For Pimpernel . . . Bonsai Ash tree
By Sheilabub

22 Jun, 2012
One day I'll learn how to "crop"! This little tree was a seedling just like your rescued one: now 4 years old.
Comments on this photo
That's a nice little tree Sheila , I was told not to let the roots curl round the bottom of the pot and to trim the biggest leaves off by mid summer ... you might have been told differently , not everybody does the same do they ?
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks Amy. I trim the roots in the Spring, and cut off the biggest leaves whenever the mood takes me :)
22 Jun, 2012
LOL Sounds about right Sheila :o)
22 Jun, 2012
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks Mel . . . they are fun. Have you ever tried miniaturising a tree?!
22 Jun, 2012
No, I haven't - I bought one for OH once but didn't manage to keep it alive so perhaps it's not meant to be! They are fascinating, though. Our local flower show always has a very impressive display of them.
22 Jun, 2012
Unfortunately many of the ones for sale are sold as "indoor", and if kept indoors they are tricky to keep alive. Mine like to be out in the rain!
22 Jun, 2012
That's probably very true, Sheila. I had a huge ficus (sadly now deceased) which went out from May to September and it really thrived on that!
22 Jun, 2012
Here it is, Thank you Sheila. I just hope I can get it to that stage, my first year with them. If I can get them through one winter and get buds in spring then I see no reason why they wont go through to the next spring. :)
The little holly forest is thriving, the acer looks brilliant I still can't believe that it is living in a pot that small ! Then there is a ficus that I was given all doing well. So the collection is getting bigger. :))
22 Jun, 2012
Glad to hear your collection is growing and doing well Pimm's. I wouldn't worry too much - mine seem to thrive on neglect - but it's just a bit of fun, n'est ce pas?
23 Jun, 2012
Think I might have a go at this!!
I get lots of self seeders about the garden so I could try something!
I might be looking for some tips if I get one going!!
29 Jun, 2012
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I know I should have placed this in a better position for the photo, but the pot is too heavy! Sorry guys :((
22 Jun, 2012