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Top Patio Tubs

Top Patio Tubs

Joy's latest tubs on the top patio

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Very pretty, really like the herb pot there.......

24 Jun, 2012


They all look green and healthy

24 Jun, 2012


Joy planted up the 'Herb Pot' with Alpines, which has worked well.

24 Jun, 2012


I've got one of those tubs (it's the one on my avatar) and I'm busy digging it out. I had violas and primulas in it but the violas have gone now and I'm going to put the remaining primulas into the garden. I seem to have trouble getting the pot watered. The top bit's OK but it's the side bits that are the problem. So I think I might pinch your idea and put alpines in those pockets as I think they need less water. Another ideas was possibly geraniums (or plastic plants - lol)

24 Jun, 2012


Looks lovely.

24 Jun, 2012

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