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Hortensia Pinky-Winky.

Hortensia Pinky-Winky.

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I have seen some great Pinky-winky hydrangeas. Flowers always look so large and colorful. The best part is I almost never see them flopped over. I only wanted to get one white-pink variety and chose Vanilla-fraise but I think this one usually looks nicer!

7 Jul, 2012


This one is white for several weeks, Robert and it turns pinky as it grows older at the end of summer. So you have both colours in the garden. This is really very hardy and beautiful one.

7 Jul, 2012


That is what Vanilla-fraise does too but it has smaller flowers that flop over more. They are tough hydrangeas, just as tough as crabapples.

8 Jul, 2012

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