water table is very low the farmers are desperate there will be a Veg & potato shortage this year ...

12 May, 2012

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This photo is of "Euphorbia characias ' Wulfenii ' " in Amy's garden

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