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By Gattina

Iceberg (Rosa)

Comments on this photo



15 May, 2012


One of my favourites, and so reliable, too.

15 May, 2012


beauty isn't it.?

15 May, 2012


Actually, I've cheated - this is a picture from last year. I'm cataloguing all the roses I've got in the garden, and this one is still at the bud stage. She's pretty much perfect.

15 May, 2012


I know I liked the picture last year...still do

15 May, 2012


I only put it on as an adjunct to the "garden" entry, but the system has put it into my "pictures" too, so it's in there twice. I expect some of the others will be duplicates, too.

15 May, 2012


That's the trouble with the adding plants section if you don't do it straight away,

15 May, 2012


I'm a bit behind, as always, Pims!

15 May, 2012


Gatti ...You need to go to the Golden showers pic,

15 May, 2012


Why, Pim?

15 May, 2012


you mis catalogued it G

15 May, 2012


I dont add my plants lol..jsut pics and \i supposed to?

15 May, 2012


This is the problem, Pixi - I've been adding pictures to my "plant" entries, and they automatically get added to my "photograph gallery". Pim - the reason I asked why I needed to go to my "Golden showers" entry, was that I was convinced I hadn't got round to doing it - I searched and couldn't find it at first, thought "Darn it - old age playing tricks again." Then, after your second comment I tried again, and there it was. Thanks for the warning!

15 May, 2012


I stopped trying to add plants it drove me mad..This is one of my favourite pics on GoY though..The light is just very happy to see it.

15 May, 2012


This is climbing rose, I have Iceberg too, it made pretty hedge in 3 years. It is very pure rose, isn´t it?

16 May, 2012


"Too kind, guys, too kind!" (Just quoting "Bugsy Malone" there) It is an incredibly pure colour, K, and most of the blooms we get are unblemished.
This is actually growing on the north-facing wall of our black-painted summerhouse, Pim, so it only gets bright sunlight for a couple of hours a day from around dawn at this time of year. I must have been up early at some stage!

16 May, 2012

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This photo is of species Rosa.

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This photo is of "Iceberg Rose" in Gattina's garden

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