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Ceropegia sandersonii


By Meanie

Ceropegia sandersonii (Ceropegia sandersonii)

This is another house plant to have sulked since the house move, but finally it's in bloom.

Comments on this photo


how amazing!! its like a very beautiful parasol, never seen anything like it.

24 Jun, 2012


Rather nice though..I used to work for Sandersons Home furnishings....I could see that being one of their lamp-shades!

24 Jun, 2012


nice idea pimms!!

24 Jun, 2012


It's another of those plant's Meanie has that make you think..."I need one of those"

24 Jun, 2012


yes, he is a master of temptation!!!

24 Jun, 2012


Common name is the African Parachute Plant, but Parasol or Lampshade Plant would be good too!

24 Jun, 2012


dont suppose it folds down at night/when the sun goes down?

24 Jun, 2012


Nowt as exciting as that Sticki!

24 Jun, 2012


Oh well nice thought! It is a stunning plant. How big is it?

24 Jun, 2012


you do have some amazingly weird plants like like! :-)

24 Jun, 2012


wow!!! very amazing flower {-)

25 Jun, 2012


Could be a design for an 'Ascot hat'!

25 Jun, 2012


Sticki - the flowers are about 35mm across. It's a vine so as big as you want plant wise, but for me it just twines around a 25cm support frame.

Thanks Leigh and Junna!

Do I get a percentage Lulu!

25 Jun, 2012


its fascinating, lovely thing to look at

25 Jun, 2012


that's a beauty Meanie, love it...

25 Jun, 2012


LoL Meanie, don't think I am the hat making type, although I could learn off my sister in law, who was, a fantastic hat maker!

25 Jun, 2012


Thanks SL!

A glass mosaic Ceropegia hat?????

25 Jun, 2012!

25 Jun, 2012


Where's your sense of adventure!

25 Jun, 2012


be good if you could do this in blown glass

25 Jun, 2012


T'would be a work of art!

25 Jun, 2012


indeed! i would love to try that!

25 Jun, 2012


Ooh it is related to that one on your blog int it meanie? the name rings a bell ?? :-)

25 Jun, 2012


It's a large genus Leigh.
This is the other one that I grow..................

25 Jun, 2012


Thats cool, is it like a curtain? where do you grow all these lol i picture your house as this mad rainforest place with tropical bird noises and these colourful plants everywhere-or do you just have a greenhouse lol :-)) either way pretty cool!

25 Jun, 2012


My last house was good as it had a conservatory, but not here. Some are struggling and may have to go..............

26 Jun, 2012


I've seen blown glass in this pattern....11 years apprencticment!

26 Jun, 2012


too difficult for me but i love it

26 Jun, 2012


Could you just build a new conservatory instead lol :-)

26 Jun, 2012


Can't - it's a listed building.

26 Jun, 2012


ah thats a shame :(

26 Jun, 2012



It's looking very good, now. :>)

28 Jun, 2012


Strange how some adapt better than others!

28 Jun, 2012


Glad you like it! I was about to give up on it...............

28 Jun, 2012


Another stunner Meanie...... as if a pretty lass has dropped a satin kerchief.

1 Jul, 2012


Thank you Camillia!

1 Jul, 2012

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This photo is of "African Parachute Plant" in Meanie's garden

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