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Tecoma stans - Yellow Elder

Tecoma stans - Yellow Elder (Tecoma stans - Yellow Elder)

This is a very common shrub or tree here in San Diego. Photo taken at the Marston House by Balboa Park on May 28, 2012.

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Tecoma is a beautiful shrub - I'd love one if I had the climate.

16 Jun, 2012



It most likely would be root-hardy where you live. It does need very hot weather to bloom well (the only drawback where you live, I'm guessing).

16 Jun, 2012


Very much the biggest problem. I can provide sheltered spots to get stuff through the winter easily enough.

16 Jun, 2012


I'm guessing you would get some flowers during summer, though (this tree is related to Jacaranda, African Tulip tree, Catalpa, [Bignoniaceae family]).

16 Jun, 2012

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