The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Roses in May 2012


By Nariz

Roses in May 2012

A colourful corner of the garden - all the more special after all that rain we had!

Comments on this photo


looks superb !!

30 May, 2012


Very pretty Nariz:)

30 May, 2012


Looks lovely. Must smell very nice as well :)

30 May, 2012


Goodness you've been working hard! Beautiful!

30 May, 2012


Looking lovely! and that wall...goodness, I'm envious!

3 Jun, 2012


How pretty :))))

6 Jun, 2012


Thanks guys! :o)

7 Jun, 2012


beautiful bit of spring garden Nariz, what is the rose?
and yess, 'that wall'.... it makes a gorgeous backdrop for your plants.

13 Jun, 2012


Which rose Resi? There are 7 in the photo, although I know not all of them can be seen properly.

13 Jun, 2012


sorry Nariz, i meant the pale pink one on the right, didnt have my glasses on there!

13 Jun, 2012


OK Resi - that one's 'Ferdinand Pichard.' GCs here do at least label their roses, if nothing else!

14 Jun, 2012


oh thats the stripy one with the lvly scent, i had a Ferdinand cutting once which i managed to kill off, i am usually pretty lucky with roses but not that one.
it should make a magnificent big bush.
my roses are all old french ones and almost all of them have balled badly this year, too much rain just when they were about to open, i think the modern roses dont suffer so much from this. however all of them are repeat bloomers, so they still have a good chance this summer.

14 Jun, 2012


Yes, a few of mine balled, but I've pruned off all the dead flowerheads now and it will spring to life again in a few weeks. I'm also experimenting with cuttings - we shall see! ;o)

15 Jun, 2012


Hi, Nariz, You up and about? Lovely day here. What sort of cuttings are you doing? Just roses? How are you doing them? I imagined (but what do I know?) that it might be too warm and dry to do them now. "Dimmi tutto!"

15 Jun, 2012


No, Gattina, you're right! Far too early in the year - all goes back to Karen's blog about how we do things at the wrong time just because ....! I was dead-heading and pruning away merrily when the thought popped into my head that I'd read about taking rose cuttings from stems and thought - "I'll do that right now!" So I simply dropped secateurs and gloves where they were, found three decent-looking stems from my prunings with no leaves, stuck them round the sides of a pot and tucked them in a corner. If anything comes of them I shall be mightily surprised! Watch out next year for a possible blog! ;o)

16 Jun, 2012


Gosh, you are SO like me - impetuous and a bit dippy!

16 Jun, 2012


Nah! I'm not like you - I'm COMPLETELY dippy! Like the new avatar BTW - Ho hum! Those were the days when I could look half decent like Jessica Rabbit!

17 Jun, 2012


In reality, even 5% would be pushing it with me, I'm afraid.

17 Jun, 2012


me too now!

18 Jun, 2012

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